Conferences supported by the Center for Intercultural Studies until 2019.
Applicants/Organizers |
Literature |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annika Schlitte (Cultural Philosophy) |
Workshop: "Ohne gemeinsames Maß? Inkommensurabilität in Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften" October 10/11, 2019 |
Dr. Julija Boguna, Dr. Aleksey Tashinskiy, Prof. Dr. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies) |
Conference: "GIG 2019. Übersetzen - Vermitteln - Repräsentieren" September 25-28, 2019 |
Linda Harjus M.Ed., Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies (Spanish, Portuguese)) |
Conference: "VII. Romanistisch-Linguistisches Netzwerktreffen" July 11/12, 2019 |
Dr. Roman Mauer, Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies) Dipl.-Geogr. Elisabeth Sommerlad, Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography) |
Conference: "Venice in Medial Imaginations" July 4-5, 2019 |
Prof. Dr. Frank Zipfel (Comparative Literature) |
Conference: "Die Lyrik der Welt - die Welt der Lyrik. Lyrik und Lyrikforschung aus komparatistischer Perspektive" July 4/5, 2019 |
Jun.-Prof. Sarah Scholl-Schneider (Cultural Anthropology) |
Workshop: "Interkulturalität als Erfahrung und Auftrag" June 22, 2019 |
Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History) |
Conference: "Impact of Empire: Roman Landscapes" June 12-15, 2019 |
Prof. Dr. Alison E. Martin (British Studies, FTSK Germersheim) |
Workshop: "Translation and transnational periodical cultures" June 5, 2019 |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kruip (Theology - Ethik Forum, JGU) |
Workshop: "Wissenschaftliches Ethos zwischen Systemzwängen und gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung" May 3, 2019 |
Dr. Florian Freitag (American Studies), Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies (Spanish, Portuguese)) |
Lecture Series: "Transdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Perspektiven auf Tourismus: Reisen in die/der Geschichte" Summer Semester 2019 |
Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm (Ethnology) |
International Symposium: "Bureaucracies: Blueprints in Practice" February 15, 2019 |
Linda Harjus M.A., Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural studies (Spanish, Portuguese)) |
Conference: "XV. LIMES Tagung" January 25/26, 2019 |
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa, Dr. Guido Kirsten, Laura Katharina Mücke M.A. (Film Studies) |
Conference: "Nähe suchen, Distanz wahren: Konfigurationen des filmischen Raums" January 17-19, 2019 |
Prof. Dr. Renate Makarska (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural studies (Polish)) |
Lecture Series "Literatur und Medienübersetzung. Themen der Forschung, Arbeitsbereiche der Übersetzer“ Winter Semester 2018/19 |
DFDK / Prof. Dr. Winfried Eckel (Comparative Literature) FIFF / Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History) |
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series: "Grenzgänger. Figuren des deutschfranzösischen Kulturtransfers" Winter Semester 2018/19 |
PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (Comparative Literature) |
Conference: "Die 1968er Jahre - Komparatistisch; Rebellion - Provokation - Pop" November 29/30, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Barbara Thums (Intercultural German Studies) |
Workshop: "Fluchten aus dem Alltag. Räume der Sehnsucht zwischen Idylle und Tourismus" November 9/10, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Axel R. Schäfer (Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies / American Studies) |
International Conference: "Global Faith and Worldly Power: Evangelical Encounters with American Empire" October 11-14, 2018 Professor Anthea Butler: "Prosperity, Sex, and Politics: Evangelicals Changing Mission to the World" Professor Melani McAlister: "Apartheid's Lessons: Transnational Networks and US Evangelical Politics in the Cold War" |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies / American Studies) |
Conference: "Transatlantic Conversations: New and Emerging Approaches to Early American Studies" October 4-6, 2018 |
Dr. Christoph Günther (Ethnology) |
International Conference: "Jihadi Audiovisualities: Meanings, Aesthetics, Appropriations“ October 4/5, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies French and Italian) |
International Symposium: "Rechtssprache und Rechtsübersetzung in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ September 20/21, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Institute for Ethnology und African Studies) |
International Conference: "Different Shades of White: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Albinotic Body" September 6-8, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography) Prof. Dr. Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich (Victoria University, Wellington) |
Workshop: "Exploring Migrant Narratives" July 26-28, 2018 |
Dr. Anja Oed (Ethnology) |
Lecture Series and Exhibition: „Sichtwechsel: Comic-Helden in und aus Afrika“ June 12 to July 23, "Schule des Sehens" Rupert Bazambanza (Ruanda): „Comics über den Genozid an den Tutsi als Erinnerungsarbeit.“, Lecture in french with german translation, July 5, 2018, 18-20h, P 2 (Philosophicum) Ib Zongo (Elfenbeinküste/Ghana): „Comics als Bildungsmedium in Afrika.“, Lecture in german, July 23, 2018, 18-20h, P 2 (Philosophicum) or Schule des Sehens |
Prof. Dr. Markus Verne (Ethnology) |
Triple-Lecture with Prof. Timothy Taylor: "Valuing Music" June 27-30, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Carla Schelle (Educational Studies) |
International Conference: "Innovation und Transformation in Schule, Unterricht und Lehrerbildung im frankophonen Nord- und Westafrika, Frankreich und Deutschland“ June 28-30, 2018 |
Aleksey Tashinskiy, M.A., Dr. Julija Boguna, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies) |
Sixth Germersheimer Symposium Translation and Liteature "Grenzüberschreibungen. Übersetzer und Übersetzen in der SBZ und der DDR (1945-1990)" June 15-17, 2018 |
ALEKSEY TASHINSKIY, JULIJA BOGUNA und ANDREAS F. KELLETAT (Eds.) (2020): Übersetzer und Übersetzen in der DDR Translationshistorische Studien Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer, Volume 50 |
Dr. Florian Freitag (American Studies), Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies (Spanish, Portuguese)) |
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series "Transdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Perspektiven auf Tourismus“ Summer Semester 2018 |
Dr. Timothy Attanucci, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Breuer (Intercultural German Studies) |
Conference "Leistungsbeschreibung, literarische Strategien bei Hans Blumenberg" June 14-16, 2018 |
ULRICH BREUER und TIMOTHY ATTANUCCI (Hrsg.): Leistungsbeschreibung, literarische Strategien bei Hans Blumenberg. will be published in 2020, in: Intercultural Studies, Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg |
Dr. Michael Hölscher (Catholic Theology) |
Conference "Verflucht und zugenäht. Antike Fluchtafeln und das Neue Testament“ April 5-7, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm (Ethnology) |
International Conference "Care in Crisis. Ethnographic Perspectives on Humanitarianism" February 22-24, 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies) Dr. Roman Mauer (Film Studies) Dipl.-Geogr. Elisabeth Sommerlad (Cultural Geography) |
International Symposium "New Orleans in Medial Imaginations" Februay 1-3, 2018 |
Dr. Marcus Held Prof. Dr. Michael Roth (Systematic Theology and Social Ethics) |
Workshop "Der moderne Mensch im Spiegel des Anderen – Ein Blick auf Empathie und Fundamentalismus als Kulturtechniken der Moderne" December 1/2, 2017 |
The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS |
Workshop "Augmented Identities" ZIRS/ZIS (Interuniversity collaboration) November 2/3, 2017 |
Dr. Nele Sawallisch, Johanna Seibert M.A. Dr. Pia Wiegmink, Dr. Frank Obenland (American Studies) |
Conference "From Abolition to Black Lives Matter: Past and Present Forms of Transnational Black Resistance" October 26-28, 2017 |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies) |
Conference "The American Short Story: New Horizons" October 4-7, 2017 |
thematically associated: SCHEIDING, OLIVER und ERIK REDLING (Hrsg.) (2020): The Handbook of the American Short Story. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (Handbooks of English and American Studies). |
Dr. Tobias Boos (Cultural Geography) Dr. Bozena Gierek (Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations, Jagiellonian University, Kraków) |
Conference "Feast as a Mirror of Social and Cultural Changes" in Kraków, Poland September 28-30, 2017 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography) Prof. Dr. Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich (Victoria University, Wellington) |
Conference "Migrant Narratives – Moving Stories" July 17-19, 2017 |
Dr. Marcus Held Prof. Dr. Michael Roth (Systematic Theology and Social Ethics) |
Workshop "Fundamentalismus – ein nervöser und medialer Kommentar der Moderne zu sich selbst?" July 6/7, 2017 |
The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS |
Symposium with Movie Screening „Crossroads from Norman/Oklahoma to Mainz“ Movie Screening: June 29, 2017 Lectures and Discussion: June 30, 2017 |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat Dr. Iris Becker Aleksey Tashinskiy, M.A. (Intercultural German Studies) |
Fifth Germersheimer Symposium "Übersetzen und Literatur (UeLit V) 'Wie ist das übersetzt?' - Analyse und Beschreibung des translatorischen Œuvre" Program, June 16-18, 2017 |
ALEKSEY TASHINSKIY and JULIJA BOGUNA (Eds.) (2019): Das WIE des Übersetzens. Beiträge zur historischen Übersetzerforschung. Berlin: Frank & Timme (TransÜD, Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens; Bd.100). |
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Breuer Dr. Timothy Attanucci (Intercultural German Studies) |
Conference "Leistungsbeschreibung, literarische Strategien bei Hans Blumenberg" June 14-16, 2018 |
FIFF / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History) |
Interdisciplinary exhibition "INTER.VIEW - Perspektiven auf aktuelle Fotografie im Senegal und in Mali" May / July 2017 |
Prof. Dr. Renata Makarska (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural studies (Polish) – FTSK Germersheim) | "Mordor kommt und frisst uns auf oder Krisen der heutigen Welt" Author's meeting with Olga Tokarczuk, Ziemowit Szczerek and Alexander IlitschewskiProgramApril / May / November 2017 |
FIFF / Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History) |
Interdisciplinary exhibition "›Die Fotografie vom ethnologischen Blick befreien‹ Werke und Interviews von zeitgenössischen FotografInnen in Bamako und Dakar. Globale Perspektiven aus Ethnologie und Kunstwissenschaft" Summer Semester 2017 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography) Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa AR Dr. Roman Mauer (Film Studies) Dipl.-Geogr. Elisabeth Sommerlad (Cultural Geography) |
Symposium "Jerusalem in Medial Imaginations" February 2-4, 2017 |
FIFF / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History) | Interdisciplinary exhibition "Relation spéciale! 70 Jahre deutsch-französische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz" Program Flyer, November 9 - December 21, 2016 |
Theresa Heyer, M.A. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies) Dr. Julija Boguna Aleksey Tashinskiy, M.A. (Russian) |
Fifth Germersheimer Symposium "Übersetzen und Literatur (UeLit V) 'Wie ist das übersetzt?' - Analyse und Beschreibung des translatorischen Œuvre" Registration / Call for Papers, June 16-18, 2017 |
Transnational American Studies Institute Center for Material Culture Studies - University of Delaware |
Symposium “The Refuge of Objects/Objects of Refuge” Program, December 14-18, 2016 |
Prof. Dr. Johannes Pahlitzsch (Byzantine studies) | Workshop "Sacred Time in Judaism, Islam and Christianity the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East” ProgramJuly 2016 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology) | Workshop "Die audiovisuelle Kommunikation des Dschihadismus. Radikalislamische Bewegungen im Vergleich“ "Propaganda im Internet - Formen u. Herausforderungen radikal-islamistischer Werbung" "Dschih@d online - Radikal islamistische Propaganda im Internet"June 24/25, 2016 |
Dr. Natalia Blum-Barth Dr. Martina Kopf Prof. Dr. Frank Zipfel (Comparative Literature) |
Conference "Fremde Ähnlichkeiten. Die 'große Wanderung' als Herausforderung der Komparatistik" June 23/24, 2016 |
ZIPFEL FRANK (Ed.) (2017): Fremde Ähnlichkeiten. Die "Große Wanderung" als Herausforderung der Komparatistik. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler (Schriften zur Weltliteratur 4). |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography) |
Media Geography-Conference "Media´s Mapping Impulse" June 17/18, 2016 |
Chris Lukinbeal, Laura Sharp, Elisabeth Sommerlad and Anton Escher (Eds.) (2019): Media’s Mapping Impulse Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart (Media Geography at Mainz 6) |
Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History) |
June 9-11, 2016 |
HORSTER, MARIETTA, DORIS NICOLAOU and SABINE ROGGE (Eds.) (2018): Church Building in Cyprus (Fourth to Seventh Centuries). A Mirror of Intercultural Contacts in the Eastern Mediterranean. Münster: Waxmann (Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien 12) |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat Dr. phil. Julija Boguna Theresa Heyer, M.A. (Intercultural German Studies) |
May 26-28, 2016 |
Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki / AO Dr. Marcel Vejmelka (Romance Studies) | Conference "Das Spiel zwischen den Räumen – Lokale bis transnationale Dimensionen des europäischen Fußballs" ProgramMay 20, 2016 |
The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS | "Transnational American Studies" Symposium ad honorem Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung honorary director of the Center for Intercultural Studies / ZISFebruary 5-6, 2016 |
NADJA GERNALZICK and HEIKE C. SPICKERMANN (Eds.) (2019): Developing Transnational American Studies. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (Intercultural Studies 8). |
Prof. Dr. Renata Makarska (Polish) Prof. Dr. Cornelia Sieber (Romance Studies) Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kylie Crane (English and Lingustics) |
Lecture Series "Migrationsräume: postkoloniale, translatorische und poetische Perspektiven" Summer Semester 2016 |
Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Romance Studies) |
International Conference "Translation und sprachlicher Plurizentrismus in der Romania 'Minor'" January 29/30, 2016 |
Martina SCHRADER-KNIFFKI and ELTON PRIFTI (Eds.): Translation und sprachlicher Plurizentrismus in der Romania minor. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang. (forthcoming) |
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Sieber Liliana Bizama M.A. (Romance Studies) |
International Conference "Arte es vida! Estéticas de la conmoción y el desacato. Revisiones de los discursos y prácticas artísticas bajo dictadura en Chile y postdictadura en alemania" January 20-22, 2016 |
Prof. Dr. Stephan Leopold (Romance Studies) Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies) |
Interdisciplinary Lecture Series "Ideologie der Form – Ideology of Form" Winter Semester 2015/2016 |
Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History) Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology) |
Lecture Series "EuropAfrica: (De)Construction by Art, Music and Literature" Winter Semester 2015/2016 |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies) Dr. Julija Boguna Aleksey Tashinskiy M.A. (Russian) |
Conference "The Germersheim Encyclopedia (Portraits of Literary Translators) – Refugees and Migrants as Translators” | DIZDAR, DILEK/ GIPPER, ANDREAS/ SCHREIBER, MICHAEL (Eds.): Nationenbildung und Übersetzung. Berlin: 2015, 172 P. |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Scholl-Schneider Sara Reith M.A. (Cultural Anthropology) Christina Lokk M.A. (Social Sciences, University of Hildesheim) |
Workshop “Russian Culture – German Culture? National Concepts of Identity in Current Qualitative Analyses of Humanities and Social Sciences" November 2-4, 2015 |
Prof. Dr. Marcus Stiglegger (Film-/Cultural Studies) Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography) Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies) The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS |
Conference "Casablanca and Tangier. Mythic Places in Literature and Film" October 15-16, 2015 |
MARCUS STIGLEGGER and ANTON ESCHER (Eds.) (2019): Mediale Topographien. Beiträge zur Medienkulturgeographie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. |
Dr. Susanne Mersmann (Art History) Dr. Karin Peters Dr. Julia Brühne Dr. Lisa Zeller (Romance Studies) |
Interdisciplinary Autumn School “Distance and/or Close-up: Visuality, Community and Affects in Representations of History” October 5-9, 2015 |
PETERS, KARIN, LISA ZELLER and JULIA BRÜHNE (Eds.) (2017): Distanz und/oder Close-up: Visuality, Community and Affect in Representations of History. PhiN, Beiheft 13/2017. (online) |
Sinem Derya Kılıç, M.A. (Philosophy) |
Interdisciplinary Conference "Philosophy and Film"/ Ad Honorem Prof. Dr. Josef Rauscher September 25, 2015 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies) |
Symposium “Translation Policies in Europe (1789-1914). Interdisciplinary Workshop” September 11/12, 2015 |
Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller (Comparative Literature) |
Conference “Theater Adaptions. Intercultural Transformations of Modern Plays“ May 7-9, 2015 |
Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Romance Studies) Dr. Eva Katrin Müller (Spanish) |
May 8, 2015 |
Alfred Wittstock (Division of Israel) | Conference “Rapprochement, Change, Perception & Shaping The Future: 50 Years of German-Isreali and Israeli-German Diplomatic Relations" ProgramApril 27-30, 2015 |
WITTSTOCK, ALFRED (Ed.): Rapprochement, Change, Perception and Shaping the Future: 50 Years of German-Israeli and Israeli-German Diplomatic Relations. Berlin: 2016, 278 P. |
Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Romance Studies) Dr. Torsten Dörflinger (MA) (Linguistics) |
Lecture Series “Regional Languages and Varieties in Europe. Between Acknowledgement and Securing the Future” Summer Semester 2015 |
Prof. Dr. Renata Makarska (Polish) | Lectures in the Series “Polish Migration / Culture in Germany” | Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History) Dr. Andreas Goltz (History) |
Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History) Dr. Andreas Goltz (History) |
Conference "The late Mediterranean society according to Procopius of Caesarea“ December 10-12, 2014 Flyer Poster |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies) Dr. Julija Boguna (Russian) Aleksey Tashinskiy (Russian) |
Conference "The Germersheim Encyclopedia (Portraits of Literary Translators) - Micro- and Macrostructure" November 14-16, 2014 |
KELLETAT, ANDREAS / TASHINSKIY, ALEKSEY / BOGUNA, JULIJA (Eds.) (2016): Übersetzerforschung. Neue Beiträge zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte des Übersetzens. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 356 p. |
PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (Comparative Literature) Dr. Martina Kopf (Comparative Literature) |
Conference "Comparative Perspectives on Europe and Latin America" November 6/7, 2014 |
Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History) Prof. Dr. Veronique Porra (Romance Studies) |
Lecture Series "Orient: Construction and Deconstruction of a Phantasm" Winter Semester 2014/15 |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) | International Conference "Obama and Transnational American Studies" October 16-19, 2014 Program Poster |
Prof. Dr. phil. Renata Makarska (Polish) | Conference "Comic in Poland. Poland in Comic" October 16-18, 2014 Program Poster |
Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß (Sport Sciences, Economics and Sociology) Dr. Norbert Schütte (Sport Sciences, Economics and Sociology) |
Symposium "The Olympic Idea - Quo Vadis? Symposium for the Assessment of the Olympic Idea" (video transmission!) September 7/8, 2014 Program |
Prof. Dr. Jutta Ernst (American Studies) | Conference "Shifting Grounds: Cultural Tectonics along the Pacific Rim" July 17-19, 2014 Poster |
ZIS | Conference "Academic Mobility - Challenges of Internationalization" June 26-28, 2014 Poster |
Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (Intercultural Communication) | Conference „Second International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation“ May 29-31, 2014 |
ZIS | Symposium "Weltliteratur intercultural" May 16, 2014 |
SPICKERMANN, HEIKE C. (Ed.) (2015): Weltliteratur interkulturell. Referenzen von Cusanus bis Bob Dylan. Für Dieter Lamping zum 60. Geburtstag. Heidelberg, 170 p. |
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Romance Studies) Dr. Marcel Vejmelka (Portugues) |
Conference "Concentração acadêmica – Lingua, literatura e futebol no Brasil. Academic World Cup warm-up: Language, Literature and Football in Brazil“ May 9, 2014 |
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Oy-Marra (Art History) | Conference "Translation as cultural practice in artistry" April 3-5, 2014 |
Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller (Comparative Literature) Dr. Caroline Mannweiler (Comparative Literature) |
Symposium "Jacques le fataliste and the European Novel" December 13, 2013 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies) | Conference "Migration - Crisis - Research" December 3-6, 2013 |
Dr. Lavinia Heller (Italian) Dr. Michael Poerner (Chinese) Prof. Dr. Andreas Gipper (Romance Studies) |
Workshop “Positions of Translation Theory in the Suspense of Contemporary Discourses in Humanities and Social Sciences” November 15-16, 2013 |
HELLER, LAVINIA (Ed.) (2017): Kultur und Übersetzung. Studien zu einem begrifflichen Verhältnis. Bielefeld, 302 p. |
Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Media Dramaturgy) apl. Prof. Dr. Josef Rauscher (Philosophy) |
Conference "Classical Hollywood and continental Philosophy" November 15-16, 2013 |
RITZER, IVO (Ed.) (2015): Classical Hollywood und kontinentale Philosophie. Wiesbaden, 229 p. |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (English and Liguistics) | 'Scotland 2014: Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?' October 17-20, 2013 Poster |
MÜLLER, KLAUS PETER (Ed.) (2015): Scotland 2014 and Beyond – Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence. Frankfurt a.M. (u.a.), 457 p. |
Dipl.-Art. Peter W. Schulze M.A. (Film Studies) ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Frosch (University of Vienna) |
Conference "Transpositions: Brazilian Literary Film Adaption" October 14-15, 2013 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology) | GAA Conference 2013 "Locations: anthropology in the academy, the workplace, and the public sphere" October 2-5, 2013 |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Scholl-Schneider (Cultural Anthropology) Doc. Dr. Caroline Hornstein-Tomic (Ivo Pilar Institut Zagreb) Mag. Dr. Robert Pichler (Southeast European History, University of Graz) |
Workshop “Remigration and Post-Socialistic Transformation” September 19-21, 2013 |
Prof. Dr. Heike Grieser (Ecclesiastical History) Prof. Dr. Nicole Priesching (Universtity of Paderborn) |
Conference "Ransom of Prisoners in the Mediterranean. An Interreligious Comparison" September 19-21, 2013 |
GRIESER, HEIKE/ NICOLE PRIESCHING (Eds.) (2015): Gefangenenloskauf im Mittelmeerraum: ein interreligiöser Vergleich. Akten der Tagung vom 19. Bis 21. September 2013 an der Universität Paderborn. Hildesheim, 356 p. |
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar (Translation Studies) Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies) Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Romance Studies) Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (Intercultural Communication) Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies) |
7th EST-Congress "Translation Studies: Centres and Peripheries" by European Society for Translation Studies August 29 - September 1, 2013 |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) Prof. Dr. Ricia Anne Chansky (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez) |
Conference “Autobiography Across the Americas” July 22-25, 2013 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Geography) | Workshop "GIS of Byzantium" June 14/15, 2013 |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies) Dr. Kim, Nam Hui (Intercultural German Studies) Torsten Israel M.A. (Modern Greek) |
Conference "Literary Translator as Discoverer – Presentation of their Oeuvre as a Challenge of Literature and Translation“ June 7-9, 2013 |
KELLETAT, ANDREAS F./ ALEKSEY TASHINSKIY (Eds.) (2014): Übersetzer als Entdecker. Ihr Leben und Werk als Gegenstand translationswissenschaftlicher und literaturgeschichtlicher Forschung. Berlin, 376 p. |
Dr. Thomas Klein (Media Studies) | Conference "Interculturality, Transmediality, and Hybridity of the Western Genre" April 5/6, 2013 Program |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (Comparative Literature) | Conference "The Europe of Literatures" December 13/14, 2012 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies) Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Romance Studies) |
Lecture Series "Translation and Interculturality" WiSe 2012/2013 (November 28, 2012 to January 30, 2013) |
Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Media Dramaturgy) PD Dr. Marcus Stiglegger (Media Studies, University of Siegen) |
Conference "Borderland. Frontiertheory and Vigilantism" October 27/28, 2012 |
ZIS Working Group on Interculturality | 2. Symposium "Strategies and Forms of Appropriating the Other" July 6/7, 2012 |
Prof. Dr. Carla Schelle (Working Group on Research in Primary Education, Primary Education Pedagogy) | Conference "Schools and Teaching in France, Francophone Northwest Africa and Germany" July 5-7, 2012 |
SCHELLE, CARLA (Ed.) (2013): Schulsysteme, Unterricht und Bildung im mehrsprachigen frankophonen Westen und Norden Afrikas. Münster, 282 p. |
Prof. Dr. Arne Niemann (Political Science) Dr. Petra Guasti (Political Science) |
Workshop "The Violation of Human Rights in New Europe: A Cross-National Analysis" July 4/5, 2012 Program |
Dr. Michael Poerner (Chinese) Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (Intercultural Communication) |
Conference "In-Between, but not Inside: Cultural Brokers in German-Chinese Contacts" June 30, 2012 |
Prof. Dr. Christiane Tietz (Systematic Theology and Social Ethics) | Conference "Translating Religion - Gains and Loss in the Translation of Religions" June 22-24, 2012 (not public) |
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies) Dr. Roman Mauer (Film Studies) |
International Dialogues series "Shot/Countershot: Film Auteurs in Intercultural Dialogue." Directors Ulrich Seidl and Andres Veiel in Conversation: "Fiction/Non-Fiction:Social Psychograms and Hybrid Aesthetics." June 19, 2012 (Part of "Cinema of Outrage: Documentary Film Today) |
Dr. Sonja Wengoborski (Indology) Jaspal Singh (University of Cardiff) |
Workshop "Living in Poverty in Urban India: Perspectives, Challenges, Consequences" June 16, 2012 Film Screening on June 15, 2012 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology) Dr. Hauke Dorsch (Ethnology) |
Syposium "African Music in the 21st Century - An Iconic Turn?" June 13-16, 2012 Call for Papers |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) ZIS / Center for Intercultural Studies, JGU Mainz |
Annual Congress of the German Association of American Studies on the topic "American Lives" May 31 - June 3, 2012 Program |
ZIS, Dr. Gerd Becker CCNIS SOCUM CinéMayence |
Symposium "Re-Ethnicization, Reappropriation of Tradition and Staging of Indigeneity" May 18-20, 2012 |
BANERJEE, MITA/ BLÄTTER, ANDREA/ ESCHER, ANTON (Eds.) (2015): Re-Ethnisierung, Repräsentation von Indigenität und gelebte Bikulturalität. Heidelberg, 162 p. |
Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Romance Studies) Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies) |
Lecture Series "Court Interpreting" Translation Studies Colloquium May 2, 2012 May 23, 2012 May 30, 2012 |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kylie Crane (English and Liguistics) | Lecture Series "Understanding India" SoSe 2012 each Monday 16.20-17.50 o'clock |
Institute for Migration Studies (IMS) Lebanese American University | "Relationships between Diasporas and Their "Homeland" and Their Impact on the State, National Identities, and Peace & Conflict" February 2-4, 2012 |
BATROUNEY, TREVOR/ TOBIAS BOOS/ ANTON ESCHER/ PAUL TABAR (Eds.) (2014): Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian Communities in the World. Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Studies. Heidelberg, 218 p. |
Prof. Dr. Norbert Grob (Film Studies) | "Intercultural Influences in Classical Hollywood" January 26/27, 2012 |
Prof. Dr. Detlef Garz Dr. des. Boris Zizek (Dept. of Educational Science, JGU Mainz) |
Workshop "Discussions" with Prof. Ulrich Oevermann and Prof. Fritz Schütze December 16/17, 2011 |
Dr. Natalia Shchyhlevska (Dept. of German Studies, JGU Mainz) | Workshop "Language of Intercultural Literature" December 2/3, 2011 |
SHCHYHLEVSKA, NATALIA/ CARMINE CHIELLINO (Eds.) (2014): Bewegte Sprache. Vom „Gastarbeiterdeutscher“ zum interkulturellen Schreiben. Dresden, 288 p. |
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar (Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies [FTSK], JGU Mainz Germersheim) Prof. Dr. Andreas Gipper (Dept. of Romance Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim) Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Dept. of Romance Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim) |
Conference "Nation Building and Translation“ November 18/19, 2011 |
DIZDAR, DILEK/ ANDREAS GIPPER/ MICHAEL SCHREIBER (Eds.) (2015): Nationenbildung und Übersetzung. Berlin, 172 p. |
Prof. Dr. Birgit Menzel (Russian Studies, Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz Germersheim) | Conference "Returning to Foreign Lands? The Ethnic Remigration of Russian-German Spätaussiedler" November 10-12, 2011 |
MENZEL, BIRGIT/ CHRISTINE ENGEL (Eds.) (2014): Rückkehr in die Fremde?. Ethnische Remigration russlanddeutscher Spätaussiedler. Berlin (Ost-West-Express. Kultur und Übersetzung), 298 p. |
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (Dept. of History, JGU Mainz) | Summer Academy "The Civil Society in the Process of State Harmonization and Reconciliation: A Comparison of France/Germany and Greece/Turkey" Part 3: "The Significance of Borders and of Border-Crossing Relationships" September 12-23, 2011 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Bachmann (Dept. of Film Studies, Theatre Studies, and Empirical Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Asta Vonderau (Dept. of German Studies, Cultural Anthropology Division, JGU Mainz) |
Interdisciplinary Conference "Games Without Frontiers? Europe in Artistic and Cultural Practice" July 15-17, 2011 |
BACHMANN, MICHAEL/ ASTA VONDERAU (Eds.) (2015): Europa – Spiel ohne Grenzen?. Zur künstlerischen und kulturellen Praxis eines politischen Projekts. Bielefeld, 270 p. |
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F.Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim) | Conference "Literary Translators in the Field of Tension between Art and Politics“ July 1-3, 2011 |
ZIS Working Group on Interculturality | Symposium "Forms and Strategies of Appropriating the Other" June 17, 2011 |
ZIZEK, BORIS/ HANNA N. PIEPENBRING (Hrsg.) (2020): Formen der Aneignung des Fremden. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (Intercultural Studies 10), 180 S. |
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies, JGU Mainz) | Symposium "Electrified Voices: Times Images and Identity Images in Cultural Comparison" June 15/16, 2011 |
BULGAKOWA, OKSANA (Ed.) (2012): Resonanz-Räume. Die Stimme und die Medien. Berlin (= Medien/Kultur, 6), 292 p. |
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder (Institute of Theatre Studies, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Bernhard Reitz (Div. of British Studies, JGU Mainz) |
International Conference "Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama" (Annual Meeting CDE 2011) June 2-5, 2011 |
BERNINGER, MARK/ BERNHARD REITZ (Eds.) (2012): Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama. Contemporary Drama in English, 19. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. |
Dr. phil. Sigrid Rieuwerts (British Studies, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (British Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim) Prof. Dr. Horst W. Drescher (British Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim) |
Conference "SCOTLAND – ScottLAND" May 26-29, 2011 |
MÜLLER, KLAUS PETER/ BERNHARD REITZ/ SIGRID RIEUWERTS (Eds.) (2013): Scotland’s Cultural Identity and Standing. Trier, 234 p. |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (General and Comparative Literary Studies, JGU Mainz) PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (General and Comparative Literary Studies, JGU Mainz) |
Conference "Bob Dylan and the revolution of the popular music" May 26/27, 2011 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (ZIS / Geographic Institute, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Paul Tabar (Institute for Migration Studies, Lebanese American University, Beirut) |
International Conference "Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese Communities in the World: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Studies" May 19-22, 2011 |
BATROUNEY, TREVOR/ TOBIAS BOOS/ ANTON ESCHER/ PAUL TABAR (Eds.) (2014): Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian Communities in the World. Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Studies. Heidelberg, 218 p. |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies, JGU Mainz) | Workshop in Critical Humanities "Mapping the World, Mapping Literature: A Global Community of Letters?" May 13 - June 25, 2011 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies, Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz Germersheim) Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim) |
Lecture Series "Translation and Ideology" Summer Semester 2011 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (ZIS / Geographic Institute, JGU Mainz) Katharina Alt, M.A. (ZIS, JGU Mainz) |
Presentations "Migration Studies" February 11, 2011 |
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies, JGU Mainz) Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Media Dramaturgy, JGU Mainz) PD Dr. Marcus Stiglegger (Media Studies, University of Siegen) |
Workshop "Mimography in Contemporary East Asian Cinema" Symposium "Intercultural Bodies - Medial Representations of Bodies in Intercultural Comparison" November 25-27, 2010 |
RITZER, IVO/ MARCUS STIGLEGGER (Eds.) (2012): Global Bodies. Mediale Repräsentationen des Körpers. Berlin, 336 p. |
Dipl.-Transl. Michael Pörner (Div. of Chinese, Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz Germersheim) | Lecture series "China, China, China" Summer Semester 2010 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (Dept. of History, Div. of Contemporary History, JGU Mainz) Dr. Corine Defrance (CNRS, Université de Paris I/Paris IV) Prof. Dr. Jan Kusber (Dept. of History, Div. of East European History, JGU Mainz) |
Conference "Germany, France, Poland from 1945 to Present: Exchange and Cooperation" October 7-9, 2010 |
DEFRANCE, CORINE/ MICHAEL KIßENER/ JAN KUSBER (Eds.) (2015): Deutschland – Frankreich – Polen seit 1945. Transfer und Kooperation. Brüssel, 291 p. |
Dr. Rainer Brömer (University Medical Centre, JGU Mainz / Fatih University, Istanbul) Dr. Dr. Ilhan Ilkilic (University Medical Centre, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Nil Sari (University of Instanbul) Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb (University Medical Centre, JGU Mainz / BIPS University of Bremen) |
Interdisciplinary Conferende "Health, Culture and the Human Body: Epidemiology, Ethics and the History of Medicine: Perspectives from Central Europe and Turkey" September 17-19, 2010 |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hieke (Catholic Theology, Old Testament Division, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Tobias Nicklas (University of Regensburg) |
International Conference "Themes in Biblical Narrative: The Day of Atonement" July 8-10, 2010 |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (Dividion of American Studies, JGU Mainz) | International Conference "Ecology and Life Writing" June 24-27, 2010 |
HORNUNG, ALFRED/ THAO BAISHENG (Eds.) (2013): Ecology and Life Writing. Heidelberg, 413 p. |
PD Dr. Susanne Marschall (Film Studies, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Fabienne Liptay (Art History, LMU Munich) |
International Symposium "Crossing Borders: Transcultural Perspectives in Films of Female Film Producers" May 2010 |
Alfred Wittstock (Israel Study Unit, Institute of Political Science, JGU Mainz) | Symposium "The World Facing Israel, Israel Facing the World" May 25-27, 2010 |
WITTSTOCK, ALFRED (Ed.) (2011): The World facing Israel – Israel facing the World. Berlin, 280 p. |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk (Dept. of Anthropology and African Studies, JGU Mainz) | International Conference "Continuities and Dislocations: 50 Years of African Independence" April 7-11, 2010 |
BIERSCHENK, THOMAS/ EVA SPIES (Eds.) (2012): 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Afrika, Kontinuitäten, Brüche, Perspektiven. Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, Band 29. Köln, 572 p. |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (English) | International Conference "British Film 2000-2010: Crossing Borders, Transferring Cultures" February 18-21, 2010 |
Dr. Torsten Wissmann (Geography) Dr. Melina Germes (University of Erlangen) |
Conference "New Cultural Geography VII 'Mind the Map' About Breaks and Differences" January 28-30, 2010 |
Dr. Thomas Klein (Media) Peter W. Schulze M.A. (Film Studies) Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Film Studies) |
Symposium "Western Films – Intercultural Perspectives" November 20/21, 2009 |
KLEIN, THOMAS/ IVO RITZER/ PETER W. SCHULZE (Eds.) (2012): Crossing Frontiers. Intercultural Perspectives on the Western. Marburg, 197 p. |
Prof. Dr. Peter Kupfer (Chinese Philology) | Lecture Series "Fascination Silk Route" November 2009 - February 2010 |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) | Founding Conference IABA Europe "Life Writing in Europe" VU University Amsterdam, October 29-31, 2009 |
HUISMAN, MARIJKE/ ANNEKE RIBBERINK/ MONICA SOETING/ ALFRED HORNUNG (Eds.) (2012): Life Writing Matters in Europe. Heidelberg, 326 p. |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies) | "German-Speaking People in the Greater Mid-Atlantic Region: Cross Cultural Contacts and Conflicts 1700-1800" October 7-10, 2009 |
Prof. Dr. Peter Kupfer (Chinese Philology) Prof. Dr. Alois Wierlacher (Intercultural German Philology) |
Symposium "Progressing a cultural and intercultural Research on Hospitatility" October 1-3, 2009 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (History) Dr. Corine Defrance (Paris) Dr. habil. Jerzy Kochanowski (Warschau) Dr. Bojko Bucar (Ljubljana) |
Conference "Transnational Contacts: Formations of Interaction in Border Areas", 1970-2007. Graz, September 17-19, 2009 |
Prof. Dr. Christiane Tietz (Protestant Theology, JGU Mainz) Prof. Dr. Irene Dingel (Institut for European History, JGU Mainz) |
Conference "The Political Task of Religion: Perspectives from Three Monotheistic Religions" September 3-5, 2009 |
Dr. Tanja Pommerening (Institute for Ancient Studies) Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annette Imhausen (History of Mathematics) |
Conference "Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt and Greece: About the Facility to Translate Science Languages of the Ancient Times" July 27-29, 2009 |
Prof. Dr. Holger Preuss (Sport Sciences, Economics and Sociology) | Symposium "Internationalism in the Olympic Movement" May 22, 2009 |
PREUß, HOLGER/ KARSTEN LIESE (Eds.) (2011). Internationalism in the Olympic Movement. Idea and Reality between Nations, Cultures, and People. Wiesbaden, 157 p. |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology) Prof. Dr. Onookome Okome (Film Studies, University of Alberta, Canada) |
International Symposium "Nollywood and Beyond: Transnational Dimensions of an African Video Industry" May 13-16, 2009 |
KRINGS, MATTHIAS/ ONOOKOME OKOME (Ed.) (2013): Global Nollywood. The transnational Dimensions of an African Video Film Industry. Bloomington, 371 p. |
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar (Translation Sciences) Dr. Şebnem Bahadır (Translation Sciences) |
Conference "Translation as a Key Term of Interdisciplinarity" November 22/23, 2008 |
Dr. Sylke Bartmann (Pedagogy) Dr. Oliver Immel (Philosophy) |
"The Internate and the Foreign" September 1-3, 2008 |
BARTMANN, SYLKE/ OLIVER IMMEL (Eds.) (2012): Das Vertraute und das Fremde. Differenzerfahrung und Fremdverstehen im Interkulturalitätsdiskurs. Bielefeld, 268 p. |
Prof. Dr. Stephan Grätzel(Philosophy) Dr. Dirk Solies (Philosophy) Dr. Eberhard Guhe (Indology) |
"Live - Body - Person. Intercultural aspects of a problematic Proportion" April 25-27, 2008 |
Jun. Prof. Dr. Sandra Poppe (Comparative Literature) Dr. Thorsten Schüller (Romance Languages and Literatures) PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (Comparative Literture) |
Symposium "9/11 as a Cultural Cesura" February 14-15, 2008 |
POPPE, SANDRA / THORSTEN SCHÜLLER/ SASCHA SEILER (Eds.) (2009): 9/11 als kulturelle Zäsur. Repräsentationen des 11. September 2001 in kulturellen Diskursen, Literatur und visuellen Medien. Bielefeld, 341 p. |
Dr. habil. Susanne Marschall (Film Studies) | "Indian Cinema Cultures" January 11-13, 2008 |
MARSCHALL, SUSANNE/ RADA BIEBERSTEIN (Eds.) (2014): Indiens Kino-Kulturen. Geschichte, Dramaturgie, Ästhetik. Marburg, 356 p. |
Prof. Dr. Herbert Dittgen (Politics) Student Association "Migration and Development" |
Migration & Development "Migration neu denken!" November 16/17, 2007 |
Prof. Dr. Peter Kupfer (Chinese Philology)
International Symposium on "Cultural Studies of Wine in China and Germany“ October 4-7, 2007 |
KUPFER, PETER (Ed.) (2010): Wine in Chinese Culture. Historical, Literary, Social and Global Perspectives. Münster (= Wissenschaftsforum Kulinaristik, 2), 303 p. |
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (History) |
"Civil Society and Franco-German Approach Since 1945" September 20/21, 2007 |
DEFRANCE, CORINE/ MICHAEL KISSENER/ PIA NORDBLOM (Eds.) (2010): Wege der Verständigung zwischen Deutschen und Franzosen nach 1945. Zivilgesellschaftliche Annäherungen. Tübingen, 412 p. (= edition lendenmains 7). |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies)
"Native American Studies Across Time and Space: International Symposium on the Indigenous Americas" July 12-14, 2007 |
SCHEIDING, OLIVER (Ed.) (2010): Natives American Studies across Time and Space. Essays on the Indigenous Americans. Heidelberg, 221 p. |
Dipl.-Geogr. Stefan Zimmermann (Geography) Dr. Gerd Becker (Ethnology) |
Filmfestival "I CAN SEE - Tage des geographisch-interkulturellen Films" June 30 - July 1, 2007 |
Dr. Mark Berninger (English and Linguistics) Dr. Andreas Rauscher (Film Studies) |
Conference "Comics as a Nexus of Culture" May 25-27, 2007 |
Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel (Romance Languages and Literatures)
"(Edition) A terceira margem: Vilém Flusser and Brasil. Context - Migration - Translations" October 12-14, 2006 |
KLENGEL, SUSANNE/ HOLGER SIEVER (Eds.) (2009): Das Dritte Ufer. Vilém Flusser und Brasilien. Kontexte - Migration - Übersetzungen. Würzburg, 268 p. |
Prof. Dr. Detlev Kreikenbom (Institute for Ancient Studies) Dr. Christine Walde (Classical Philology) |
"Interdisciplinary Conference The Look from the Outside: The Perception of the Augustus in the Provinces and the Neighbouring States of the Empire Romanum" October 12-14, 2006 |
KREIKENBOM, DETLEV/ KARL-UWE MAHLER/ PATRICK SCHOLLMEYER/ THOMAS M. WEBER (Eds.) (2008): Augustus- Der Blick von außen. Die Wahrnehmung des Kaisers in den Provinzen des Reiches und in den Nachbarstaaten. Akten der internationalen Tagung an der Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz vom 12. bis 14. Oktober 2006 (= Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen, Bd. 8). Wiesbaden, 363 p. |
Prof. Dr. Marion Grein (German as a Foreign Language) Prof. Walter Bisang (Department of English and Linguistics) |
Conference "Dialogue in and between different cultures" September 25-28, 2006 |
GREIN, MARION/ EDDA WEIGAND (Eds.) (2007): Dialoque and Culture. Münster (= Dialoque Studies, Bd 1). Amsterdam, 262 p. |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) |
International Conference "Autobiography and Mediation" Juli 27-31, 2006 |
HORNUNG, ALFRED (Ed.) (2010): Auto/Biography and Mediation. Heidelberg, 569 p. |
Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy) Prof. Dr. Inge Seiffge-Krenke (Psychology) Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schweppe (Pedagogy) |
"German-Chinese Conference Migration and its Social Results"June 30 - July 3, 2006 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Koßler (Philosophy; Schopenhauer Research Center)
Conference "Schopenhauer and India - an Example of Intercultural Influences" June 26/27, 2006 |
3 published lectures at: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, Band 88. Eds. by KOßLER, MATTHIAS und DIETER BIRNBACHER. Würzburg 2007. |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Koebner (Film Studies)
International Symposium "Departure in New Dimensions. The Italian Film of the Sixties" March 6-8, 2006 |
KOEBNER, THOMAS/ IRMBERT SCHENK (Eds.) (2008): Das goldene Zeitalter des italienischen Films. Die 1960er Jahre. Munich, 504 p. |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gipper (Romance Languages and Literatures) Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel (Romance Languages and Literatures) |
Culture, Translation "Publication of an Lecture Series 2004/2005" | GIPPER, ANDREAS/ SUSANNE KLENGEL (Eds.) (2008): Kultur, Übersetzung, Lebenswelten. Beiträge zu aktuellen Paradigmen der Kulturwissenschaften. Würzburg, 333 p. |
Prof. Dr. Véronique Porra (Romance Languages and Literatures) Dr. Georg Glasze (Geography) |
Interdisciplinary Conference "The Discursive Constitution of the 'Frankophonie'" November 18-19, 2005 |
PD Dr. Kati Röttger (Theater)
Conference "Between Visual Cultural Studies and Picture Theory"September 23/24, 2005 |
BERNINGER, MERK/ JOCHEN ECKE/ GIDEON HABERKORN (Eds.) (2010): Comics as aNexus of Cultures. Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines and International Perspectives. Jefferson, 308 p. |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Guder (Chinese Philology) |
International Conference "Hànzì rènzhi– How Western Learners Discover the World of Written Chinese" August 24-26, 2005 |
Prof. Dr. Matthias Koßler (Philosophy; Schopenhauer Research Center) |
Tagung "Schopenhauer and the Philosophy of Asia" July 7/8, 2005 |
KOßLER, MATTHIAS (Ed.) (2008): Schopenhauer und die Philosophien Asiens. Beiträge zur Indologie. Wiesbaden, 128 p. |
Prof. Dr. Anja Müller-Wood (English) PD Dr. Nadja Gernalzick (American Studies) |
Conference "Gravity Regulated: Spatializing and Localizing Selves in Cultures" May 13/14, 2005 |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Reitz (English) Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (English/ FASK Germersheim) |
Conference "Scotland´s Cultural Standing and Identity" February 25-27, 2005 |
MÜLLER, KLAUS PETER/ BERNHARD REITZ/ SIGRID RIEUWERTS (Eds.) (2013): Scotland’s Cultural Identity and Standing. Trier, 234 p. |
Prof. Dr. Jan Kusber (History)
Conference "Kulturelle Strategien zur Bewältigung von Umbrucherfahrungen in den muslimischen Regionen der (ehemaligen) Sowjetunion" November 12-14, 2004 |
Prof. Dr. Lutz Dreyer (Musics) Dr. Anja Oed (Ethnology) |
Symposium "The Black Orpheus as intercultural Metapher" July 23, 2004 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Geography) Dr. Gerd Becker (Ethnology, Hamburg) |
Symposium "The Geography of Cinema - a Cinematic World" June 24-26, 2004 |
ZIMMERMANN, STEFAN/ CHRIS LUKINBEAL/ ANTON ESCHER (Eds.) (2008): The Geography of Cinema- A Cinematic World. Stuttgart, 204 p. |
Center for Intercultural Studies (CIS) Orient-Okzident Center Mainz (KOOM) |
Symposium "America and the Orient" June 7, 2004 |
Prof. Dr. Frank Göbler (Slavic Studies) Dr. Nassim Balestrini (American Studies) |
Conference "Russian Emigration from 1917 untill today: Literature - Language - Culture" October 8-11, 2003 |
Prof. Dr. Carola Lentz (Ethnology) Prof. Dr. Veronique Porra (Romance Languages and Literatures) |
Lecture Series "African Ora-/ Litera-Tours" April 29 - July 22, 2003 |
Dr. Danielle Dumontet (Romance Languages and Literatures) Prof. Dr. Frank Zipfel (Comparative Literature) |
Kolloquium "Écritures migrantes/ Migrant Writing/ Schreiben und Migration" June 26-28, 2003 |
DUMONTET, DANIELLE/ FRANK ZIPFEL (Eds.) (2008): Ecriture migrante / Migrant Writing. Schreiben und Migration. Hildesheim, 217 p. |
Prof. Dr. Peter Claus Hartmann (History) | Colloquium "Religion and Culture in 17th and 18th Century Europe" March 24-27, 2003 |
HARTMANN, PETER C. (Ed.) (2004): Religion und Kultur im Europa des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Mainzer Studien zur Neueren Geschichte Bd. 12. Frankfurt a. M., 536 p. |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Gerlach (Philosophy) Dr. theol. habil. Jörg Lauster (Protestant Theology) |
Conference "Symbol, Existenz, Lebenswelt. Kulturphilosophische Zugänge zum Problem interkulturellen Denkens" February 21/22, 2003 Report |
IMMEL, OLIVER/ HANS-MARTIN GERLACH/ ANDREAS HÜTIG (Eds.) (2004): Symbol, Existenz, Lebenswelt. Kulturphilosophische Zugänge zur Interkulturalität. Frankfurt a.M., 191 p. |
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Reitz (English) Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (Comparative Literature) |
"Jewish Women`s Writing of the 1990s and Beyond in Great Britain and the United States" January 31 - February 2, 2003 |
BEHLAU, ULRIKE/ BERNHARD REITZ (Eds.) (2004): Jewish Women's Writing of the 1990s and Beyond in Great Britain and the United States. Trier, 337 p. |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies)
International Symposium "Intercultural America" December 12-15, 2002 |
HERGET, WINFRIED/ ALFRED HORNUNG/ KLAUS LUBBERS (Eds.) (2004): „Intercultural America“. Heidelberg, 362 p. |
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Jonda (Soziology)
International Conference "Youth in Germany and Poland under the Microscope" December 12-14, 2002 |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Koebner (Film Studies)
West-östliche Medienperspektiven 2. Symposium "Mythos Ägypten" October 24/25, 2002 |
ESCHER, ANTON/ THOMAS KOEBNER (Eds.) (2005): Mythos Ägypten. West-Östliche Medienperspektiven II. Remscheid, 201 p. |
Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy) Prof. Stefan Hradil (Sociology) Dr. Tarek Badawia (Pedagogy) Dr. Merle Hummrich (Pedagogy) |
Work Conference "Qualitative Migration Research - Generation Relations and Constitution of Self under Aspects of Migration" September 26-28, 2002 |
BADAWIA,TAREK/ FRANZ HAMBURGER/ MERLE HUMMRICH (Eds.) (2003): Wider die Ethnisierung einer Generation. Beiträge zur qualitativen Migrationsforschung. Frankfurt/London, 353 p. |
Prof. Dr. Günter Meyer (Geography)
First World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies "WOCMES" September 8-13, 2002 |
Prof. Dr. Konrad Meisig (Indology) Dr. Bernd Kiefer (Film Studies) |
Third Japan-German Symposium "Interculturality - Actual Tendencies in Literatur, Speech and Society" September 2-5, 2002 |
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nierhoff (Fine Arts)
Exchange with Students and Professors of the Haccetepe-University of Ankara July 2002 |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk (Ethnology) Dr. Heike Roggenthin (Geography) |
Lecture Series "The Near East: Cultural Dynamics and Social Transformation" Summer Semester 2002 |
Dr. des. Peter Marx (Theater)
"Jewish Theater in German-Speaking Areas" November 28-29, 2001 |
Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy)
Symposium "Social Work and Racism" September 20-22, 2001 |
Prof. Dr. Winfried Herget (American Studies) Prof. Walter G. Rödel (History) Dr. Helmut Schmahl (History) |
Conference of the Interdisciplinary Research Group North American Studies: "Between two Worlds: Emigration, Settlement, Acculturation" May 25/26, 2001 |
RÖDEL, WALTER G./ HELMUT SCHMAHL (Eds.) (2002): Menschen zwischen zwei Welten: Auswanderung, Ansiedlung, Akkulturation. Trier, 197 p. |
Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (Comparative Literature) | Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group Jewish Studies "Identity and Memory in Jewish Literature after 1945" November 15-17, 2000 |
LAMPING, DIETER (Ed.) (2003): Identität und Gedächtnis in der jüdischen Literatur nach 1945. Berlin, 229 p. |
Prof. Dr. T. Koebner (Film Studies) Prof. Dr. G. Meyer (Geography) Prof. Dr. U. Verhoeven-van Elsbergen (Institute for Ancient Studies) Prof. Dr. W. Zwickel (Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology) |
International Symposium "Cinema and the Middle East" Workshop "Economic Activities of Migrants from the Middle East" October 12-14, 2000 |
MEYER, GÜNTER ET AL. (Ed) (2001): Cinema in the Middle East. Vorträge des DAVO-Kongresses 2000 in Mainz. In: DAVO-Nachrichten Heft 13(2001). p. 8-11. |
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) Prof. Dr. Hans-Theo Siepe (Romance Languages and Literatures) Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Riedel (English) Associate Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bender (Ethnology) |
International Conference "Transitional Identities - Identités Transitoires" April 27-30, 2000 |
Prof. Dr. Günter Meyer (Geography) Interdisciplinary Research Group "Third World" |
Symposium "Ethnic Conflicts in the Third World - Causes and Consequences" January 28/29, 2000 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Geography) Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy) |
"Foreigners in Germany: Problems of a Transcultural Society from a Geographic Perspective" - Teachers' Training November 4/5, 1999 |
ESCHER, ANTON (Ed.) (2000): Ausländer in Deutschland. Probleme einer transkulturellen Gesellschaft aus geographischer Sicht. Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie, Bd. 6. Mainz, 128 p. |
S. Lang, Dr. W. Lustig, Dr. J. Blaser (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Colloquium in Honor of Prof. D. Janik "Affirming Self in the Gaze of the Other" - Staging Intercultural Discourses in the Literatures of Latin America September 17-19, 1999 |
Prof. Dr. B. Reitz (English) Prof. Dr. r. Münz (Theater) |
Annual Conference (CDE) "Race and Religion in Contemporary Drama in English" of the German Society for Contemporary English-Language Theater and Drama May 21-24, 1998 |
REITZ, BERNHARD (Ed.) (1999): Race and Religion in Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English. Trier, 212 p. |
Prof. Dr. W. F. Kümmel (Medical History)
"Jewish Doctors in Germany, 1933-1945" May 15/16, 1998 |
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Dr. H.-J. Lauth (Political Science) PD Dr. D. Neubert (Ethnology) |
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LAUTH, HANS-JOACHIM/ ULRIKE LIEBERTH (Eds.) (1999): Im Schatten demokratischer Legitimität. Informelle Institutionen und politische Partizipation im internationalen Demokratievergleich. Wiesbaden, 301 p. |