Conferences until 2019

Conferences supported by the Center for Intercultural Studies until 2019.


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annika Schlitte (Cultural Philosophy)

Workshop: "Ohne gemeinsames Maß? Inkommensurabilität in Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften"

October 10/11, 2019

Dr. Julija Boguna, Dr. Aleksey Tashinskiy, Prof. Dr. Andreas F. Kelletat  (Intercultural German Studies)

Conference: "GIG 2019. Übersetzen - Vermitteln - Repräsentieren"

September 25-28, 2019

Linda Harjus M.Ed., Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies (Spanish, Portuguese))

Conference: "VII. Romanistisch-Linguistisches Netzwerktreffen"

Program / Poster

July 11/12, 2019

Dr. Roman Mauer, Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies)

Dipl.-Geogr. Elisabeth Sommerlad, Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography)

Conference: "Venice in Medial Imaginations"

Program / Poster

July 4-5, 2019

Prof. Dr. Frank Zipfel (Comparative Literature)

Conference: "Die Lyrik der Welt - die Welt der Lyrik. Lyrik und Lyrikforschung aus komparatistischer Perspektive"

July 4/5, 2019

Jun.-Prof. Sarah Scholl-Schneider (Cultural Anthropology)

Workshop: "Interkulturalität als Erfahrung und Auftrag"

June 22, 2019

Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History)

Conference: "Impact of Empire: Roman Landscapes"

June 12-15, 2019

Prof. Dr. Alison E. Martin (British Studies, FTSK Germersheim)

Workshop: "Translation and transnational periodical cultures"

June 5, 2019

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kruip (Theology - Ethik Forum, JGU)

Workshop: "Wissenschaftliches Ethos zwischen Systemzwängen und gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung"

May 3, 2019

 Dr. Florian Freitag (American Studies), Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies (Spanish, Portuguese))

Lecture Series: "Transdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Perspektiven auf Tourismus: Reisen in die/der Geschichte"

Summer Semester 2019

Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm (Ethnology)

International Symposium: "Bureaucracies: Blueprints in Practice"

February 15, 2019

Linda Harjus M.A., Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural studies (Spanish, Portuguese))

Conference: "XV. LIMES Tagung"

January 25/26, 2019

Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa, Dr. Guido Kirsten, Laura Katharina Mücke M.A. (Film Studies)

Conference: "Nähe suchen, Distanz wahren: Konfigurationen des filmischen Raums"

January 17-19, 2019

Prof. Dr. Renate Makarska (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural studies (Polish))

Lecture Series "Literatur und Medienübersetzung. Themen der Forschung, Arbeitsbereiche der Übersetzer

Winter Semester 2018/19

DFDK / Prof. Dr. Winfried Eckel (Comparative Literature)

FIFF / Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History)

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series: "Grenzgänger. Figuren des deutschfranzösischen Kulturtransfers"

Winter Semester 2018/19

PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (Comparative Literature)

Conference: "Die 1968er Jahre - Komparatistisch; Rebellion - Provokation - Pop"

November 29/30, 2018

Prof. Dr. Barbara Thums (Intercultural German Studies)

Workshop: "Fluchten aus dem Alltag. Räume der Sehnsucht zwischen Idylle und Tourismus"

November 9/10, 2018

Prof. Dr. Axel R. Schäfer (Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies / American Studies)

International Conference: "Global Faith and Worldly Power: Evangelical Encounters with American Empire"

October 11-14, 2018

Professor Anthea Butler: "Prosperity, Sex, and Politics: Evangelicals Changing Mission to the World"

Professor Melani McAlister: "Apartheid's Lessons: Transnational Networks and US Evangelical Politics in the Cold War"

Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies / American Studies)

Conference: "Transatlantic Conversations: New and Emerging Approaches to Early American Studies"

October 4-6, 2018

Dr. Christoph Günther (Ethnology)

International Conference: "Jihadi Audiovisualities: Meanings, Aesthetics, Appropriations

October 4/5, 2018

Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies French and Italian)

International Symposium: "Rechtssprache und Rechtsübersetzung in Geschichte und Gegenwart“

September 20/21, 2018

Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Institute for Ethnology und African Studies)

International Conference: "Different Shades of White: Interdisciplinary perspectives on Albinotic Body"

September 6-8, 2018

Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography)
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich (Victoria University, Wellington)

Workshop: "Exploring Migrant Narratives"

July 26-28, 2018

Dr. Anja Oed (Ethnology)

Lecture Series and Exhibition: „Sichtwechsel: Comic-Helden in und aus Afrika“

June 12 to July 23, "Schule des Sehens"

Rupert Bazambanza (Ruanda): „Comics über den Genozid an den Tutsi als Erinnerungsarbeit.“, Lecture in french with german translation, July 5, 2018, 18-20h, P 2 (Philosophicum)

Ib Zongo (Elfenbeinküste/Ghana): „Comics als Bildungsmedium in Afrika.“, Lecture in german, July 23, 2018, 18-20h, P 2 (Philosophicum) or Schule des Sehens

Prof. Dr. Markus Verne (Ethnology)

Triple-Lecture with Prof. Timothy Taylor: "Valuing Music"

June 27-30, 2018

Prof. Dr. Carla Schelle (Educational Studies)

International Conference: "Innovation und Transformation in Schule, Unterricht und Lehrerbildung im frankophonen Nord- und Westafrika, Frankreich und Deutschland“

June 28-30, 2018

Aleksey Tashinskiy, M.A., Dr. Julija Boguna, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat
(Intercultural German Studies)

Sixth Germersheimer Symposium Translation and Liteature "Grenzüberschreibungen. Übersetzer und Übersetzen in der SBZ und der DDR (1945-1990)"

June 15-17, 2018

ALEKSEY TASHINSKIY, JULIJA BOGUNA und ANDREAS F. KELLETAT (Eds.) (2020): Übersetzer und Übersetzen in der DDR Translationshistorische Studien Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer, Volume 50
Dr. Florian Freitag (American Studies), Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural Studies (Spanish, Portuguese))

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series "Transdisziplinäre und interkulturelle Perspektiven auf Tourismus“

Summer Semester 2018

Dr. Timothy Attanucci, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Breuer (Intercultural German Studies)

Conference "Leistungsbeschreibung, literarische Strategien bei Hans Blumenberg"

June 14-16, 2018

ULRICH BREUER und TIMOTHY ATTANUCCI (Hrsg.): Leistungsbeschreibung, literarische Strategien bei Hans Blumenberg.

will be published in 2020, in: Intercultural Studies,  Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg

Dr. Michael Hölscher (Catholic Theology)

Conference "Verflucht und zugenäht. Antike Fluchtafeln und das Neue Testament“​

April 5-7, 2018

Prof. Dr. Heike Drotbohm (Ethnology)

International Conference "Care in Crisis. Ethnographic Perspectives on Humanitarianism"

February 22-24, 2018

Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies)              Dr. Roman Mauer (Film Studies)                            Dipl.-Geogr. Elisabeth Sommerlad (Cultural Geography)

International Symposium "New Orleans in Medial Imaginations"

Februay 1-3, 2018

Dr. Marcus Held
Prof. Dr. Michael Roth (Systematic Theology and Social Ethics)

Workshop "Der moderne Mensch im Spiegel des Anderen – Ein Blick auf Empathie und Fundamentalismus als Kulturtechniken der Moderne"

December 1/2, 2017

The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS

Workshop "Augmented Identities" ZIRS/ZIS (Interuniversity collaboration)

November 2/3, 2017

Dr. Nele Sawallisch, Johanna Seibert M.A.
Dr. Pia Wiegmink, Dr. Frank Obenland          (American Studies)

Conference "From Abolition to Black Lives Matter: Past and Present Forms of Transnational Black Resistance"

October 26-28, 2017

Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies)

Conference "The American Short Story: New Horizons"

October 4-7, 2017

thematically associated:

SCHEIDING, OLIVER und ERIK REDLING (Hrsg.) (2020): The Handbook of the American Short Story. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter (Handbooks of English and American Studies).

Dr. Tobias Boos (Cultural Geography)
Dr. Bozena Gierek (Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations, Jagiellonian University, Kraków)

Conference "Feast as a Mirror of Social and Cultural Changes" in Kraków, Poland

September 28-30, 2017

Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography)
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich (Victoria University, Wellington)

Conference "Migrant Narratives – Moving Stories"

July 17-19, 2017

Dr. Marcus Held
Prof. Dr. Michael Roth (Systematic Theology and Social Ethics)

Workshop "Fundamentalismus – ein nervöser und medialer Kommentar der Moderne zu sich selbst?"

July 6/7, 2017

The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS

Symposium with Movie Screening „Crossroads from Norman/Oklahoma to Mainz“

Movie Screening: June 29, 2017

Lectures and Discussion: June 30, 2017

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat
Dr. Iris Becker
Aleksey Tashinskiy, M.A.
(Intercultural German Studies)
Fifth Germersheimer Symposium "Übersetzen und Literatur (UeLit V) 'Wie ist das übersetzt?' - Analyse und Beschreibung des translatorischen Œuvre"
Program, June 16-18, 2017
ALEKSEY TASHINSKIY and JULIJA BOGUNA (Eds.) (2019): Das WIE des Übersetzens. Beiträge zur historischen Übersetzerforschung. Berlin: Frank & Timme (TransÜD, Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens; Bd.100).
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Breuer Dr. Timothy Attanucci (Intercultural German Studies)

Conference "Leistungsbeschreibung, literarische Strategien bei Hans Blumenberg"

June 14-16, 2018

FIFF / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History)

Interdisciplinary exhibition "INTER.VIEW - Perspektiven auf aktuelle Fotografie im Senegal und in Mali"

May / July 2017

Prof. Dr. Renata Makarska (Translation-, Linguistic- and Cultural studies (Polish) – FTSK Germersheim) "Mordor kommt und frisst uns auf oder Krisen der heutigen Welt"
Author's meeting with Olga Tokarczuk, Ziemowit Szczerek and Alexander IlitschewskiProgramApril / May / November 2017
FIFF / Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History)

Interdisciplinary exhibition "›Die Fotografie vom ethnologischen Blick befreien‹ Werke und Interviews von zeitgenössischen FotografInnen in Bamako und Dakar. Globale Perspektiven aus Ethnologie und Kunstwissenschaft"

Summer Semester 2017

Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography)
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa
AR Dr. Roman Mauer (Film Studies)
Dipl.-Geogr. Elisabeth Sommerlad (Cultural Geography)

Symposium "Jerusalem in Medial Imaginations"


February 2-4, 2017

FIFF / Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History) Interdisciplinary exhibition "Relation spéciale! 70 Jahre deutsch-französische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz"
Flyer, November 9 - December 21, 2016
Theresa Heyer, M.A.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies)
Dr. Julija Boguna
Aleksey Tashinskiy, M.A.
Fifth Germersheimer Symposium "Übersetzen und Literatur (UeLit V) 'Wie ist das übersetzt?' - Analyse und Beschreibung des translatorischen Œuvre"
Registration / Call for Papers, June 16-18, 2017
Transnational American Studies Institute
Center for Material Culture Studies - University of Delaware
Symposium “The Refuge of Objects/Objects of Refuge”
Program, December 14-18, 2016
Prof. Dr. Johannes Pahlitzsch (Byzantine studies) Workshop "Sacred Time in Judaism, Islam and Christianity the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East”
ProgramJuly 2016
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology) Workshop "Die audiovisuelle Kommunikation des Dschihadismus. Radikalislamische Bewegungen im Vergleich“
"Propaganda im Internet - Formen u. Herausforderungen radikal-islamistischer Werbung"
"Dschih@d online - Radikal islamistische Propaganda im Internet"June 24/25, 2016
Dr. Natalia Blum-Barth
Dr. Martina Kopf
Prof. Dr. Frank Zipfel (Comparative Literature)

Conference "Fremde Ähnlichkeiten. Die 'große Wanderung' als Herausforderung der Komparatistik"

June 23/24, 2016

ZIPFEL FRANK (Ed.) (2017): Fremde Ähnlichkeiten. Die "Große Wanderung" als Herausforderung der Komparatistik. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler (Schriften zur Weltliteratur 4).
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography)

Media Geography-Conference "Media´s Mapping Impulse" 

June 17/18, 2016

Chris Lukinbeal, Laura Sharp, Elisabeth Sommerlad and Anton Escher (Eds.) (2019): Media’s Mapping Impulse
Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart (Media Geography at Mainz 6)
Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History)

Workshop “Church Building in Cyprus (4th to 7th Centuries) – a Mirror of Intercultural Contacts in the Eastern Mediterranean”

June 9-11, 2016

HORSTER, MARIETTA, DORIS NICOLAOU and SABINE ROGGE (Eds.) (2018): Church Building in Cyprus (Fourth to Seventh Centuries). A Mirror of Intercultural Contacts in the Eastern Mediterranean. Münster: Waxmann  (Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien 12)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat
Dr. phil. Julija Boguna
Theresa Heyer, M.A.
(Intercultural German Studies)

Conference "Spiegelungen Orte: Interkulturell-interdisziplinare Beiträge zu Leben und Werk des Dichters, Übersetzers und bildenden Künstlers Manfred Peter Hein"

May 26-28, 2016

Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki / AO Dr. Marcel Vejmelka (Romance Studies) Conference "Das Spiel zwischen den Räumen – Lokale bis transnationale Dimensionen
des europäischen Fußballs"
ProgramMay 20, 2016
The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS "Transnational American Studies"
Symposium ad honorem Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung
honorary director of the Center for Intercultural Studies / ZISFebruary 5-6, 2016
NADJA GERNALZICK and HEIKE C. SPICKERMANN (Eds.) (2019): Developing Transnational American Studies. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (Intercultural Studies 8).
Prof. Dr. Renata Makarska (Polish)
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Sieber (Romance Studies)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kylie Crane (English and Lingustics)

Lecture Series "Migrationsräume: postkoloniale, translatorische und poetische Perspektiven"

Summer Semester 2016

Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki
(Romance Studies)

International Conference "Translation und sprachlicher Plurizentrismus in der Romania 'Minor'"

January 29/30, 2016

Martina SCHRADER-KNIFFKI and ELTON PRIFTI (Eds.): Translation und sprachlicher Plurizentrismus in der Romania minor. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang. (forthcoming)
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Sieber
Liliana Bizama M.A. (Romance Studies)

International Conference "Arte es vida! Estéticas de la conmoción y el desacato. Revisiones de los discursos y prácticas artísticas bajo dictadura en Chile y postdictadura en alemania"

January 20-22, 2016

Prof. Dr. Stephan Leopold (Romance Studies)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies)

Interdisciplinary Lecture Series "Ideologie der Form – Ideology of Form"

Winter Semester 2015/2016

Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology)

Lecture Series "EuropAfrica: (De)Construction by Art, Music and Literature"

Winter Semester 2015/2016

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies)
Dr. Julija Boguna
Aleksey Tashinskiy M.A. (Russian)
Conference "The Germersheim Encyclopedia (Portraits of Literary Translators) – Refugees and Migrants as Translators” DIZDAR, DILEK/ GIPPER, ANDREAS/ SCHREIBER, MICHAEL (Eds.): Nationenbildung und Übersetzung. Berlin: 2015, 172 P.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Scholl-Schneider
Sara Reith M.A. (Cultural Anthropology)
Christina Lokk M.A. (Social Sciences, University of Hildesheim)

Workshop “Russian Culture – German Culture? National Concepts of Identity in Current Qualitative Analyses of Humanities and Social Sciences"

November 2-4, 2015

Prof. Dr. Marcus Stiglegger (Film-/Cultural Studies)
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Cultural Geography)
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies)
The Center for Intercultural Studies / ZIS

Conference "Casablanca and Tangier. Mythic Places in Literature and Film"

October 15-16, 2015

MARCUS STIGLEGGER and ANTON ESCHER (Eds.) (2019): Mediale Topographien. Beiträge zur Medienkulturgeographie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Dr. Susanne Mersmann (Art History)
Dr. Karin Peters
Dr. Julia Brühne
Dr. Lisa Zeller (Romance Studies)

Interdisciplinary Autumn School “Distance and/or Close-up: Visuality, Community and Affects in Representations of History”

October 5-9, 2015

PETERS, KARIN, LISA ZELLER and JULIA BRÜHNE (Eds.) (2017): Distanz und/oder Close-up: Visuality, Community and Affect in Representations of History. PhiN, Beiheft 13/2017. (online)
Sinem Derya Kılıç, M.A. (Philosophy)

Interdisciplinary Conference "Philosophy and Film"/ Ad Honorem Prof. Dr. Josef Rauscher

September 25, 2015

Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies)

Symposium “Translation Policies in Europe (1789-1914). Interdisciplinary Workshop”

September 11/12, 2015

Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller (Comparative Literature)

Conference “Theater Adaptions. Intercultural Transformations of Modern Plays“

May 7-9, 2015

Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Romance Studies)
Dr. Eva Katrin Müller (Spanish)

Conference "Perspectivas desde el siglo XXI: Presente y futuro de las lenguas indígenas en el contexto de la política lingüística, los derechos lingüísticos y la 'economía de la lengua'"

May 8, 2015

Alfred Wittstock (Division of Israel) Conference “Rapprochement, Change, Perception & Shaping The Future: 50 Years of German-Isreali and Israeli-German Diplomatic Relations"
ProgramApril 27-30, 2015
WITTSTOCK, ALFRED (Ed.): Rapprochement, Change, Perception and Shaping the Future: 50 Years of German-Israeli and Israeli-German Diplomatic Relations. Berlin: 2016, 278 P.
Prof. Dr. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Romance Studies)
Dr. Torsten Dörflinger (MA) (Linguistics)

Lecture Series “Regional Languages and Varieties in Europe. Between Acknowledgement and Securing the Future”

Summer Semester 2015

Prof. Dr. Renata Makarska (Polish) Lectures in the Series “Polish Migration / Culture in Germany” Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History)
Dr. Andreas Goltz (History)
Prof. Dr. Marietta Horster (History)
Dr. Andreas Goltz (History)
Conference "The late Mediterranean society according to Procopius of Caesarea
December 10-12, 2014
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies)
Dr. Julija Boguna (Russian)
Aleksey Tashinskiy (Russian)
Conference "The Germersheim Encyclopedia (Portraits of Literary Translators) - Micro- and Macrostructure"
November 14-16, 2014
KELLETAT, ANDREAS / TASHINSKIY, ALEKSEY / BOGUNA, JULIJA (Eds.) (2016): Übersetzerforschung. Neue Beiträge zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte des Übersetzens. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 356 p.
PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (Comparative Literature)
Dr. Martina Kopf (Comparative Literature)
Conference "Comparative Perspectives on Europe and Latin America"
November 6/7, 2014
Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Art History)
Prof. Dr. Veronique Porra (Romance Studies)
Lecture Series "Orient: Construction and Deconstruction of a Phantasm"
Winter Semester 2014/15
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) International Conference "Obama and Transnational American Studies"
October 16-19, 2014
Prof. Dr. phil. Renata Makarska (Polish) Conference "Comic in Poland. Poland in Comic"
October 16-18, 2014
Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß (Sport Sciences, Economics and Sociology)
Dr. Norbert Schütte (Sport Sciences, Economics and Sociology)
Symposium "The Olympic Idea - Quo Vadis? Symposium for the Assessment of the Olympic Idea" (video transmission!)
September 7/8, 2014
Prof. Dr. Jutta Ernst (American Studies) Conference "Shifting Grounds: Cultural Tectonics along the Pacific Rim"
July 17-19, 2014
ZIS Conference "Academic Mobility - Challenges of Internationalization"
June 26-28, 2014
Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (Intercultural Communication) Conference „Second International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation“
May 29-31, 2014
ZIS Symposium "Weltliteratur intercultural"
May 16, 2014
SPICKERMANN, HEIKE C. (Ed.) (2015): Weltliteratur interkulturell. Referenzen von Cusanus bis Bob Dylan. Für Dieter Lamping zum 60. Geburtstag. Heidelberg, 170 p.
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Martina Schrader-Kniffki (Romance Studies)
Dr. Marcel Vejmelka (Portugues)
Conference "Concentração acadêmica – Lingua, literatura e futebol no Brasil. Academic World Cup warm-up: Language, Literature and Football in Brazil“
May 9, 2014
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Oy-Marra (Art History) Conference "Translation as cultural practice in artistry"
April 3-5, 2014
Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller (Comparative Literature)
Dr. Caroline Mannweiler (Comparative Literature)
Symposium "Jacques le fataliste and the European Novel"
December 13, 2013
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies) Conference "Migration - Crisis - Research"
December 3-6, 2013
Dr. Lavinia Heller (Italian)
Dr. Michael Poerner (Chinese)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gipper (Romance Studies)
Workshop “Positions of Translation Theory in the Suspense of Contemporary Discourses in Humanities and Social Sciences”
November 15-16, 2013
HELLER, LAVINIA (Ed.) (2017): Kultur und Übersetzung. Studien zu einem begrifflichen Verhältnis. Bielefeld, 302 p.
Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Media Dramaturgy)
apl. Prof. Dr. Josef Rauscher (Philosophy)
Conference "Classical Hollywood and continental Philosophy"
November 15-16, 2013
RITZER, IVO (Ed.) (2015): Classical Hollywood und kontinentale Philosophie. Wiesbaden, 229 p.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (English and Liguistics) 'Scotland 2014: Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?'
October 17-20, 2013
MÜLLER, KLAUS PETER (Ed.) (2015): Scotland 2014 and Beyond – Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence. Frankfurt a.M. (u.a.), 457 p.
Dipl.-Art. Peter W. Schulze M.A. (Film Studies)
ao. Prof. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Frosch (University of Vienna)
Conference "Transpositions: Brazilian Literary Film Adaption"
October 14-15, 2013
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology) GAA Conference 2013 "Locations: anthropology in the academy, the workplace, and the public sphere"
October 2-5, 2013
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sarah Scholl-Schneider (Cultural Anthropology)
Doc. Dr. Caroline Hornstein-Tomic (Ivo Pilar Institut Zagreb)
Mag. Dr. Robert Pichler (Southeast European History, University of Graz)
Workshop “Remigration and Post-Socialistic Transformation”
September 19-21, 2013
Prof. Dr. Heike Grieser (Ecclesiastical History)
Prof. Dr. Nicole Priesching (Universtity of Paderborn)
Conference "Ransom of Prisoners in the Mediterranean. An Interreligious Comparison"
September 19-21, 2013
GRIESER, HEIKE/ NICOLE PRIESCHING (Eds.) (2015): Gefangenenloskauf im Mittelmeerraum: ein interreligiöser Vergleich. Akten der Tagung vom 19. Bis 21. September 2013 an der Universität Paderborn. Hildesheim, 356 p.
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar (Translation Studies)
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies)
Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Romance Studies)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (Intercultural Communication)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies)
7th EST-Congress "Translation Studies: Centres and Peripheries" by European Society for Translation Studies
August 29 - September 1, 2013
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies)
Prof. Dr. Ricia Anne Chansky (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez)
Conference “Autobiography Across the Americas
July 22-25, 2013
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Geography) Workshop "GIS of Byzantium"
June 14/15, 2013
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies)
Dr. Kim, Nam Hui (Intercultural German Studies)
Torsten Israel M.A. (Modern Greek)
Conference "Literary Translator as Discoverer – Presentation of their Oeuvre as a Challenge of Literature and Translation“
June 7-9, 2013
KELLETAT, ANDREAS F./ ALEKSEY TASHINSKIY (Eds.) (2014): Übersetzer als Entdecker. Ihr Leben und Werk als Gegenstand translationswissenschaftlicher und literaturgeschichtlicher Forschung. Berlin, 376 p.
Dr. Thomas Klein (Media Studies) Conference "Interculturality, Transmediality, and Hybridity of the Western Genre"
April 5/6, 2013
Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (Comparative Literature) Conference "The Europe of Literatures"
December 13/14, 2012
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies)
Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Romance Studies)
Lecture Series "Translation and Interculturality"
WiSe 2012/2013 (November 28, 2012 to January 30, 2013)
Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Media Dramaturgy)
PD Dr. Marcus Stiglegger (Media Studies, University of Siegen)
Conference "Borderland. Frontiertheory and Vigilantism"
October 27/28, 2012
ZIS Working Group on Interculturality 2. Symposium "Strategies and Forms of Appropriating the Other"
July 6/7, 2012
Prof. Dr. Carla Schelle (Working Group on Research in Primary Education, Primary Education Pedagogy) Conference "Schools and Teaching in France, Francophone Northwest Africa and Germany"
July 5-7, 2012
SCHELLE, CARLA (Ed.) (2013): Schulsysteme, Unterricht und Bildung im mehrsprachigen frankophonen Westen und Norden Afrikas. Münster, 282 p.
Prof. Dr. Arne Niemann (Political Science)
Dr. Petra Guasti (Political Science)
Workshop "The Violation of Human Rights in New Europe: A Cross-National Analysis"
July 4/5, 2012
Dr. Michael Poerner (Chinese)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (Intercultural Communication)
Conference "In-Between, but not Inside: Cultural Brokers in German-Chinese Contacts"
June 30, 2012
Prof. Dr. Christiane Tietz (Systematic Theology and Social Ethics) Conference "Translating Religion - Gains and Loss in the Translation of Religions"
June 22-24, 2012
(not public)
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies)
Dr. Roman Mauer (Film Studies)
International Dialogues series "Shot/Countershot: Film Auteurs in Intercultural Dialogue."
Directors Ulrich Seidl and Andres Veiel in Conversation: "Fiction/Non-Fiction:Social Psychograms and Hybrid Aesthetics."
June 19, 2012
(Part of "Cinema of Outrage: Documentary Film Today)
Dr. Sonja Wengoborski (Indology)
Jaspal Singh (University of Cardiff)
Workshop "Living in Poverty in Urban India: Perspectives, Challenges, Consequences"
June 16, 2012
Film Screening on June 15, 2012
Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology)
Dr. Hauke Dorsch (Ethnology)
Syposium "African Music in the 21st Century - An Iconic Turn?"
June 13-16, 2012
Call for Papers
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies)
ZIS / Center for Intercultural Studies, JGU Mainz
Annual Congress of the German Association of American Studies on the topic "American Lives"
May 31 - June 3, 2012
ZIS, Dr. Gerd Becker
Symposium "Re-Ethnicization, Reappropriation of Tradition and Staging of Indigeneity"
May 18-20, 2012
BANERJEE, MITA/ BLÄTTER, ANDREA/ ESCHER, ANTON (Eds.) (2015): Re-Ethnisierung, Repräsentation von Indigenität und gelebte Bikulturalität. Heidelberg, 162 p.
Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Romance Studies)
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies)
Lecture Series "Court Interpreting"
Translation Studies Colloquium
May 2, 2012
May 23, 2012
May 30, 2012
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kylie Crane (English and Liguistics) Lecture Series "Understanding India"
SoSe 2012 each Monday 16.20-17.50 o'clock
Institute for Migration Studies (IMS) Lebanese American University "Relationships between Diasporas and Their "Homeland" and Their Impact on the State, National Identities, and Peace & Conflict"
February 2-4, 2012
BATROUNEY, TREVOR/ TOBIAS BOOS/ ANTON ESCHER/ PAUL TABAR (Eds.) (2014): Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian Communities in the World. Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Studies. Heidelberg, 218 p.
Prof. Dr. Norbert Grob (Film Studies) "Intercultural Influences in Classical Hollywood"
January 26/27, 2012
Prof. Dr. Detlef Garz
Dr. des. Boris Zizek (Dept. of Educational Science, JGU Mainz)
Workshop "Discussions" with Prof. Ulrich Oevermann and Prof. Fritz Schütze
December 16/17, 2011
Dr. Natalia Shchyhlevska (Dept. of German Studies, JGU Mainz) Workshop "Language of Intercultural Literature"
December 2/3, 2011
SHCHYHLEVSKA, NATALIA/ CARMINE CHIELLINO (Eds.) (2014): Bewegte Sprache. Vom „Gastarbeiterdeutscher“ zum interkulturellen Schreiben. Dresden, 288 p.
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar
(Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies [FTSK], JGU Mainz Germersheim)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gipper (Dept. of Romance Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim)
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Dept. of Romance Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim)
Conference "Nation Building and Translation“
November 18/19, 2011
DIZDAR, DILEK/ ANDREAS GIPPER/ MICHAEL SCHREIBER (Eds.) (2015): Nationenbildung und Übersetzung. Berlin, 172 p.
Prof. Dr. Birgit Menzel (Russian Studies, Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz Germersheim) Conference "Returning to Foreign Lands? The Ethnic Remigration of Russian-German Spätaussiedler"
November 10-12, 2011
MENZEL, BIRGIT/ CHRISTINE ENGEL (Eds.) (2014): Rückkehr in die Fremde?. Ethnische Remigration russlanddeutscher Spätaussiedler. Berlin (Ost-West-Express. Kultur und Übersetzung), 298 p.
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (Dept. of History, JGU Mainz) Summer Academy "The Civil Society in the Process of State Harmonization and Reconciliation: A Comparison of France/Germany and Greece/Turkey"
Part 3: "The Significance of Borders and of Border-Crossing Relationships"
September 12-23, 2011
Prof. Dr. Michael Bachmann (Dept. of Film Studies, Theatre Studies, and Empirical Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Asta Vonderau (Dept. of German Studies, Cultural Anthropology Division, JGU Mainz)
Interdisciplinary Conference "Games Without Frontiers? Europe in Artistic and Cultural Practice"
July 15-17, 2011
BACHMANN, MICHAEL/ ASTA VONDERAU (Eds.) (2015): Europa – Spiel ohne Grenzen?. Zur künstlerischen und kulturellen Praxis eines politischen Projekts. Bielefeld, 270 p.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F.Kelletat (Intercultural German Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim) Conference "Literary Translators in the Field of Tension between Art and Politics“
July 1-3, 2011
ZIS Working Group on Interculturality Symposium "Forms and Strategies of Appropriating the Other"
June 17, 2011
ZIZEK, BORIS/ HANNA N. PIEPENBRING (Hrsg.) (2020): Formen der Aneignung des Fremden. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter (Intercultural Studies 10), 180 S.
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies, JGU Mainz) Symposium "Electrified Voices: Times Images and Identity Images in Cultural Comparison"
June 15/16, 2011
BULGAKOWA, OKSANA (Ed.) (2012): Resonanz-Räume. Die Stimme und die Medien. Berlin (= Medien/Kultur, 6), 292 p.
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder (Institute of Theatre Studies, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Reitz (Div. of British Studies, JGU Mainz)
International Conference "Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama"
(Annual Meeting CDE 2011)
June 2-5, 2011
BERNINGER, MARK/ BERNHARD REITZ (Eds.) (2012): Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama. Contemporary Drama in English, 19. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
Dr. phil. Sigrid Rieuwerts (British Studies, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (British Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim)
Prof. Dr. Horst W. Drescher (British Studies, FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim)
Conference "SCOTLAND – ScottLAND"
May 26-29, 2011
MÜLLER, KLAUS PETER/ BERNHARD REITZ/ SIGRID RIEUWERTS (Eds.) (2013): Scotland’s Cultural Identity and Standing. Trier, 234 p.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (General and Comparative Literary Studies, JGU Mainz)
PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (General and Comparative Literary Studies, JGU Mainz)
Conference "Bob Dylan and the revolution of the popular music"
May 26/27, 2011
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (ZIS / Geographic Institute, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Paul Tabar (Institute for Migration Studies, Lebanese American University, Beirut)
International Conference "Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese Communities in the World: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Studies"
May 19-22, 2011
BATROUNEY, TREVOR/ TOBIAS BOOS/ ANTON ESCHER/ PAUL TABAR (Eds.) (2014): Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian Communities in the World. Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Studies. Heidelberg, 218 p.
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies, JGU Mainz) Workshop in Critical Humanities "Mapping the World, Mapping Literature: A Global Community of Letters?"
May 13 - June 25, 2011
Prof. Dr. Michael Schreiber (Romance Studies, Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz Germersheim)
Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra (FTSK, JGU Mainz Germersheim)
Lecture Series "Translation and Ideology"
Summer Semester 2011
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (ZIS / Geographic Institute, JGU Mainz)
Katharina Alt, M.A. (ZIS, JGU Mainz)
Presentations "Migration Studies"
February 11, 2011
Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa (Film Studies, JGU Mainz)
Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Media Dramaturgy, JGU Mainz)
PD Dr. Marcus Stiglegger (Media Studies, University of Siegen)
Workshop "Mimography in Contemporary East Asian Cinema"
Symposium "Intercultural Bodies - Medial Representations of Bodies in Intercultural Comparison"
November 25-27, 2010
RITZER, IVO/ MARCUS STIGLEGGER (Eds.) (2012): Global Bodies. Mediale Repräsentationen des Körpers. Berlin, 336 p.
Dipl.-Transl. Michael Pörner (Div. of Chinese, Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz Germersheim) Lecture series "China, China, China"
Summer Semester 2010
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (Dept. of History, Div. of Contemporary History, JGU Mainz)
Dr. Corine Defrance (CNRS, Université de Paris I/Paris IV)
Prof. Dr. Jan Kusber (Dept. of History, Div. of East European History, JGU Mainz)
Conference "Germany, France, Poland from 1945 to Present: Exchange and Cooperation"
October 7-9, 2010
DEFRANCE, CORINE/ MICHAEL KIßENER/ JAN KUSBER (Eds.) (2015): Deutschland – Frankreich – Polen seit 1945. Transfer und Kooperation. Brüssel, 291 p.
Dr. Rainer Brömer (University Medical Centre, JGU Mainz / Fatih University, Istanbul)
Dr. Dr. Ilhan Ilkilic (University Medical Centre, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Nil Sari (University of Instanbul)
Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb (University Medical Centre, JGU Mainz / BIPS University of Bremen)
Interdisciplinary Conferende "Health, Culture and the Human Body: Epidemiology, Ethics and the History of Medicine: Perspectives from Central Europe and Turkey"
September 17-19, 2010
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hieke (Catholic Theology, Old Testament Division, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Nicklas (University of Regensburg)
International Conference "Themes in Biblical Narrative: The Day of Atonement"
July 8-10, 2010
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (Dividion of American Studies, JGU Mainz) International Conference "Ecology and Life Writing"
June 24-27, 2010
HORNUNG, ALFRED/ THAO BAISHENG (Eds.) (2013): Ecology and Life Writing. Heidelberg, 413 p.
PD Dr. Susanne Marschall (Film Studies, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Fabienne Liptay (Art History, LMU Munich)
International Symposium "Crossing Borders: Transcultural Perspectives in Films of Female Film Producers"
May 2010
Alfred Wittstock (Israel Study Unit, Institute of Political Science, JGU Mainz) Symposium "The World Facing Israel, Israel Facing the World"
May 25-27, 2010
WITTSTOCK, ALFRED (Ed.) (2011): The World facing Israel – Israel facing the World. Berlin, 280 p.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk (Dept. of Anthropology and African Studies, JGU Mainz) International Conference "Continuities and Dislocations: 50 Years of African Independence"
April 7-11, 2010
BIERSCHENK, THOMAS/ EVA SPIES (Eds.) (2012): 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit in Afrika, Kontinuitäten, Brüche, Perspektiven. Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung, Band 29. Köln, 572 p.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (English) International Conference "British Film 2000-2010: Crossing Borders, Transferring Cultures"
February 18-21, 2010
Dr. Torsten Wissmann (Geography)
Dr. Melina Germes (University of Erlangen)
Conference "New Cultural Geography VII 'Mind the Map' About Breaks and Differences"
January 28-30, 2010
Dr. Thomas Klein (Media)
Peter W. Schulze M.A. (Film Studies)
Dr. Ivo Ritzer (Film Studies)
Symposium "Western Films – Intercultural Perspectives"
November 20/21, 2009
KLEIN, THOMAS/ IVO RITZER/ PETER W. SCHULZE (Eds.) (2012): Crossing Frontiers. Intercultural Perspectives on the Western. Marburg, 197 p.
Prof. Dr. Peter Kupfer (Chinese Philology) Lecture Series "Fascination Silk Route"
November 2009 - February 2010
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies) Founding Conference IABA Europe "Life Writing in Europe"
VU University Amsterdam, October 29-31, 2009
HUISMAN, MARIJKE/ ANNEKE RIBBERINK/ MONICA SOETING/ ALFRED HORNUNG (Eds.) (2012): Life Writing Matters in Europe. Heidelberg, 326 p.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies) "German-Speaking People in the Greater Mid-Atlantic Region: Cross Cultural Contacts and Conflicts 1700-1800"
October 7-10, 2009
Prof. Dr. Peter Kupfer (Chinese Philology)
Prof. Dr. Alois Wierlacher (Intercultural German Philology)
Symposium "Progressing a cultural and intercultural Research on Hospitatility"
October 1-3, 2009
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (History)
Dr. Corine Defrance (Paris)
Dr. habil. Jerzy Kochanowski (Warschau)
Dr. Bojko Bucar (Ljubljana)
Conference "Transnational Contacts: Formations of Interaction in Border Areas", 1970-2007.
Graz, September 17-19, 2009
Prof. Dr. Christiane Tietz (Protestant Theology, JGU Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Irene Dingel (Institut for European History, JGU Mainz)
Conference "The Political Task of Religion: Perspectives from Three Monotheistic Religions"
September 3-5, 2009
Dr. Tanja Pommerening (Institute for Ancient Studies)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Annette Imhausen (History of Mathematics)
Conference "Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt and Greece: About the Facility to Translate Science Languages of the Ancient Times"
July 27-29, 2009
Prof. Dr. Holger Preuss (Sport Sciences, Economics and Sociology) Symposium "Internationalism in the Olympic Movement"
May 22, 2009
PREUß, HOLGER/ KARSTEN LIESE (Eds.) (2011). Internationalism in the Olympic Movement. Idea and Reality between Nations, Cultures, and People. Wiesbaden, 157 p.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology)
Prof. Dr. Onookome Okome (Film Studies, University of Alberta, Canada)
International Symposium "Nollywood and Beyond: Transnational Dimensions of an African Video Industry"
May 13-16, 2009
KRINGS, MATTHIAS/ ONOOKOME OKOME (Ed.) (2013): Global Nollywood. The transnational Dimensions of an African Video Film Industry. Bloomington, 371 p.
Prof. Dr. Dilek Dizdar (Translation Sciences)
Dr. Şebnem Bahadır (Translation Sciences)
Conference "Translation as a Key Term of Interdisciplinarity"
November 22/23, 2008
Dr. Sylke Bartmann (Pedagogy)
Dr. Oliver Immel (Philosophy)
"The Internate and the Foreign"
September 1-3, 2008
BARTMANN, SYLKE/ OLIVER IMMEL (Eds.) (2012): Das Vertraute und das Fremde. Differenzerfahrung und Fremdverstehen im Interkulturalitätsdiskurs. Bielefeld, 268 p.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Grätzel(Philosophy)
Dr. Dirk Solies (Philosophy)
Dr. Eberhard Guhe (Indology)
"Live - Body - Person. Intercultural aspects of a problematic Proportion"
April 25-27, 2008
Jun. Prof. Dr. Sandra Poppe (Comparative Literature)
Dr. Thorsten Schüller (Romance Languages and Literatures)
PD Dr. Sascha Seiler (Comparative Literture)
Symposium "9/11 as a Cultural Cesura"
February 14-15, 2008
POPPE, SANDRA / THORSTEN SCHÜLLER/ SASCHA SEILER (Eds.) (2009): 9/11 als kulturelle Zäsur. Repräsentationen des 11. September 2001 in kulturellen Diskursen, Literatur und visuellen Medien. Bielefeld, 341 p.
Dr. habil. Susanne Marschall (Film Studies) "Indian Cinema Cultures"
January 11-13, 2008
MARSCHALL, SUSANNE/ RADA BIEBERSTEIN (Eds.) (2014): Indiens Kino-Kulturen. Geschichte, Dramaturgie, Ästhetik. Marburg, 356 p.
Prof. Dr. Herbert Dittgen (Politics)
Student Association "Migration and Development"
Migration & Development "Migration neu denken!"
November 16/17, 2007
Prof. Dr. Peter Kupfer (Chinese Philology)
International Symposium on "Cultural Studies of Wine in China and Germany“
October 4-7, 2007
KUPFER, PETER (Ed.) (2010): Wine in Chinese Culture. Historical, Literary, Social and Global Perspectives. Münster (= Wissenschaftsforum Kulinaristik, 2), 303 p.
Prof. Dr. Michael Kißener (History)

"Civil Society and Franco-German Approach Since 1945"

September 20/21, 2007

DEFRANCE, CORINE/ MICHAEL KISSENER/ PIA NORDBLOM (Eds.) (2010): Wege der Verständigung zwischen Deutschen und Franzosen nach 1945. Zivilgesellschaftliche Annäherungen. Tübingen, 412 p. (= edition lendenmains 7).
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (American Studies)

"Native American Studies Across Time and Space: International Symposium on the Indigenous Americas"

July 12-14, 2007

SCHEIDING, OLIVER (Ed.) (2010): Natives American Studies across Time and Space. Essays on the Indigenous Americans. Heidelberg, 221 p.
Dipl.-Geogr. Stefan Zimmermann (Geography)
Dr. Gerd Becker (Ethnology)
Filmfestival "I CAN SEE - Tage des geographisch-interkulturellen Films"
June 30 - July 1, 2007
Dr. Mark Berninger (English and Linguistics)
Dr. Andreas Rauscher (Film Studies)

Conference "Comics as a Nexus of Culture"

May 25-27, 2007

Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel (Romance Languages and Literatures)

"(Edition) A terceira margem: Vilém Flusser and Brasil. Context - Migration - Translations"

October 12-14, 2006

Das Dritte Ufer. Vilém Flusser und Brasilien. Kontexte - Migration - Übersetzungen.
Würzburg, 268 p.
Prof. Dr. Detlev Kreikenbom (Institute for Ancient Studies)
Dr. Christine Walde (Classical Philology)
"Interdisciplinary Conference
The Look from the Outside: The Perception of the Augustus in the Provinces and the Neighbouring States of the Empire Romanum"
October 12-14, 2006
KREIKENBOM, DETLEV/ KARL-UWE MAHLER/ PATRICK SCHOLLMEYER/ THOMAS M. WEBER (Eds.) (2008): Augustus- Der Blick von außen. Die Wahrnehmung des Kaisers in den Provinzen des Reiches und in den Nachbarstaaten. Akten der internationalen Tagung an der Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz vom 12. bis 14. Oktober 2006 (= Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen, Bd. 8). Wiesbaden, 363 p.
Prof. Dr. Marion Grein (German as a Foreign Language)
Prof. Walter Bisang (Department of English and Linguistics)

Conference "Dialogue in and between different cultures"

September 25-28, 2006

GREIN, MARION/ EDDA WEIGAND (Eds.) (2007): Dialoque and Culture. Münster (= Dialoque Studies, Bd 1). Amsterdam, 262 p.
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies)

International Conference "Autobiography and Mediation"

Juli 27-31, 2006

HORNUNG, ALFRED (Ed.) (2010): Auto/Biography and Mediation. Heidelberg, 569 p.
Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy)
Prof. Dr. Inge Seiffge-Krenke (Psychology)
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Schweppe (Pedagogy)
"German-Chinese Conference
Migration and its Social Results"June 30 - July 3, 2006
Prof. Dr. Matthias Koßler (Philosophy; Schopenhauer Research Center)

Conference "Schopenhauer and India - an Example of Intercultural Influences"

June 26/27, 2006

3 published lectures at: Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch, Band 88. Eds. by KOßLER, MATTHIAS und DIETER BIRNBACHER. Würzburg 2007.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Koebner (Film Studies)

International Symposium "Departure in New Dimensions. The Italian Film of the Sixties"

March 6-8, 2006

KOEBNER, THOMAS/ IRMBERT SCHENK (Eds.) (2008): Das goldene Zeitalter des italienischen Films. Die 1960er Jahre. Munich, 504 p.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gipper (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Culture, Translation "Publication of an Lecture Series 2004/2005" GIPPER, ANDREAS/ SUSANNE KLENGEL (Eds.) (2008): Kultur, Übersetzung, Lebenswelten. Beiträge zu aktuellen Paradigmen der Kulturwissenschaften. Würzburg, 333 p.
Prof. Dr. Véronique Porra (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Dr. Georg Glasze (Geography)

Interdisciplinary Conference "The Discursive Constitution of the 'Frankophonie'"

November 18-19, 2005

PD Dr. Kati Röttger (Theater)
"Between Visual Cultural Studies and Picture Theory"September 23/24, 2005
BERNINGER, MERK/ JOCHEN ECKE/ GIDEON HABERKORN (Eds.) (2010): Comics as aNexus of Cultures. Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines and International Perspectives. Jefferson, 308 p.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Guder (Chinese Philology)

International Conference "Hànzì rènzhi– How Western Learners Discover the World of Written Chinese"

August 24-26, 2005

Prof. Dr. Matthias Koßler (Philosophy; Schopenhauer Research Center)

Tagung "Schopenhauer and the Philosophy of Asia"

July 7/8, 2005

KOßLER, MATTHIAS (Ed.) (2008): Schopenhauer und die Philosophien Asiens. Beiträge zur Indologie. Wiesbaden, 128 p.
Prof. Dr. Anja Müller-Wood (English)
PD Dr. Nadja Gernalzick (American Studies)

Conference "Gravity Regulated: Spatializing and Localizing Selves in Cultures"

May 13/14, 2005

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Reitz (English)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Müller (English/ FASK Germersheim)
Conference "Scotland´s Cultural Standing and Identity"
February 25-27, 2005
MÜLLER, KLAUS PETER/ BERNHARD REITZ/ SIGRID RIEUWERTS (Eds.) (2013): Scotland’s Cultural Identity and Standing. Trier, 234 p.
Prof. Dr. Jan Kusber (History)
Conference "Kulturelle Strategien zur Bewältigung von Umbrucherfahrungen in den muslimischen Regionen der (ehemaligen) Sowjetunion"
November 12-14, 2004
Prof. Dr. Lutz Dreyer (Musics)
Dr. Anja Oed (Ethnology)

Symposium "The Black Orpheus as intercultural Metapher"

July 23, 2004

Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Geography)
Dr. Gerd Becker (Ethnology, Hamburg)

Symposium "The Geography of Cinema - a Cinematic World"

June 24-26, 2004

ZIMMERMANN, STEFAN/ CHRIS LUKINBEAL/ ANTON ESCHER (Eds.) (2008): The Geography of Cinema- A Cinematic World. Stuttgart, 204 p.
Center for Intercultural Studies (CIS)
Orient-Okzident Center Mainz (KOOM)

Symposium "America and the Orient"

June 7, 2004

Prof. Dr. Frank Göbler (Slavic Studies) Dr. Nassim Balestrini (American Studies)

Conference "Russian Emigration from 1917 untill today: Literature - Language - Culture"

October 8-11, 2003

Prof. Dr. Carola Lentz (Ethnology)
Prof. Dr. Veronique Porra (Romance Languages and Literatures)

Lecture Series "African Ora-/ Litera-Tours"

April 29 - July 22, 2003

Dr. Danielle Dumontet (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Prof. Dr. Frank Zipfel (Comparative Literature)
Kolloquium "Écritures migrantes/ Migrant Writing/ Schreiben und Migration"
June 26-28, 2003
DUMONTET, DANIELLE/ FRANK ZIPFEL (Eds.) (2008): Ecriture migrante / Migrant Writing. Schreiben und Migration. Hildesheim, 217 p.
Prof. Dr. Peter Claus Hartmann (History) Colloquium "Religion and Culture in 17th and 18th Century Europe"
March 24-27, 2003

HARTMANN, PETER C. (Ed.) (2004): Religion und Kultur im Europa des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Mainzer Studien zur Neueren Geschichte Bd. 12. Frankfurt a. M., 536 p.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Gerlach (Philosophy)
Dr. theol. habil. Jörg Lauster (Protestant Theology)
Conference "Symbol, Existenz, Lebenswelt. Kulturphilosophische Zugänge zum Problem interkulturellen Denkens"
February 21/22, 2003

IMMEL, OLIVER/ HANS-MARTIN GERLACH/ ANDREAS HÜTIG (Eds.) (2004): Symbol, Existenz, Lebenswelt. Kulturphilosophische Zugänge zur Interkulturalität. Frankfurt a.M., 191 p.

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Reitz (English)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (Comparative Literature)
"Jewish Women`s Writing of the 1990s and Beyond in Great Britain and the United States"
January 31 - February 2, 2003
BEHLAU, ULRIKE/ BERNHARD REITZ (Eds.) (2004): Jewish Women's Writing of the 1990s and Beyond in Great Britain and the United States. Trier, 337 p.
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies)
International Symposium "Intercultural America"
December 12-15, 2002
HERGET, WINFRIED/ ALFRED HORNUNG/ KLAUS LUBBERS (Eds.) (2004): „Intercultural America“. Heidelberg, 362 p.
Prof. Dr. Bernadette Jonda (Soziology)
International Conference "Youth in Germany and Poland under the Microscope"
December 12-14, 2002
Prof. Dr. Thomas Koebner (Film Studies)
West-östliche Medienperspektiven 2. Symposium "Mythos Ägypten"
October 24/25, 2002
ESCHER, ANTON/ THOMAS KOEBNER (Eds.) (2005): Mythos Ägypten. West-Östliche Medienperspektiven II. Remscheid, 201 p.
Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy)
Prof. Stefan Hradil (Sociology)
Dr. Tarek Badawia (Pedagogy)
Dr. Merle Hummrich (Pedagogy)
Work Conference "Qualitative Migration Research -
Generation Relations and Constitution of Self under Aspects of Migration"
September 26-28, 2002
BADAWIA,TAREK/ FRANZ HAMBURGER/ MERLE HUMMRICH (Eds.) (2003): Wider die Ethnisierung einer Generation. Beiträge zur qualitativen Migrationsforschung. Frankfurt/London, 353 p.
Prof. Dr. Günter Meyer (Geography)
First World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies "WOCMES"
September 8-13, 2002
Prof. Dr. Konrad Meisig (Indology)
Dr. Bernd Kiefer (Film Studies)
Third Japan-German Symposium
"Interculturality - Actual Tendencies in Literatur, Speech and Society"
September 2-5, 2002
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nierhoff (Fine Arts)
Exchange with Students and Professors of the Haccetepe-University of Ankara
July 2002
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bierschenk (Ethnology)
Dr. Heike Roggenthin (Geography)
Lecture Series "The Near East: Cultural Dynamics and Social Transformation"
Summer Semester 2002
Dr. des. Peter Marx (Theater)
"Jewish Theater in German-Speaking Areas"
November 28-29, 2001
Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy)
Symposium "Social Work and Racism"
September 20-22, 2001
Prof. Dr. Winfried Herget (American Studies)
Prof. Walter G. Rödel (History)
Dr. Helmut Schmahl (History)
Conference of the Interdisciplinary Research Group North American Studies: "Between two Worlds: Emigration, Settlement, Acculturation"
May 25/26, 2001
RÖDEL, WALTER G./ HELMUT SCHMAHL (Eds.) (2002): Menschen zwischen zwei Welten: Auswanderung, Ansiedlung, Akkulturation. Trier, 197 p.
Prof. Dr. Dieter Lamping (Comparative Literature) Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group Jewish Studies "Identity and Memory in Jewish Literature after 1945"
November 15-17, 2000
LAMPING, DIETER (Ed.) (2003): Identität und Gedächtnis in der jüdischen Literatur nach 1945. Berlin, 229 p.
Prof. Dr. T. Koebner (Film Studies)
Prof. Dr. G. Meyer (Geography)
Prof. Dr. U. Verhoeven-van Elsbergen (Institute for Ancient Studies)
Prof. Dr. W. Zwickel (Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology)
International Symposium "Cinema and the Middle East"
Workshop "Economic Activities of Migrants from the Middle East"
October 12-14, 2000
MEYER, GÜNTER ET AL. (Ed) (2001): Cinema in the Middle East. Vorträge des DAVO-Kongresses 2000 in Mainz. In: DAVO-Nachrichten Heft 13(2001). p. 8-11.
Prof. Dr. Alfred Hornung (American Studies)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Theo Siepe (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Riedel (English)
Associate Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bender (Ethnology)
International Conference
"Transitional Identities - Identités Transitoires"
April 27-30, 2000
Prof. Dr. Günter Meyer (Geography)
Interdisciplinary Research Group "Third World"
Symposium "Ethnic Conflicts in the Third World - Causes and Consequences"
January 28/29, 2000
Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Geography)
Prof. Dr. Franz Hamburger (Pedagogy)
"Foreigners in Germany: Problems of a Transcultural Society from a Geographic Perspective" - Teachers' Training
November 4/5, 1999
ESCHER, ANTON (Ed.) (2000): Ausländer in Deutschland. Probleme einer transkulturellen Gesellschaft aus geographischer Sicht. Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie, Bd. 6. Mainz, 128 p.
S. Lang, Dr. W. Lustig, Dr. J. Blaser (Romance Languages and Literatures)
Colloquium in Honor of Prof. D. Janik
"Affirming Self in the Gaze of the Other" - Staging Intercultural Discourses in the Literatures of Latin America
September 17-19, 1999
Prof. Dr. B. Reitz (English)
Prof. Dr. r. Münz (Theater)
Annual Conference (CDE)
"Race and Religion in Contemporary Drama in English" of the German Society for Contemporary English-Language Theater and Drama
May 21-24, 1998
REITZ, BERNHARD (Ed.) (1999): Race and Religion in Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English. Trier, 212 p.
Prof. Dr. W. F. Kümmel (Medical History)
"Jewish Doctors in Germany, 1933-1945"
May 15/16, 1998
BAREUTHER, HERBERT ET AL. (Ed.) (1998): Vom "unnütz verlogen Volk" zum "volksfremden Denken". Polemik gegen jüdische Ärzte im Wandel der Geschichte. In: Medizin und Antisemitismus. Historische Aspekte des Antisemitismus in der Ärzteschaft. Sigmund Freud-Institut. Materialien 17. Münster/W. p. 31-47.
Dr. H.-J. Lauth (Political Science)
PD Dr. D. Neubert (Ethnology)
"Political Participation in Democracies: An Intercultural Comparison of Formal and Informal Institutions"
German Association for Political Science
April 24/25, 1998
LAUTH, HANS-JOACHIM/ ULRIKE LIEBERTH (Eds.) (1999): Im Schatten demokratischer Legitimität. Informelle Institutionen und politische Partizipation im internationalen Demokratievergleich. Wiesbaden, 301 p.