
Conferences supported by the Center for Intercultural Studies from 2020 until now (older one).

Due to the amount of ZIS activities, they are not all available in English. We hope this is not a great inconvenience. Please consult the German version of our website to get a fuller sense of ZIS Activities.


Applicants/Organizers Topic Literature
Dr. Tomasz Rozmysłowicz (German Studies)

Lecture series "Politiken der Translation: Interdisziplinäre und Internationale Perspektiven"

Beginning of the winter semester 2023

Jun.-Prof. Franziska Fay (Ethnology), Jun.-Prof. Nico Nassenstein (African Studies)
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schneider (Film Studies)

Lecture series on the history and present of the small television game

October 2023 - February 2024

Dr. Ute Röschenthaler (Ethnology)

Conference "Afrobeats: Digital Encounters and the Global Mainstreaming of African Popular Music"

September 12-14, 2023

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Sieber (Spanische und Portugiesische Kulturwissenschaft)

Workshop "Die mexikanische 'Nordgrenze' als Metapher und Konzept"

July 19, 2023

Prof. Dr. Thomas G.M. Blank (Kulturgeschichte der Antike)

Workshop "The Place of Culture in Graeco-Roman Rhetorical Topoi"

June 15-16, 2023

Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Michele Kennerly: "Living Well in a Cybercultural Eutopia"

June 14, 2023

Prof. Dr. Nina Gallion (Historical Seminary)

Florian Kehm M. A. (Historical Seminary)

Dr. Christian Hoffarth (CAU Kiel)

Conference "Hundesköpfe, Hermaphroditen und Städte aus Gold. Geschlecht, Körper und Materialität in vormodernen Reiseberichten und Länderbeschreibungen"


March 30 - April 1, 2023

Dr. Maja Figge (Film Studies)

Film screening Peepal Tree (2021) by the Indian director Kranti Kanadé with an introduction by Maja Figge and subsequent discussion

December 7, 2022

Conversation with director Kranti Kanadé about his film

December 8, 2022

Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Ethnology)

Series of film screenings: "Ethnofiction. Das Kino von Jean Rouch"

November 3, 2022 - February 9, 2023

Detailed Program

Prof. Dr. Veronika Cummings, Dr. Elisabeth Sommerlad & Dr. Marie Karner (Geographisches Institut)

Workshop as part of an international scientific cooperation with the University of Mauritius

November 17, 2022

Dr. Franziska Jekel-Twittmann (German Institute)

Conference: "Instabile Translationen. Verunsicherung als poetisches Prinzip der Übersetzung"

November 3-4, 2022

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Angela Kölling (Anglophone Studies, FTSK Germersheim)

Workshop: "The Postfeminist Culture Industry: Crosscultural Visibility, Global Markets and Political Currents"

September 22-23, 2022

Prof. Dr. Ute Röschenthaler, Dr. Hauke Dorsch (Ethnology)
University Library Mainz, Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz, CEDITRAA

Workshop: "Copyright, Care and African Music Archives"

September 21-23, 2022

Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings (Institut für Ethnologie und Afrikastudien)

International Workshop: "Orality and Cinema in Kenya"

September 5-7, 2022

Report Orality and cinema in Kenya

Dr. des. Rebecca Boguska, Fabian Kling M.A. (Film Studies)


Talk with the Ukrainian film collective Babylon’13: „Kino und Krieg: Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine

July 15, 2022

Dr. des. Rebecca Boguska (Film Studies)

International Workshop: "20 Jahre Guantánamo: Zeitlichkeit der Zeugenschaft"

December 2-3, 2021


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Franziska Fay (Ethnology)

Dr. Irene Brunotti (African Studies, University Leipzig)

Dr. Nathalie Arnold Koenings (African Studies, Hampshire College/USA)

International Workshop: "Tafsiri: Politics of Translation and Decolonisation in Swahili Studies"

November 19-20, 2021


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nico Nassenstein (Ethnology)

Dr. Svenja Völkel (Linguistics)

International Workshop: "Diversity in Language and Culture: Kinship"

October 7-9, 2021


Dr. Christoph Günther (Ethnology/ Junior Research Group Jihadism online)

International Conference: "Notions of Jihad Reconsidered: Perspectives on Media, Materiality, and Political Violence.” in cooperation with the exhibition MINDBOMBS at Kunsthalle Mannheim.

October 6-8, 2021

Prof. Dr. Alison E. Martin (British Studies, FTSK Germersheim)

Conference "Translating 18th- and 19th-century Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”

September 23-25, 2021

Zentrum für Frankreich- und Frankophoniestudien (ZFF) / Prof. Dr. Gregor Wedekind (Arts)

International Colloquium "Senghor im 21. Jahrhundert: Rezeptionsdynamiken, kulturelles Erbe und aktuelle Lektüren“


June 17-18, 2021

Dr. Spencer Hawkins / Prof. Dr. Lavinia Heller (German Studies, FTSK Germersheim)

Workshop "Erzwungene (Selbst-) Übersetzung. Sprach- und Übersetzungsarbeit von Exilwissenschaftlern in den USA (1933-1945) und die Entwicklung des Englischen zu einer internationalen Wissenschaftssprache"

April 10, 2021

Workshop report H-Soz-Kult, 19.05.2021
AG Inkommensurabilität / Prof. Dr. Annika Schlitte (Cultural Philosophy)

Workshop "Ohne gemeinsames Maß? Inkommensurabilität in Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften Teil II"

SoSe 2021

UeLEX / Dr. Aleksey Tashinskiy, Dr. Julija Boguna, Prof. Dr. dr. h.c. mult. Andreas F. Kelletat (German Studies, FTSK Germersheim)

UeLIT VII "Exil und Verfolgung 1933–1945: Namen und Orte. Von der Prosopographie zur Geographie"

November 13-15, 2020

ALEKSEY TASHINSKIY, JULIJA BOGUNA and TOMASZ ROZMYSLOWICZ (Eds.) (2022): Translation und Exil (1933–1945) I Namen und Orte. Recherchen zur Geschichte des Übersetzens Transkulturalität – Translation – Transfer, Volume 53

GNK-Graduate School „Zeugenschaft“

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schneider (Film Studies)

TAGUNG GNK 26.10.2020 in cooperation with Kunsthalle Mainz

October 26, 2020

Dr. Imme Klages, Dr. Cecilia Valenti (Film Studies)

Workshop: "Migration der Medien/Medien der Migration" / Screening

May 2020

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gipper, Prof. Dr. Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Prof. Dr. Alison Martin, Dr. Simon Varga (FTSK Germersheim)

Workshop: "Spezifische Probleme bei der Maschinellen Übersetzung der wissenschaftlichen Tagebücher von Alexander von Humboldt"

March 2020

Forschungsgruppe Transnational Periodical Cultures (TPC) / Prof. Dr. Jutta Ernst (American Studies, FTSK Germersheim)

Conference: "Transnational Periodical Cultures: Interdisciplinary Perspectives"

January 29-31, 2020

JUTTA ERNST and BRIGITTE JOHANNA GLASER (Eds.) (2020): Shifting Grounds: Cultural Tectonics along the Pacific Rim (Anglistische Forschungen 461). Universitätsverlag Winter, 280 pages.

Dr. Sandra Vlasta/ Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Fellow

(Comparative Literature)

Conference: "European travel writing in context: strategies of negotiating identity in travel writing – a comparative approach" /  Lecture Jochen Schmidt

January 23-24, 2020