The first aim of the project is to compile a set of possible greeting sequences (including elements like eye contact, facial expression, body language) in German and Japanese culture. Visual perception plays an important role in the selection of an adequate verbal greeting. A second objective of the study is thus to determine the factors relevant for perception and to highlight possible differences between visual perceptions of Germans and Japanese. The research results are to be applied to teaching German as a Second Language and Japanese as a Second Language.
Duration of Funding: 1999-2001
Dr. Marion Grein (General and Comparative Linguistics)
Dr. Eva-Maria Willkop (German as a Second Language)
Grein, Marion/ Edda Weigand (2007): Dialogue and Culture. Münster. (= Dialogue Studies, Bd. 1)
Grein, Marion (2003): "Japanisch als Fremdsprache". 9. Symposium Japanisch an Hochschulen. Heidelberg. (Download).