The focus of this study is the interference of global norms with national frameworks: do global norms influence political processes and decisions in the examined societies? Do they have an impact on national campaigns for women's rights despite the resistance of representatives of religious law, existing common law as well as national law? This qualitative study is also part of a planned larger DFG-funded inquiry into the enforcement of women's rights in the context of the global society in an international comparison, broadening the scope through a qualitative comparative analysis of the situation in Germany and Switzerland.
Duration of Funding: 2001-2003
DFG-Kooperationsprojekt mit weiterem Länderschwerpunkt (2001-2003)
Prof. B. Heintz (Sociology)
Dr. H. Schiener (Geography)
Dagmar Müller (Sociology)
Schiener, Heike (2004): Nur die halbe Wirklichkeit: Frauenwelt in Damaskus. In: Die Arabische Welt im Spiegel der Kulturgeographie. Mainz. S. 278-283.
Dies. (2004): Reform oder Rückschritt? Marokkos Weg zur Gleichberechtigung. In: Die Arabische Welt im Spiegel der Kulturgeographie. Mainz. S. 284-288.
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