June/July 2016: Migrationsräume: Postkoloniale, translatorische und poetische Perspektiven / Lecture series
various lectures on 23.06.2016; 30.06.2016; 07.07.2016; 14.07.2016
E.g. with lectures by Mario Di Carlo, Annika McPherson, Zé do Rock and Van Bo Le-Mentzel
June 16, 2016: Old Maps & New Media: Sentient Geographies
Tom Conley (Abbott Lawrence Lowell Professor of Visual and Environmental Studies and of Romance Languages and Literatures. Harvard University, USA)
Thursday, 7:15 pm - Senatssaal (NatFak)
June 9, 2016: Identity, Risk and Human Mobility / Lecture
Prof. Dr. Paul C. Adams (University of Texas at Austin)
Thursday, 4:00 pm, Senatssaal - 7th floor, Geogr. Institut