Prof. Dr. Shadia Husseini de Araújo

Winter Semester 2017/2018

Prof. Dr. Shadia Husseini de Araújo (Departamento de Geografia da Universidade de Brasília)

Host: Prof. Dr. Anton Escher (Geography)

Shadia Husseini de Araújo studied Geography and Islamic studies at the WWU Münster, then did her doctorate in Geography and worked as a research associate at the institutes of Geography of the WWU Münster and the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. In 2012, she conducted a postdoctoral project on the geographies of Muslim identities in Brazil at the Department of Geography of the University of São Paulo (Brazil). She worked as a visiting professor starting in 2013 at the Institute of Geography of the University of Brasília (Brazil) and there as an assistant professor since 2014.

Her research interests include the Islamic world, migration and diaspora research, postcolonial theory and translation theoretic approaches in geography. In Brazil she has gained the funding of a project on the global Halal economy and researches the connections between the global halal market, halal production and the work of Muslim, religiously qualified (im) migrants. At the University of Mainz, she wanted to work with colleagues in order to be able to relate and compare global and translocal processes of the Halal economy.

Presentation in the Lecture Series

" Global Halal Assemblages, Halal-Standards und die muslimische Arbeitsmigration nach Brasilien "


Publications (Excerpt)

Monographs /Editions

Husseini de Araújo, S. / Schmitt, T. / Tschorn, L. (Eds.) (2013): Widerständigkeiten im “Land der Zukunft”. Andere Blicke auf und aus Brasilien. Münster: Unrast Verlag.

Husseini de Araújo, S. (2011): Jenseits vom „Kampf der Kulturen“. Imaginative Geographien des Eigenen und des Anderem in arabischen Printmedien. Bielefeld: Transcript.


Husseini de Araújo, S. / Gebauer, M. (2016): Islamic shores along the Black Atlantic. Analysing black and Muslim Countercultures in Post-Colonial Societies. Jounal of Muslims in Europe (5), 11-37.

Husseini de Araújo, S. / Gebauer, M. / Albrecht, S. / Deffner, V. / Boos, T. (2016): Conceptualising “Muslim Diaspora”. Jounal of Muslims in Europe (5), 1-10.

Husseini de Araújo, S. / Germes, M. (2016): Editorial: For a critical practice of translation in geography. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies (15), 1-14.

Husseini de Araújo, S. (2015): Muslim Hip Hop on the Rise. Ein Fallbeispiel aus São Paulo, Brasilien. In: Weber, F. / Kühne, O. (Eds.): Fraktale Metropolen. Stadtentwicklung zwischen Devianz, Polarisierung und Hybridisierung. Heidelberg: Springer, 365-384.

Husseini de Araújo, S. / Weber, F. (2014): “Migrantenökonomien” zwischen Wirtschaftsförderung und Stigmatisierung - eine empirische Fallstudie am Beispiel der Stadt Nürnberg. Forschungsberichte der ARL (3), 365-380.

Husseini de Araújo, S. (2013): O “Islã” como força política na “Primavera Árabe”. Uma perspectiva da teoria do discurso. História, Questões e Debates (58), 39-62.

Husseini de Araújo, S. (2009): Die Macht der Übersetzung. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Übersetzung als politische Praktik am Beispiel kulturgeographischer Forschung im arabischen Sprachraum. In: Social Geography (4), 71-81, 2009.