Series of the Center for Intercultural Studies (ZIS)
Series-Editors: Dilek Dizdar, Anton Escher, Alfred Hornung, Dieter Lamping
Academic Advisory Board:
Andreas Gipper, Bernd Kiefer, Detlev Kreikenbom, Matthias Krings, Gerhard Kruip, Edith Struchholz-Andre
Managing Editor:
Heike C. Spickermann
The INTERCULTURAL STUDIES series aims to provide insights into intercultural research. The Center for Intercultural Studies (ZIS) focuses and initiates research projects, lecture series, and symposia that are suitable for taking on a intermediary(mediating) role between subjects and disciplines. Thus, the center wants to broach the issue of interaction between cultures and thus account for the studying of topics such as migration and mobility, cultural and foreign self-description, cultural contacts and conflicts, problems of globalization, gender differences to name a few of the contributions.
Intercultural research can only be fruitful in an interdisciplinary approach. Research on inter-culturality has to include almost all disciplines of cultural, social, and human sciences, because culture extends to the entire reality of human life. Since scientific work is shaped in each case by one's own perspective, by traditions of the disciplines and historical prerequisites, representatives of different scientific traditions should always be involved in the work on inter-culturality in order to develop intersubjectively comprehensible results. Regardless of the culture of sciences and language, this approach will enable a more qualitative discussion of global cultural phenomena.
Perspektiven der Interkulturalität. Forschungsfelder eines umstrittenen Begriffs
Editors: Anton J. Escher, Heike C. Spickermann
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2018; 287 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6839-5
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Re-Ethnisierung, Repräsentation von Indigenität und gelebte Bikulturalität
Editors: Mita Banerjee, Andrea Blätter, Anton Escher
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2015; 162 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6563-9
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Weltliteratur interkulturell. Referenzen von Cusanus bis Bob Dylan. Für Dieter Lamping zum 60. Geburtstag
Editor: Heike C. Spickermann
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2015; 170 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6466-3
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Reconciliation, Representation and Indigeneity.
'Biculturalism' in Aotearoa New Zealand
Editors: Peter Adds, Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich, Richard S. Hill, Graeme Whimp
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
2. Edition 2018, 1. Edition, 2016; 222 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6619-3
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian Communities in the World. Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Studies
Editors: Trevor Batrouney, Tobias Boos, Anton Escher, Paul Tabar
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2014; 218 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6403-8
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Komparatistische Blicke aus Lateinamerika und Europa
Editors: Martina Kopf, Sascha Seiler
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2016; 227 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6689-6
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Developing Transnational American Studies. For Alfred Hornung on his seventieth birthday
Editors: Nadja Gernalzick, Heike C. Spickermann
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2019; 188 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6950-7
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Diderots 'Jaques le fataliste et son maître' und der europäische Roman: Transformationen und Potentiale der Gattung
Editors: Caroline Mannweiler, Olaf Müller
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2018; 234 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6959-0
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Formen der Aneignung des Fremden
Editors: Boris Zizek, Hanna N. Piepenbring
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2020; 180 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-7925-4
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Leistungsbeschreibung / Describing Cultural Achievements: Literarische Strategien bei Hans Blumenberg / Hans Blumenberg’s Literary Strategies
Editors: Timothy Attanucci, Ulrich Breuer
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2020; 219 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-4768-0
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Theateradaptionen: Interkulturelle Transformationen moderner Bühnentexte
Editors: Olaf Müller, Elena Polledri
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2021; 258 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-4785-7
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Die 1968er Jahre
Utopie und Desillusion in Literatur, Film und Musik
Editrors: Martina Kopf and Sascha Seiler
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2023; 187 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-9554-4
Hardcover / also available as eBook
Moving Identities. Constructing the Self and the Other in Travel Writing
Editors: Winfried Eckel, Sandra Vlasta
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2025; 242 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-9634-3
Hardcover / also availabale as eBook