CEDITRAA - Cultural Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation in Africa and Asia- is a joint research project by Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Pan Atlantic University Lagos. With funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), it kicked off in April 2021.
A multi-disciplinary team of researchers from economics, film studies, social and cultural anthropology, linguistics, African, Korean, and Chinese studies investigates how digitization is changing cultural production in sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. The project builds on the assumption that cultural production evolves in spiral-like patterns by combining previous works serving as templates for the production of novelty. Focusing on music and film the research starts from Nigeria and South Korea, two countries with regionally leading industries and forms of cultural production that are no longer dominated by the products of the U.S. culture industry. What drives these new cultural industries with supra-regional reach and how do these processes relate to the economic development of their regions of origin? Focusing on the roles and activities of cultural entrepreneurship in local, regional and global settings, the project approaches this issue from various disciplinary angles and with a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods.



The website presents project content, fields of work, work packages and people involved. There are separate pages for events and methods. Current information on the activities of those involved is always posted under News.


CEDITRAA Instagram Channel

The Instagram Channel gives an insight into the research field of music and film. It is aimed at the general public, young people and cultural entrepreneurs.

CEDITRAA Workshop: Copyrights, Care and African Music Archives                                        Organised by: Prof. Dr. Ute Röschenthaler and Dr. Hauke Dorsch in cooperation with the University Library Mainz and the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz. September 2022.

JGU News: Neue Weltordnung kultureller Praktiken. 07.07.2022.

African Studies Rhein-Main: BMBF- Research Project “CEDITRAA – Cultural Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation in Africa and Asia”.

Alliance of Rhein-Main-UniversitiesGestärkte Regionalstudien der Rhein-Main-Universitäten. 16.03.2021.

GOETHE-UNI online: Wie die Digitalisierung die weltweite Kulturproduktion aufmischt. 10.03.2021.

GOETHE-UNI online: How digitalisation changes cultural production around the world. 12.03.2021.

Idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft: How digitalisation changes cultural production around the world. 11.03.2021.

Ifeas Annual Report 2021: CEDITRAA – Cultural Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation in Africa and Asia. Joint Project of Goethe University Frankfurt and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. p. 21.

JGU Press Release: Wie die Digitalisierung die weltweite Kulturproduktion aufmischt. Forschungsverbund der Rhein-Main-Universitäten Frankfurt und Mainz untersucht die neuen Player Asien und Afrika. 10.03.2021.

ZIAF Annual Report 2021: CEDITRAA. p. 18-21.