Die 1968er Jahre
Utopie und Desillusion in Literatur, Film und Musik
Editrors: Martina Kopf and Sascha Seiler
Universitätsverlag WINTER, Heidelberg
1. Edition, 2023; 187 Pages
ISBN: 978-3-8253-9554-4
Hardcover / also available as eBook
The year 1968 undoubtedly represents a global phenomenon characterized by international interdependencies and reciprocal influences of politics, media and art. The volume takes a look at this phenomenon as an epoch, from the phase of awakening by the Beat generation to the "dark" end of the 1960s, in order to shed light on the transition from utopia to disillusionment. The contributions are dedicated to the years around 1968 in Germany, France, Argentina and the USA and focus on the manifold relationships between politics, literature, film and music. They are supplemented by perspectives from the history of science and the philosophy of history.
Contributing writers: Martina Kopf, Sascha Seiler, Thomas Anz, Christine Weder, Matthieu Rémy, Jan Rhein, Marcus Stiglegger, Stefan Höppner, Till Huber, Mariano Mestman