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Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Center for Intercultural Studies
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The Center
Intercultural Studies
Recent Publications
Publications of ZIS-Funded Projects and Conferences
Fellows and Guest Professors
Guest Professors
ZIS Academic Events
Extract of other Events
Knowledge Transfer
ZIS Projects
Research Groups
Associated Initiatives
Research Training Group “Politics of Translation”
Links to International Co-operating Institutions
Graduate Group on Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (dokTRIN)
ZIS Foundation
External Applications
The Center
Central Agency
Coordinating Committee
Intercultural Studies
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume 11
Volume 12
Volume 13
Volume 14
Recent Publications
Publications of ZIS-Funded Projects and Conferences
Fellows and Guest Professors
Prof. Dr. Chris Lukinbeal
Prof. Dr. Almut Shulamit Bruckstein
Prof. Dr. Dariuš Zifonun
Dr. Baruch Shomron
Djamila Ribeiro
Prof. Dr. Susan Berk-Seligson
Dr. Giovanni Tidona
Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith
Guest Professors
Asst. Prof. Dr. David C. Posthumus
Prof. Dr. M. Dores Cruz
Prof. Dr. Shadia Husseini de Araújo
Prof. Dr. Heike Egner
Prof. Dr. Markus Winkler
Prof. Dr. Thiemo Breyer
Prof. Dr. Heath Cabot
Dr. Christoph Günther
Prof. Dr. Paul C. Adams
Prof. Dr. Immacolata Amodeo
Prof. Dr. Lenka Bustikova
Prof. Dr. Chris Lukinbeal
Prof. Dr. Lindsay Robertson
Prof. Dr. Zhang, Longxi
Naoki Sakai / Brigitta Busch / Brian J. Baer
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich
Prof. Dr. Jenny Brumme
Prof. Dr. Lieven D’hulst
Prof. Dr. Scott A. Lukas
Prof. (em.) Dr. Oevermann / Prof. (em.) Dr. Schütze
Prof. Dr. David Siroky
Prof. Dr. Hyo-Seon Lee
Prof. Dr. Paul Tabar
Prof. Dr. Raúl Zurita
Prof. Dr. Carmine Chiellino
Prof. Dr. Erich Prunc
Prof. Christina Beal Kennedy
Prof. Dr. Benoit Séguin
Prof. Rosemary Arrojo
Prof. John Edgar Wideman
Prof. Dr. Charles R. Wilson
Prof. Lawrence Venuti
Lecture: Genealogies of Translation Theory: Jerome
Lecture: Translation, Intertextuality, Interpretation
Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Ph.D.
Photos of Prof. Spivak’s Speech
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Görner
Dr. Gerd Becker
Prof. Zhao Baisheng
Prof. Dr. Christo van der Merwe
PD Dr. Silke Hensel
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Sahr
Lecture Series: Prof. Wolf-Dietrich Sahr
Prof. Ihab Hassan
David Malouf
Prof. Michelle Cliff Ph.D.
Alan Bern
ZIS Academic Events
Conferences until 2019
Extract of other Events
Winter Semester 2019/2020
Summer Semester 2019
Winter Semester 2018/2019
Summer Semester 2018
Winter Semester 2017/2018
Summer Semester 2017
Winter Semester 2016/2017
Summer Semester 2016
Winter Semester 2015/2016
Summer Semester 2015
Knowledge Transfer
Participation in the Academic Fair 2019
Participation in the Academic Fair 2013
Participation in the Academic Fair 2010
Participation in the Academic Fair 2009
Participation in the Academic Fair 2008
ZIS Projects
Opening Conference
Video Presentations
Methods Workshop
CEDITRAA Fellowship
Research Groups
ZIS Research Group: Indian Ocean Confluences
Anthropological Linguistics / Linguistic Anthropology
(Inter-)Culturality of Paradigms for Interpretation and Explanation
Associated Initiatives
Interculturality in Germany and Europe
Africa Festivals
Survey of Migration in Mainz
The Acculturation Experiences of Children of Korean ‘Migrant Workers’ in Germany and ‘Foreign Migrant Workers’ in Korea: A Qualitative Investigation
Black European Studies / BEST
Remembrance of the World Wars — A German-French Comparison
‘Les colonisés de l´intérieur’: Renegotiating Cultural Identities in French Society
“Ethnic Marketing” in Germany
Community in Exile: Eritrean Networks in Germany
Cultural Mediation and Cultural Creativity: The Translating Activities of Multilingual Jewish Authors from Bukovina
Globalized Magic. Intercultural Entcounter Through Spiritual Eclecticism
On the Construction of Religious and Cultural Identities: Muslims in Rhineland-Palatinate
The Consequences of Intercultural Contacts: German-Polish Youth Exchange Programs
Pariser Rechenschaft – Parisian Account (1926)
“Ethnic Business” in the Rhein-Main Area
Cultural Impact on Visual Perception: A Comparative Analysis
Europe and the Middle East
The Topography of Settlement in Petra’s City Center
Spheres of Global Arab Communities – With a Focus on Brazil and the U.S.
Cultural-Geographic Archaeological Research on the History of Cyrenaica
Temple Objects from Yavneh
9/11 as Cultural Turning Point
The 2007 Excavation Campaign at Tell el-‘Oreme / Kinneret on the Sea of Galilee: Reappraising Current Excavation Finds
Spaces for Living and Spaces of Imagination: Studies for a Sacral Topography of Ancient Roman Cities
Murjid and Marabout in Morocco and Tunisia: Institutionalized Intercultural Counselling in Segmentally Differentiated Societies
Youtai – Presence and Perception of Jews and Judaism in China
Global Society and National Gender Politics in Islamic Countries
Hinduism in Migration
Hollywood and Orient
Cultural Encounters in Egypt and the Ancient Near East: The Cinematographic Reception of the Ethnic “Other”
Crucible of Cultures: Syria From Late Antiquity to the End of the Crusades
ISATEX: Online-Network for the Exegesis of the Old Testament
Research Group 295: Cultural and Linguistic Contacts: Processes of Transformation in North-Eastern African and West Asian History
Buddhist Legends: Transmission and Transformation of Indian-Chinese Narratives on Their Way to Europe
Between Cultures: Moroccan Circus Acrobats
Europe and the New World
First Peoples – Rights and Representation – to be translated
Re-Building the Past: The Reconstruction and Perception of Historic City Centers of Salvador (Brazil) and Nürnberg (Germany)
“Interkulturalität”, “hybridity,” and “métissage” as Paradigms for Interpreting the Texts of Québec’s “écriture migrante”
“Happy and Sweet on the Way There, Bitter and Sad on the Return:” The Transatlantic Experiences of German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries under Portuguese and Spanish Patronage (1759/1767)
“High Life in Club Afrique”: London Encounters between Musicians from Africa, the Caribbean, and Great Britain Associated with the Melodisc Label and Club Afrique
Culture and Geopolitics in a Globalized World: The Francophonie as International Cultural Realm and International Political Actor
Dub Reggae in Great Britain
Ethnic Identity of Arab Settlements in the New World
Globalization and Ethnicity: Construction of Hybrid Indentit(ies) in North America and Great Britain
International Migration and Cultural Pluralism: Arab Migrants in Latin America
Jewish Migration: Intercultural Experiences in the Autobiographical Discourse of Emigrated German-Jewish Intellectuals
Derek Walcott’s Writings on Caribbean Culture, 1957-74
Periphery and Center: Hybridization and Postcolonial Migration Between the Caribbean and Colonial Metropolis
Intercultural Media
The Amazon Rainforest as Topic of Intercultural Communication
International Women´s Film Research Network
The Global Western: Intercultural Transformations of an American Genre par Excellence
Identity Constructions and the Mediation of Cultural Heritage in Tunisian TV Series
White Roles in Black African Film: Towards an Intercultural Negotiation of Identity Models
The City and the Other: (In)Security Discourses and Urban Development in Greater Europe
An Intercultural Comparison in Political Communication
In a Media Ghetto? Use of Media among Arabs in Mainz, Bad Kreuznach and Ludwigshafen
Covering Catastrophies: Media Effects on the Attitudes of Youths
The Mainstreaming of Minorities? A Comparative Analysis of Ethnicity and its Function in German and US-American Popular Culture
Campus-TV Mainz
Xenophobia and Mass Media in an International Comparison
Translation and Adaptation
Economic Lay Interpreting
Temporality in Theme Parks
Historical Translation Policy
Translation and the Law
The Interpreter’s Task in Expert Testimony in Criminal Cases
Transatlantic Worlds
Alterity and Performative Knowledge: Contemporary Re-Definitions of Modernity and Modernism in the Transatlantic Triangle
Towards a New Visual Politics between Global Icon and Iconoclash: Transatlantic Visual Worlds in Intercultural and Intermedial Comparison
Culture in Sport and Medicine
Medical Ethical Decisions about Death in Intercultural Context
Conditions for Internationalism as a Standard for the Olympics: A Social Constructivist View on Conception and Rationality in the World of the International Olympic Academy
Nursing and Medical Care of Muslims in the German Health Care System
The Invention of Norms
Research Training Group “Politics of Translation”
Links to International Co-operating Institutions
Graduate Group on Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (dokTRIN)
ZIS Foundation
External Applications
The Center
Central Agency
Coordinating Committee
Intercultural Studies
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume 11
Volume 12
Volume 13
Volume 14
Recent Publications
Publications of ZIS-Funded Projects and Conferences
Fellows and Guest Professors
Prof. Dr. Chris Lukinbeal
Prof. Dr. Almut Shulamit Bruckstein
Prof. Dr. Dariuš Zifonun
Dr. Baruch Shomron
Djamila Ribeiro
Prof. Dr. Susan Berk-Seligson
Dr. Giovanni Tidona
Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith
Guest Professors
Asst. Prof. Dr. David C. Posthumus
Prof. Dr. M. Dores Cruz
Prof. Dr. Shadia Husseini de Araújo
Prof. Dr. Heike Egner
Prof. Dr. Markus Winkler
Prof. Dr. Thiemo Breyer
Prof. Dr. Heath Cabot
Dr. Christoph Günther
Prof. Dr. Paul C. Adams
Prof. Dr. Immacolata Amodeo
Prof. Dr. Lenka Bustikova
Prof. Dr. Chris Lukinbeal
Prof. Dr. Lindsay Robertson
Prof. Dr. Zhang, Longxi
Naoki Sakai / Brigitta Busch / Brian J. Baer
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Bönisch-Brednich
Prof. Dr. Jenny Brumme
Prof. Dr. Lieven D’hulst
Prof. Dr. Scott A. Lukas
Prof. (em.) Dr. Oevermann / Prof. (em.) Dr. Schütze
Prof. Dr. David Siroky
Prof. Dr. Hyo-Seon Lee
Prof. Dr. Paul Tabar
Prof. Dr. Raúl Zurita
Prof. Dr. Carmine Chiellino
Prof. Dr. Erich Prunc
Prof. Christina Beal Kennedy
Prof. Dr. Benoit Séguin
Prof. Rosemary Arrojo
Prof. John Edgar Wideman
Prof. Dr. Charles R. Wilson
Prof. Lawrence Venuti
Lecture: Genealogies of Translation Theory: Jerome
Lecture: Translation, Intertextuality, Interpretation
Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Ph.D.
Photos of Prof. Spivak’s Speech
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Görner
Dr. Gerd Becker
Prof. Zhao Baisheng
Prof. Dr. Christo van der Merwe
PD Dr. Silke Hensel
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Sahr
Lecture Series: Prof. Wolf-Dietrich Sahr
Prof. Ihab Hassan
David Malouf
Prof. Michelle Cliff Ph.D.
Alan Bern
ZIS Academic Events
Conferences until 2019
Extract of other Events
Winter Semester 2019/2020
Summer Semester 2019
Winter Semester 2018/2019
Summer Semester 2018
Winter Semester 2017/2018
Summer Semester 2017
Winter Semester 2016/2017
Summer Semester 2016
Winter Semester 2015/2016
Summer Semester 2015
Knowledge Transfer
Participation in the Academic Fair 2019
Participation in the Academic Fair 2013
Participation in the Academic Fair 2010
Participation in the Academic Fair 2009
Participation in the Academic Fair 2008
ZIS Projects
Opening Conference
Video Presentations
Methods Workshop
CEDITRAA Fellowship
Research Groups
ZIS Research Group: Indian Ocean Confluences
Anthropological Linguistics / Linguistic Anthropology
(Inter-)Culturality of Paradigms for Interpretation and Explanation
Associated Initiatives
Interculturality in Germany and Europe
Africa Festivals
Survey of Migration in Mainz
The Acculturation Experiences of Children of Korean ‘Migrant Workers’ in Germany and ‘Foreign Migrant Workers’ in Korea: A Qualitative Investigation
Black European Studies / BEST
Remembrance of the World Wars — A German-French Comparison
‘Les colonisés de l´intérieur’: Renegotiating Cultural Identities in French Society
“Ethnic Marketing” in Germany
Community in Exile: Eritrean Networks in Germany
Cultural Mediation and Cultural Creativity: The Translating Activities of Multilingual Jewish Authors from Bukovina
Globalized Magic. Intercultural Entcounter Through Spiritual Eclecticism
On the Construction of Religious and Cultural Identities: Muslims in Rhineland-Palatinate
The Consequences of Intercultural Contacts: German-Polish Youth Exchange Programs
Pariser Rechenschaft – Parisian Account (1926)
“Ethnic Business” in the Rhein-Main Area
Cultural Impact on Visual Perception: A Comparative Analysis
Europe and the Middle East
The Topography of Settlement in Petra’s City Center
Spheres of Global Arab Communities – With a Focus on Brazil and the U.S.
Cultural-Geographic Archaeological Research on the History of Cyrenaica
Temple Objects from Yavneh
9/11 as Cultural Turning Point
The 2007 Excavation Campaign at Tell el-‘Oreme / Kinneret on the Sea of Galilee: Reappraising Current Excavation Finds
Spaces for Living and Spaces of Imagination: Studies for a Sacral Topography of Ancient Roman Cities
Murjid and Marabout in Morocco and Tunisia: Institutionalized Intercultural Counselling in Segmentally Differentiated Societies
Youtai – Presence and Perception of Jews and Judaism in China
Global Society and National Gender Politics in Islamic Countries
Hinduism in Migration
Hollywood and Orient
Cultural Encounters in Egypt and the Ancient Near East: The Cinematographic Reception of the Ethnic “Other”
Crucible of Cultures: Syria From Late Antiquity to the End of the Crusades
ISATEX: Online-Network for the Exegesis of the Old Testament
Research Group 295: Cultural and Linguistic Contacts: Processes of Transformation in North-Eastern African and West Asian History
Buddhist Legends: Transmission and Transformation of Indian-Chinese Narratives on Their Way to Europe
Between Cultures: Moroccan Circus Acrobats
Europe and the New World
First Peoples – Rights and Representation – to be translated
Re-Building the Past: The Reconstruction and Perception of Historic City Centers of Salvador (Brazil) and Nürnberg (Germany)
“Interkulturalität”, “hybridity,” and “métissage” as Paradigms for Interpreting the Texts of Québec’s “écriture migrante”
“Happy and Sweet on the Way There, Bitter and Sad on the Return:” The Transatlantic Experiences of German-Speaking Jesuit Missionaries under Portuguese and Spanish Patronage (1759/1767)
“High Life in Club Afrique”: London Encounters between Musicians from Africa, the Caribbean, and Great Britain Associated with the Melodisc Label and Club Afrique
Culture and Geopolitics in a Globalized World: The Francophonie as International Cultural Realm and International Political Actor
Dub Reggae in Great Britain
Ethnic Identity of Arab Settlements in the New World
Globalization and Ethnicity: Construction of Hybrid Indentit(ies) in North America and Great Britain
International Migration and Cultural Pluralism: Arab Migrants in Latin America
Jewish Migration: Intercultural Experiences in the Autobiographical Discourse of Emigrated German-Jewish Intellectuals
Derek Walcott’s Writings on Caribbean Culture, 1957-74
Periphery and Center: Hybridization and Postcolonial Migration Between the Caribbean and Colonial Metropolis
Intercultural Media
The Amazon Rainforest as Topic of Intercultural Communication
International Women´s Film Research Network
The Global Western: Intercultural Transformations of an American Genre par Excellence
Identity Constructions and the Mediation of Cultural Heritage in Tunisian TV Series
White Roles in Black African Film: Towards an Intercultural Negotiation of Identity Models
The City and the Other: (In)Security Discourses and Urban Development in Greater Europe
An Intercultural Comparison in Political Communication
In a Media Ghetto? Use of Media among Arabs in Mainz, Bad Kreuznach and Ludwigshafen
Covering Catastrophies: Media Effects on the Attitudes of Youths
The Mainstreaming of Minorities? A Comparative Analysis of Ethnicity and its Function in German and US-American Popular Culture
Campus-TV Mainz
Xenophobia and Mass Media in an International Comparison
Translation and Adaptation
Economic Lay Interpreting
Temporality in Theme Parks
Historical Translation Policy
Translation and the Law
The Interpreter’s Task in Expert Testimony in Criminal Cases
Transatlantic Worlds
Alterity and Performative Knowledge: Contemporary Re-Definitions of Modernity and Modernism in the Transatlantic Triangle
Towards a New Visual Politics between Global Icon and Iconoclash: Transatlantic Visual Worlds in Intercultural and Intermedial Comparison
Culture in Sport and Medicine
Medical Ethical Decisions about Death in Intercultural Context
Conditions for Internationalism as a Standard for the Olympics: A Social Constructivist View on Conception and Rationality in the World of the International Olympic Academy
Nursing and Medical Care of Muslims in the German Health Care System
The Invention of Norms
Research Training Group “Politics of Translation”
Links to International Co-operating Institutions
Graduate Group on Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (dokTRIN)
ZIS Foundation
External Applications
Participation in the Academic Fair 2008
© Heike C. Spickermann