Participation in formats of the university
The center has already participated in many formats of the university, including the design of a Night of the Profs in the Staatstheater, a lecture series at the University in the City Hall, program sections of the Kinderuni and the Wissenschaftsmarkt. The ZIS has its own cooperations with the CineMayence, the antiquarian at the Ballplatz, the Staatstheater and the Frankfurter Hof.
Development of own formats
In addition, ZIS has developed several specially designed formats to convey public knowledge but also to promote knowledge-based understanding in social interaction. These include, for example, the cultural week Kültür alakart in the city center in the Frankfurter Hof and the long-standing organized intercultural festival for the students of the JGU on the Mainz Campus.
Night of the Profs
The format of the Night of the Profs brings science to the Mainz State Theater, in short lectures the content of scientific research is conveyed to the public.
Streifzug durch die Kulturen der Welt.
rayon culturel – cultural lightning – kulturelles Feuerwerk
Participation in the Academic Fair
“Scholarship in Your Hands” is Johannes Gutenberg University’s annual academic fair, which takes place in the city center of Mainz. ZIS actively has taken part by organizing a large selection of workshops, academic discussions open to the public, onstage interviews, as well as themed musical performances from 2008 - 2013.