Social movements and labour have been key forces contributing to building and strengthening democracies and creating institutions that democratically govern capitalism.This summer school wants to explore the rise, development, challenges and innovative strategies of alliances and joint collective action between the so called "new" and "old" social movements and between the global South and the global North in their fight against repression and for the renewal of democratic space. This summer school will be conducted in English. The Summer School adresses M.A.-students from the faculties of Social Science and History who are interested in the academic field of social movement research. Furthermore students from other universities, especially from the UA Ruhr alliance, are welcomed as well. The project is divided into two seperate stages.
Phase 1: Preparatory Meeting: 12.06.2017 10:00 (Institute for Social Movements). During the first stage the students will be sensibilized towards the topic and will receive preparation material for the upcoming summer school.
Phase 2: Summer School: 11.-15.09.2017 (Institute for Social Movements). During the five day Summer School invited experts from different academic fields will give presentations and discuss the current state as well as challenges of social movement research with participating students using „flexible formats“ (World Café, Pro-Contra-Debatte, Fishbowl oder Pecha Kucha).
Further information: