GPP Program

The GPP's program is composed of four thematically structured units:

Unit A "Working Scientifically" aims at aims at improving skills which are indispensable to adequately organize and present research results – be it in form of an oral presentation or a research paper. This also encompasses the ability to selectively search for literature, effectively administer data and knowledge as well as being able to assess the quality of scientific data, methods and working procedures.

Unit B "Management Skills" imparts and improves knowledge and competencies which are central to leadership tasks. To this objective, workshops about project management and face-to-face communication are offered. These courses are supplemented by courses focusing on intercultural aspects of communication and team work.

Unit C "Career Planning and Career Entry" informs about the career options and career paths for young researchers as well as about funding opportunities for Postdocs in Germany and Europe. Furthermore, the doctoral candidates are being assisted in sharpening their personal and professional profile in regard to their preferred professional career. Thus, Unit C supports the young researchers in getting their career entry successfully started.

Unit D "Counselling and Networking" comprises peer-counselling formats which focus on questions and problems that emerge from being a Ph.D. or from specifics of the occupational life of postgraduates. By engaging in a peer-counselling group the doctorates – besides gaining new insights on Ph.D. or work related challenges – acquire counselling skills and establish contacts to other doctorates from different fields of study.

A list of all our present German and English courses can be found here.

Before applying for any course it is highly recommended to read the workshop description first and to take into consideration the indicated target group.

Signing up for a Course

The registration phase for courses in the second half of 2024 starts on June 25th, 2024. Please note that to be able to sign up and participate in the courses, you have to be registered with the General Postgraduate Program.

To sign up for a course, please use OpenOLAT.

Incoming registrations will be considered in order of arrival. However, the organizers reserve the right to treat the registration of foreign doctoral candidates preferentially.