Study progress analyses serve to provide information about study-related changes in attitude and the likelihood of the new Bachelor and Master degree courses being completed (drop-outs, change of discipline, length of the study program, transfer from the Bachelor to the Master program).
The data for the study progress analyses at JGU comes from the regular periodic surveys of the first-year students (panel survey). By means of a personalized code it is possible to match the responses from different surveys to the same person, while at the same time ensuring the anonymity of respondents.
The content of the survey is focused upon both a retrospective appraisal of the start of the study program and an assessment of the current study situation with regard to academic success (expertise gained and grades), exam situation, study conditions and living arrangements. Those students who changed their field of study or higher education institute, and those who dropped out, are asked about their current training situation and the reasons behind their decisions.
The results from the first analyses have shown that the consideration of study progress data is worthwhile. There are also interesting results with regard to the subjective perception of the expertise gained and the assessment of the study program over time.