The doctoral degree qualifies doctoral candidates for positions of responsibility within and outside of academic institutions. In addition to technical expertise, these positions often require management and leadership skills. However, young researchers are often insufficiently prepared for these tasks. Subject Area B therefore teaches and promotes the knowledge and skills required for management tasks. In addition to the basics of project management, this includes insights into the mechanisms and effects of communication as well as the emergence and management of conflicts in the work environment.
Subject Area B consists of two course units:
B 1 - Planning, coordinating and evaluating projects
At the beginning of their doctoral studies, many doctoral students are confronted for the first time in their academic careers with a major research project, sometimes lasting several years. They have to plan, coordinate and carry out this project on their own. Knowledge of the key project phases and work steps, as well as a realistic assessment of the time and cost involved, is a prerequisite for successful implementation. This unit focuses on the basic elements of project planning, execution, and evaluation. This includes aspects of time and self-management.
B 2 - Communication, leadership, conflicts
Communication with colleagues, co-workers and superiors is prone to misunderstandings and conflicts. This unit covers the knowledge and social skills needed to lead focused discussions, successfully manage work groups and projects, convince others of one's intentions and ideas, assert one's own interests in the workplace, and communicate in intercultural contexts.