
Nihil novi in historia? 25th National Congress of History Students in Poznań

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, G. Labuda Student Research Group at the AMU Institute of History, Student Council of the Faculty of History und der Post-Graduate Student Council of the Faculty of History laden ein:

Nihil novi in historia?
25th National Congress of History Students

We are happy to invite you to the 25th National Congress of History Students that will take place
from 19th April to 23rd April 2017 in Poznań, Poland.

We would like to invite students interested in history and historical sciences (archeology, ethnology,
history of art etc.) to present the results of their research at the Faculty of History
of Adam Mickiewicz University. We wish that the jubilee Congress Nihil novi in historia? will be
a place to exchange experiences between history students from all over the world. During five days of sessions we are planning several panels ranging from prehistory to modern times.

The Application form and with the Conference paper attached should be filled in on the conference website by
31st December 2016. We accept conference papers also in English. We plan to a post-conference publication.
The conference fee is €20 for participants from abroad.

website: www.xxvi-ozhs.amu.edu.pl
Facebook’s profile: https://www.facebook.com/XXVOZHS
contact: Agata Łysakowska (lysakowska@amu.edu.pl)

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