Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anja Müller-Wood


Who am I?

I am professor of English Literature at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, which I joined in 2003 after studying and working at Philipps-Universität Marburg (Ph.D. 1995) and the University of Trier (“Habilitation” 2002). My main areas of research are the literature and culture of early modern England and English literature from the late 19th to the late 20th century. I also work in the interrelated, epoch- and genre-transcending fields of narratology, stylistics and literary linguistics.


  • Early modern theatre and drama
  • Early modern poetic forms
  • Religious and national identities in the post-Reformation period and beyond
  • Narrative and literary form
  • Fiction and the mind


What do I teach?

I teach classes for advanced BA-students and MA-candidates, most of them based on my research interests. I also co-teach the B.Ed. lecture Introduction to Literary Studies and the Colloquium for students in the MA English Literature and Culture and M.Ed. English.


What theses do I supervise?

I am interested in supervising theses on topics relating to my research interests and/or teaching portfolio.


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