In order to study successfully, read your examination order (Prüfungsordnung) and the subject specifications for the examination order (Prüfungsordnungsanhang).
You can find all the graded exams that need to be registered on Jogustine in your subject specifications. These include course and module exams (the column "Studienleistung" and the line "Modulprüfung").
Technical problems while you are trying to register for an exam?
- Please contact Jogustine-Hotline.
Any questions concerning exams, grades, achievements?
- Please contact Alexandra Velten, exams manager.
If the boxes indicating 'module exam' (Modulprüfung) and 'course exam' (Studienleistung) in your examination order are empty, it means that the course requires only "active participation" (aktive Teilnahme).
Your lecturers will inform you at the start of the semester what they expect from you as active participation. Active participation can comprise short essays, homework, quizzes, presentations and/or in-class written tests (up to 45 mins.).
Active participation is marked by a green check mark on JOGUStINe. You are always granted "active participation" by registering for a course. Should you not fulfill the active participation, your lecturer will withdraw the check mark at the end of the semester.
Should the green check mark be missing from the module or should the course appear in a greyed-out background on Jogustine, your lecturer has withdrawn your check mark and has set you "inactive". In that case, you must repeat the course.
You do not get a grade for active participation!
- How do you find the "active participation" in JOGUStINe?
Read "Finding results in Jogustine" on this page.
Attested absence - illness
In order to facilitate things for you and your doctor, you can find a form for doctoral attested absence in the download section on this page. Your doctor can but does not have to use this form to attest your illness.
IMPORTANT! The yellow notes "Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung für den Arbeitgeber" ("doctoral attested certificate for your employer") is NOT a valid form and we are not allowed to accept it (since we are not your employer).
The attested absence form must be handed in to Alexandra Velten ( (depending on your course of studies) within three work days.
(this can be done via mail. The post office stamp date will be our reference).
Postal address:
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
FB 05, Department of English and Linguistics
Studienbüro Englisch
Alexandra Velten, M.A.
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18
55128 Mainz
We also emphatically recommend the webpages of the faculty FB 05 examination office concerning "Default and withdrawal from exams (Säumnis und Rücktritt von Prüfungen)" (see "Further links").
Did you know,...
... that you are allowed to miss class twice per semester - maximum (4 semester week hours)?
Read more in the interdisciplinary examination order under § 5 (5).
Bachelor's or Master's thesis
B.A. and M.A. students must register their theses with the examination office of FB 05 (Prüfungsamt of FB 05).
EXAM - No registration possible in registration period (error message/button missing)
You would like to register for an exam or coursework in Jogustine, but registration is not possible?
Check the following in your EXAMINATION REGULATION and/or in JOGUSTINE:
- Is there an examination in MY degree programme planned for this course?
- Check your examination regulations appendix: If there is no coursework (Studienleistung) or examination (Modulprüfung), registration is not possible.
- Have I already passed the course in a previous semester?
- Check your results in Jogustine: If you have already passed a course or examination, you cannot register for it again.
- Have courses from another degree programme or after a stay abroad been acknowledged?
- Check you recognition notice and results in Jogustine: In this case, you do not need to re-register.
- I did the course last semester (or the semester before that); now I cannot register for the examination in this course in the current examination registration period!
Exam registration always refers to the courses of the current semester. You cannot register for an exam in a course that dates from a previous semester.
EXAMS - Course work vs. Module exam
You register coursework and examinations (module examinations) in Jogustine. Registered achievements receive a grade.
It is up to you whether you register/deregister course work and examinations in the examination registration period: NO exam registration = NO GRADE!
Our tip: Always check the "Registered examinations/examination list" in Jogustine during the examination registration period to have an overview.
Course work (Studienleistung)
- ... are usually registered with the course (TAN entry during course registration/implicit exam registration).
- Exception: If, according to your exam regulations, you have the choice to do the exam in course A or course B, this needs to be registered in the examination registration period.
- ... can be repeated as often as required.
- In contrast to module exams, course work does not necessarily have to be repeated within six months. However, the course itself to which the course work belongs cannot be repeated as often as desired (see § 5 (8) of the examination regulations).
Module exams (Modulprüfungen)
- ... are always registered online during the examination registration period (explicit examination registration).
- ... can only be repeated twice (three attempts in total)
- The resit must always take place within six months of the grade being announced at the latest, otherwise you will automatically have another failed attempt!
- NO AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION for exam repetition!
- You must take action and re-register for the module examination.
- Ignoring a failed attempt is not an option and, in the worst case, can lead to the final failing grade.
- If a module examination is definitively failed, the subject is also definitively failed.
EXAMS - Title page for term papers and written exams
With EACH written exam (term papers and final exams), a filled in and signed title page must be handed in.
Handing in term papers: DEL students are asked to hand in their term papers without a folder as simple stapled DIN A4 packages of paper. Make sure it contains - on the front - the title page that you downloaded, filled in, and signed.
Handing in written exams: Download the title page, fill it in and sign it and bring it with you to the exam.
After corrections are done, the exams remain with the lecturers until the beginning of the next examinations registration period. Student can look at their exams there during office hours and discuss them with their lecturers if need be. But lecturers will not hand out copies of the exams!
Then, the exams are passed on to the office managers for another six months. If needed, you can now borrow the exam for copying purposes (by depositinga valid ID) and must bring it back immediately. In case, you cannot come in person (i.e. stay abroad), a friend can copy your exam as long as the can present a letter of authorization signed by you.
By the end of a semester, alls exams that have not been collected by then, will be destroyed. All module relevant exams will be archived until two years after a student's graduation and can no longer be copied or examined.
The title page can be found in the download area in the upper right-hand corner.
EXAMS - Word count - Term papers literary studies
These numbers apply ONLY to literary term papers (NOT linguistic ones). The word count should not deviate from the norm asked for by your lecturer by more than +/- 5-10%. If in doubt, please talk to your lecturer before handing in the term paper.
Course Type/Course of Studies | Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Education/WiPäd |
Proseminar 115/120 | 1500 words | -- |
Proseminar 122 | 2500 words | 1250 words |
Proseminar/Seminar 123 | 2500 words | -- |
Proseminar/Seminar 210 | 2500 words | -- |
Seminar 313 | 5000 words | 2500 words |
Seminar 410 | 5000 words | 2500 words |
Course Type/Course of Studies | Master of Arts | Master of Education/WiPäd |
Übung 511 | 5-10 pages | -- |
Seminar 512 | 6000 words | 4000 words |
Seminar 522 | 6000 words | 4000 words |
Seminar 532 | 6000 words | -- |
Seminar 533 | 6000 words | -- |
EXAMS Word count - Term papers English Linguistics
These numbers apply ONLY to term papers in English linguistics (NOT to literary sciences). The word count should not deviate strongly from the norm that your lecturer asked for. If in doubt, please talk to your lecturer before handing in the term paper.
Course Type/Course of Studies | Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Education/WiPäd |
Proseminar | 3000-3500 words | 2000-2500 words |
Seminar | 5000-5500 words | 3000-3500 words |
Course Type/Course of Studies | Master of Arts | Master of Education/WiPäd |
Seminar | 5000-5500 words | 3000-3500 words |
EXAMS - Repeating an exam
In case you have already fulfilled the requirements for active participation but failed the course work or module exam, you do not necessarily need to repeat the course.
BUT: Please be sure to read the notes on the topics "Repeating an exam" and "Repeating a term paper" on this page.
- Please note the deadline for retaking MODULE EXAMS. The retake must always take place at the earliest possible date; this means that you must re-register for the exam within six months of the date on which the grade for the failed attempt was published. Otherwise you will automatically have another failed attempt.
- Course exams are not handled as strictly.
See also EXAMS - Course work vs. Module exam on this website.
Continue reading now at:
.....repeating a term paper
.....repeating a written exam (in class)
EXAMS - Repeating a term paper
Use the form to register for the re-examination of the term paper. (see download)
- Your advantage: You can retake the exam straight away. No new course registration is necessary and you do not have to wait until the examination registration period begins.
Prerequisite: You first go to the error analysis (in the consultation hour) with THE SAME lecturer with whom you failed, and then agree to repeat the assignment on the same course topic, but with a new assignment topic.
Adhere to the DEADLINE for MODULE EXAMS:
- It is essential that you observe the deadline for re-registration for examinations..
- The deadline is 6 months from the publication of the grade of the failed attempt. You must register within this period.
It is possible to repeat a term paper, as long as the SAME lecturer with whom you failed your first attempt offers to read a second exam on a new topic. In this case, a new course registration is not necessary
How to register the repeat examination with your lecturer without attending a seminar:
- Print the form for the repeat exam (see download).
- Take the form to your lecturers OFFICE HOURS, ask for the permit to repeat the exam and set the deadline in a personal conversation. Be polite!
- The form remains with the lecturer.
- Registration with a repeat exam form is not limited to the regular exam registration periods. But pay close attention to keeping the deadline for the paper as well as to new registration periods for module exams!
- You lecturer can and may recommend that you might better take the course (proseminar/seminar) again. In this case, please be sure to read the next paragraph.
Observe the deadline when re-registering for the course:
- If you are repeating a course, you must register for the examination during the examination registration period and meet the 6-month deadline!
- Although the examination registration period lasts two weeks, you must keep an eye on "your" date in order to re-register for the examination on time!
- If you decide to re-enrol for the course, we strongly advise you to attend the course regularly.
- In this case, you do not have to demonstrate active participation again.
Avoid ...
... to ask any lecturer whether you can write a repeat examination even though you were not in his/her seminar.
... to participate in a new seminar as a guest without registering and then write the repeat examination for the previously attended course.
EXAMS - Repeating an exam (in class)
You have completed the active participation, but did not pass the final exam. You have the chance to repeat the exam in the following semester without having to register for the course again.
Adhere to the DEADLINE for MODULE EXAMS:
- It is essential that you observe the deadline for re-registration for examinations..
- The deadline is 6 months from the publication of the grade of the failed attempt. You must register within this period.
- Registration for the exam is done online (Jogustine).
We strongly recommend:
Course content or lecturers may vary from semester to semester. You should therefore attend the relevant course as a guest in order to be prepared for the exam. It is not necessary to register again.
Exception: For CS I American Studies and CS I English Literature and Culture, we strongly recommend that you repeat the course in full.
- Address your respective lecturer AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEMESTER (DURING HER/HIS OFFICE HOURS), and let her/him know that you want to participate as a guest and to repeat the exam in her/his class. Be polite!
- If you decide to re-enrol for the course, we strongly advise you to attend the course regularly. In this case, you do not have to demonstrate active participation again.
- Remember that you can exchange ideas and ask questions with the teachers and your fellow students in class. Do not underestimate human communication, which cannot be replaced by online learning material.
Avoid ...
... turning up for the exam without consulting the lecturer - because you cannot expect additional exam papers to be available.
... turning up for the exam without registering for the exam. This is an unauthorised free attempt that cannot be assessed (= no grade entry in Jogustine).
Finding results on JOGUStINe
This is how you will find the results of the courses you have taken and whether you have passed a class with "active participation":
- Overview:
JOGUStINe → Studies → Academic records: modules you have passed are published with a grade. - For more details:
JOGUStINe → Studies → Results → Module results: click on exams of the respective module for more details (e.g., the final grade column says “not set yet”). You may have to change the semester settings. - An example-PDF can be found in Downloads on this page.
Module is not shown in overview - no final grade
Modules can only be published, once ALL the grades from ALL the classes and for ALL the students registered for the same module (in other words: not simply your own grade) have been entered by the lecturers. As long as grades from past semesters are still missing, a module cannot be published collectively.
Please do not ask for individual publication of these grades unless you need it for important reasons (such as for a transcript in order to sign up for a Master's). In those cases, Alexandra Velten can publish grades individually. However, it is impossible to individually publish every grade for 2,600 students, so please ask for it only in really urgent cases.
This is how you can check whether you have taken all ourses required in a given module:
- Go to the specifications for your examination order (Prüfungsordnungsanhang) (i.e. in the menu to your left named "studies- and examinations order"/"Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen"). Pay attention to the year of the examination orders (PO-Anhänge)!
- Compare the requirements of your examination order (PO-Anhang) with the results in your modules. A detailed manual to find your result can be found on this page under "Finding results in Jogustine" (document in German only).
According to a departmental resolution from June 18th, 2014, a two part proceeding to prevent plagiarisms was enacted:
First attempt at plagiarism/attempted fraud:
The exam is marked as "failed" and the lecturer contacts the studies manager. The student is then invited to a hearing. After a legal instruction, a memo signed by the student, the lecturer, and the studies manager is passed on to the faculty's exams office, where it is archived and, after graduation of the student, destroyed for data protection.
Repeated plagiarism/attempted fraud :
The student will be invited to the examination board, which can, according to the examinations regulation exempt him/her from further exams in the department. Grave and/or repeated cases of fraudulent behavior can thus lead to a excemption from all exams and thus can lead to exmatriculation for a field of studies!
In cases of grave fraudulent behavior, even the first attempt can be reported to the central examinations board, which will then decide whether a student's immatriculation will be paused or ended and whethers she/he will be excluded from further examinations in a subject.
Transcript of Records
B.A./M.A. students: Please contact the exams manager of your MAJOR subject.
Please note
A transcript is an official document, which cannot be printed out on the go. Plan for at least a week of processing time, which, during vacation time, can take even longer (as several exams manager can be involved in the process depending on your subject combination).