Department Studies Office

The studies office is responsible for all organisational matters concerning the Bachelor and Master Studies programmes at the Department of English and Linguistics.


Introduction to Studying at the Department of English and Linguistics winter semester 2024/25

We are happy to welcome you on campus for the winter semester 2024/25.

With the introductory event, which is followed by the tutor session, we offer you organisational advice and help at the beginning of your studies, e.g. regarding your exam regulations and organising your timetable.

The introductory event (Einführungsveranstaltung) for all our courses of studies (B.Ed./M.Ed. Englisch, B.A./M.A. American Studies und B.A./M.A. English Literature and Culture) will be on

  • Tuesday, 15 October 2024, Room P 204 (Philosophicum, Jakob-Welder-Weg 18), 9.00-10.00 a.m.
    (Please note that this session will be held in German, we, nevertheless, recommend your participation.)
  • The introductory session will be followed by a
    tutor session from 10.00-11.00 a.m.(in English)
    The rooms will be announced in the introductory session.


Freshers' welcome for M.A.-students in American Studies
Orientation meeting: Tuesday, October 22, 4-5 pm in room 02.102 in Philosphicum II, Jakob-Welder-Weg 20

Freshers' welcome for M.A.-students in English Literature and Culture
Orientation meeting: Tuesday, 15 October , 11 am-noon in room P 102 in Philosphicum I, Jakob-Welder-Weg 18

Office hours

...take place on campus - no further appointment necessary. EXCEPTIONS can be found under "CONTACT US".

Please follow these guide lines when sending e-mails:

  • Only send your enquiry to one person at the time. We will forward your enquiry to the person in charge if necessary.
  • State your question in a short but precise manner.
  • State your course of studies (major/minor), your matriculation number and the subject semester.
  • In order to clarify complex matters more quickly, please add your phone number to your request.

Your studies office - Our Tasks

For the "who-is-who" - see "Contact" below.

  • Studies management
    The studies manager heads the studies office, plans the semester programme in consultation with the head of the department and the individual research and teaching areas, coordinates teaching operations and participates in the conceptual and organisational development of the degree programmes. She is the contact person for questions of equal opportunities and compensation for disadvantages and organises hearings in cases of plagiarism.
  • Course management
    The course manager organises the courses; this includes room planning, accepting course announcements, entering the course data in CampusNet, controlling the registration procedure and the lists of participants.
  • Exams management
    The examination manager is responsible for the actual organisation and administration of examinations, in particular the maintenance of the relevant data in CampusNet.
  • Student advisors
    Affiliated with the departmental studies office, the student advisors offer a variety of individual advice to students. (Click on "student advisors" for more information.)
  • Certificates for the German student credit system (BAföG-Bescheinigungen)
    Only for B.A. (major) American Studies or English Literature and Culture.
    Please contact Lisa Schaufler. For "Formblatt 5," see also student advisors
  • Who else can issue a certificate for the German student credit system BAföG-Bescheinigungen (regular certificates)?
    In cases of illness or vacation, one of our studies office representatives will assist. Please contact only ONE studies office administrator at a time! NEVER contact several people at the same time!
  • Website
    For any questions or suggestions, please contact Kathrin Scheufler.

Out of office - Department of English

Lisa Schaufler: 2 - 13 Sept. 2024
Kathrin Scheufler: 22 - 30 July 2024; 22 Aug. - 6. Sept. 2024
Alexandra Velten: 9 - 23 Aug. 2024

Out of office - Department of Linguistics

Beatrix Spahn: 31 July 2024 - 4 Aug. 2024
Short term changes (i.e. in cases of illness or because of impromptu meetings and conferences) will be announced at the office doors.