In order to study successfully, read your examination order (Prüfungsordnung) and the subject specifications for the examination order (Prüfungsordnungsanhang).
The course of studies plan (Studienverlaufsplan) is based on the subject specifications and will help with scheduling your courses.
Questions about the class schedule or about the examination order? Our student advisors are there to help you.
Always make use of all 3 registration periods if you are fully matriculated.
ATTENTION! According to a JGU senate ruling ("Senatsrichtlinie"), the studies office will deregister everyone who is signed up for several unneeded classes in order to make room for those that still need a course.
ABSOLUTELY NO registration for classes via lecturers!
Contacts for problem-solving
Technical problems?
Any other problems with classes?
- Please contact Kathrin Scheufler, course management (English)
Questions about class schedule?
- Please talk to one of our student advisors.
3 registration periods
- All students must register for their courses on JGU's web portal "JOGUStINe".
- You will need a valid JGU-account and a TAN-list (for the implicit exam registration).
- During the 1st and 2nd registration period your can register for the courses at any time during the registration periods. The point of registration does not influence the assignment of a place in a course.
- The motto for the 3rd registration period, however, is "first come, first served".
- NOTE: All the registration periods are simultaneously deregistration periods!
For more information click here: Jogustine - Registration Periods
BUTTON for registration missing
Check your examination regulations: Is it a lecture or course with active participation only (i.e. without course work or module exam)?
- Lecture
Check in Jogustine whether you have already attended the lecture (green tick in the module). If this is the case, the lecture has been passed and cannot be registered for again.
- Course only with active participation -> passed
Check in Jogustine whether you have already attended the course (green tick in the module). If this is the case, the course has been passed and cannot be registered for again.
- Course only with active participation -> failed
You know that you have not passed the course and would like to enrol again, but the enrolment does not work. Check in Jogustine whether the green tick is present in the module.
- Course with active participation only -> re-registration
The lecturers in the English department often set students inactive in their courses in a collective action after the end of the semester. Registration is therefore not possible in the 1st registration period. You can only register for the course type again once your active participation has been withdrawn.
Register for this course type in the 2nd registration period. Should you then have problems registering again, check whether the green tick is present in the module. If the green tick is present, the lecturer has probably overlooked to set you inactive. In this case, please contact the lecturer directly.
Find green tick in Jogustine
On this page you can download the PDF "Finding results in Jogustine" with an explanation of how to find the green tick in the module.
We strongly recommend:
Check your registration status in Jogustine after the registration periods. Here you will find all ‘accepted’ and ‘rejected’ courses at a glance.
Not recommended:
Checking your module registration. This can be confusing, especially for courses that are summarised in registration groups.
You can find out what ‘pending’ means and further details on the Jogustine-info-page.
Deregistering from classes
- YOU are responsible for de-/registering for classes yourself. Check your "Registration status" and schedule on JoGuStINe.
- Please deregister and thus make room for your fellow students in case you know you CANNOT attend a class you are registered for.
- Please deregister all classes that you CANNOT take at the beginning of the 2nd registration period, or, at the latest, at the beginning of the 3rd registration period ("first come - first served"). After the third registration period, you CANNOT deregister classes any longer.
- Pay attention to whether all your courses start in Week 1 or whether they are being taught as a compact course.
Deregistration from classes by the Studies Office
Only in justified exceptional cases (change of degree programme/long-term illness) can the Studies office cancel your registration for courses once the 3rd registration period is over.
- Being overwhelmed by the amount of courses you have chosen is not a reason for cancellation.
- Dissatisfaction with the course content or lecturers is not a reason for cancellation.
- Incorrect planning of your courses is not a reason for cancellation.
Cognate Field
Cognate Field is a SUBSTITUTE COURSE for a selection of bachelor and master lectures at the Department of English and Linguistics. The idea is that you broaden your mind.
Please note:
- Choose one of these lectures as your Cognate Field lecture. DO NOT select the same one you have already chosen in another module in the same semester!
- There are NO exams when you register for Cognate Field! (Check your exam regulations, i.e. Prüfungsordnung!) You will receive credit for participation only.
3 steps to your successful registration/participation:
1) Registration
- Pick one of the lectures and register for this small group (priority 1).
- Title and course number are part of the name of the chosen small group.
- For technical reasons there are no further details (day/time/room no.).
- Note that Cognate Field will therefore not be on your JOGUStINe schedule!
2) Finding course dates/time/room/lecturer
- Remember the course number of the SMALL GROUP LECTURE you have chosen. Course numbers are made up of 8 digits (e.g., 05.874.412).
- Go to the JOGUStINe COURSE CATALOGUE (no log-in required) und click on "Search".
- Please check that you have selected the correct semester (winter/summer).
- Enter the course (offering) number and press enter.
- ATTENTION! No further registration required at this point! Should there be another button for course registration here: ignore it! (This is for STUDIUM GENERALE which you do not want.)
- Click on the course title to get more information (contents/day/time/room no/lecturer.). Note that Cognate Field will therefore not be on your JOGUStINe schedule!
3) Course place confirmed - Accessing course material
- Contact the lecturer of the genuine lecture about how to access the course materials. Please mention that you are registered for his/her lecture via "Cognate Field".
- IMPORTANT: You will find NO course materials nor any other information on Moodle concerning 05.866.214 Cognate Field because COGNATE FIELD is only a SUBSTITUTE COURSE and NOT THE ORIGINAL LECTURE!
You will be able to access the course materials once you have been added to the genuine lecture on Moodle.
Seminar 123 in GMK V and AMK II (and/or GMB II)
The seminar with the number 123 is used in different modules. Although the course number is identical, the course content is by no means identical.
All seminars 123 must be taken, otherwise you will not be able to complete the modules! In your major, this means that one seminar 123 must be taken in GMK V and one seminar 123 in AMK II. If you are studying AS or ELC as a major and minor subject, you must also take seminar 123 in GMB II.
Concerning AMK II:
You must choose a seminar AS 123 or ("oder") ELC 123 in AMK II. Only register either a seminar English Literature 123 and Culture OR American Studies 123. Do not register for both.
Where does it say in Jogustine in which module the course is registered?
Check your REGISTRATION STATUS, click on the relevant course type and then on the details. Here you will find the module reference.
PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Should your register both types of seminar, surplus registrations will be randomly cancelled by the studies office - before course places will be allocated by Jogustine.
Elective (M.A.-students)
Elective is a substitute/placeholder for a selection of courses. You participate as a GUEST in this elective course within the frame of your master's studies.
3 steps to your successful registration/participation:
1) Registration
- You register for the "Elective" class on JOGUStINe.
- The JOGUStINe info textbox will then let you know which classes you can register for.
2) Finding course dates/time/room/lecturer
- Go to the JOGUStINe COURSE CATALOGUE (no log-in required).
- Select the appropriate semester (winter/summer).
- Click instruction:
Overview -> Faculty 05 - Philosophy and Philology -> "Fachgruppe Englisch" -> Here you will find a list of the course types. Click on the appropriate course type to get the full list of courses/seminars/lectures. - Choose a course/seminar/...
- Get in touch with the lecturer of the course early on and ask whether you may participate as a guest (like in a lecture course).
- You will receive credit for participation only (no further requirements).
- For technical reasons there are no further details (day/time/room no.):
- ! Note that Cognate Field will therefore not be on your JOGUStINe schedule!
3) Accessing course materials
- Ask your lecturer about how to access the course materials.
- Please note: You will find NO course materials nor any other information on Moodle because ELECTIVE is merely a SUBSTITUTE COURSE.
Independent Studies
"Independent Studies" is not a class that can be registered as such on Jogustine.
This is how you can get your credits:
- by completing an internship of at least four weeks in a commercial enterprise or with an organisation - to be verified by an official confirmation from the company/organisation;
- a stay abroad of at least three months in an English-speaking country (English-speaking countries are countries in which English is an official language). As a rule, the stay abroad can take the form of a period of study, an internship or traineeship or other work experience. Proof is provided in the form of a transcript or official confirmation from the employer;
- by attending a summer school for at least six weeks at a university in an English-speaking country (English-speaking countries are countries where English is the official language) - to be proven by a transcript;
- by leading a tutorial (1 semester) accompanying a university course - to be proven by an official confirmation;
- a teaching assistantship abroad - to be evidenced by an official confirmation;
- by participating in a course or a research project of the English Department - to be proven by an official confirmation.
Be sure to speak to our Student Advisory Service in advance and clarify the question of recognition in advance:
Registration periods over - a course is missing
The departmental studies office does NOT accept any course registration outside JOGUStINe: Asking a lecturer for permission to register in his/her class is NOT acceptable and will NOT lead to registration for the course!
Do as follows:
- You have not been able to register for a course during the 1st registration period: use the 2nd registration period.
- You have not been able to register for a course during the 2nd registration period: use the third registration period. 99% of all problems with course registration can be solved by yourself during this period.
- The third and last registration period is over and you urgently need a course you were not able to register for (btw: EACH AND EVERY of your attempts to register and to deregister are recorded and saved into a registration logbook which we can and will track)?
- We offer a special service:
Send us a screenshot of your JOGUStINe-schedule with a note on which course type/class you need (and, at best, alternative classes which fit your schedule). We will try to add you to a class that does not conflict with your other classes. This offer extends especially to students closer to graduation. - THIS OFFER IS MEANT AS A LAST RESORT IN CASE YOU HAVE RECEIVED NO SINGLE COURSE THAT YOU NEED BADLY. IT IS NEITHER MEANT FOR YOU TO GET YOUR DESIRED CLASS, NOR IS IT MEANT TO HAVE THE STUDIES OFFICE FIX YOUR REGISTRATIONS FAILS!
- How?
Send an e-mail with the subject line "Jogustine schedule".
Let us know which course type/class you need.
Give us a brief (!) explanation.
Very important: add your matriculation number! - When?
Until Monday, 1 p.m. AFTER THE END of the 3rd registration period.
[In case Monday is a holiday, the due date is Tuesday, 1 p.m.] Attention! Schedules that reach us before the end of the 3rd registration phase (the 3rd registration phase ends at 9 p.m.!) will not be considered! - Who to?
Send your e-mail to our course manager, Kathrin Scheufler (
Changing courses
The studies office does not assist in changing courses (not even 1 to 1 changes). You can deregister or reregister/choose another course on your own during the three registration periods on JOGUStINe.
Ranking courses
When you have the choice of several courses, i.e. in small groups, you should ideally rank your preference for them. Always rank all the available courses! Not ranking or ranking only one course can lead to the system not accepting your registration, despite the fact that there are still avaiable courses.
Attendance - mandatory and optional
- All the courses begin in the first week of lectures unless announced otherwise (block seminars etc.).
- Regular attendance is only mandatory in certain courses: please check your exam regulations.
Courses with mandatory attendance:
Regular attendance can still be attested with up to two class sessions missed per semester (4 SWH/semester week hours). If you are absent due to illness, a doctor's note ("Attest) is not required. Please note that you cannot extend these two misses by adding a doctor's certificate on top.
Courses with optional attendance:
We strongly recommend you attend all your classes on a regular basis to profit from in-class debates with your lecturers and fellow students.
Note: Your lecturers are not obliged to inform you about their class contents if you opt for non-attendance. - Should you decide to drop a class in the course of the semester, inform your lecturer as a token of respect. Only drop courses if there is no other solution. Remember that you have been given a priority for a class and someone else did not. By dropping a course, you are essentially wasting a place in class someone else might a have appreciated!
Courses clash - what to do?
If you are registered for two parallel courses, do not hold on to both - you cannot be in two places at the same time!
- Deregister from one of the courses and - during the next registration phase - try to register for a parallel course.
- You cannot decide on which course to prioritize? Rule of thumb: Major before minor. Otherwise try to compare which course type offers more parallel courses and try to find a spot on a parallel course.
- You may also give up a course or prefer to take another course from a different module. For a sensible choice, please refer to your course of studies plan (Studienverlaufsplan) or seek advice with one of our studies advisors. In any case, please immediately deregister a course you do not want to or cannot take because as long as you are registered you are blocking access for students who may want or need to take the class.
- Did you know? - Due to the large number of possible subject combinations at JGU, we cannot guarantee a 100% overlap-free course of studies in all of your subjects.
Desired course
Unfortunately, you cannot always get a spot in the course you desire most. Brief reminder: there is no given right to a spot in a desired course.
- Scenario:
After the second registration period, you do have a spot in a course, but it is not the course you desired. You have the option to deregister from the course in the last registration period in which you have a guaranteed spot in order to try to get into the course you desire. BUT...
PLEASE NOTE: The deregistration and re-registration might not work and you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. In this case, you might end up without any place in a course and will have to take the class in the next semester.
The departmental studies office does NOT support personal registration with lecturers outside of JOGUStINe.