Clemens Spahr is junior professor (assistant professor) of American Literature/American Studies. Having studied at the University of Tübingen and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, he received an M.A. in English/American Studies and German Literature from the University of Tübingen. Subsequently, he worked on his Ph.D. thesis at Mainz University and was twice a Visiting Student Research Collaborator at Princeton University. He defended his PhD thesis in June 2009.
His fields of interest include Literary and Critical Theory, American Poetry, New England Puritanism, Transcendentalism and Transatlantic Romanticism, Modernism, and Post 9/11-Literature. Currently, he is completing his manuscript on the Transcendentalists (‘Aesthetics and Utopia in American Transcendentalism’) and is co-editing the forthcoming Kulturtheorien im Dialog: Beiträge zur Text-Kontext Debatte in den Kulturwissenschaften. He has published essays on such writers as Anne Bradstreet, Orestes Brownson, Melvin Tolson, and Anne Waldman. His second book project will investigate the cosmopolitanism of American poetry.