German-Italian Undergraduate and Graduate Student Workshop - Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Incontro tra le università di Mainz e Napoli Federico II, con interventi di studenti dei due Atenei. Introducono e coordinano Tabea
5. Oktober 2023, Nachmittag, Aula ex Cataloghi Ligne, Neapel
Meurer e Konstanze Schiemann (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), e Lorenzo Miletti (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II).
Interventi di:
- Francesco Alberico (Mysteries and Magic in Apollonius Rodius’ Argonautica)
- Maximilian Armstroff (The Flavian Amphitheatre in Puteoli)
- Giuseppe Capuano (Cremutius Cordus: Historiography and Political Opposition in Early Roman Empire)
- Andrea Carraturo (School Papyri: Teaching and Learning in Graeco-Roman Egypt)
- Maddalena Costanzo (The Anonymous Commentary to Ovid's Ars amandi in ms. BNN V.D.52)
- Amelie Egger (Humanities in Germany. Philosophy and History)
- Sina-Marie Hahn (Studying Archeology in Mainz)
- Selin Ince (The Amphitheatre in Pompeii)
- Rita Liguoro (The Ambiguous Role of Poppies in Roman Symbology)
- Jonas Mach (Studying Classical Philology in Mainz)
- Markus Mayer (Observations on Studying History in Germany and France)
- Flavia Moracas (Survival of Paganism in the 5th Century AD. Stories of Men and Women)
- Rosa Nicolò (Reading a Pindaric Papyrus Fragment: P.Oxy. XXXII 2622)
- Conrad Nilles (Royal Representation in the Cities of the early Seleucid Empire)
- Aurora S. Norelli (The Reception of Dido through Virgilian Exegesis, from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance)
- Lisa Victoria Pflaumer (The Roughhouse at the Amphitheatre of Pompei)
- Alexander M. Reith (Ancient Roman Food Production and Culture)
- Johanna Elisabeth Stephan (Studying Prehistory and Early History in Mainz)
- Maria Carmen Zoff (Restoring Temples through the Art of Rhetoric: Aelius Aristides' Eleusinian Oration)