A Case Study

Moodle is relatively new to the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. In 2013, the Gutenberg Teaching Council of the University of Mainz offered grants to support projects involving the creation, implementation and testing of blended and distance learning courses to be run on the Moodle platform. Three lecturers in the Division of English Linguistics and Translation Studies (DELTS) within the University’s Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies were eager to participate (Don Kiraly, Lisa Rüth and Marcus Wiedmann).

In chapter 5 of "Towards Authentic Experiential Learning in Translator Education" (2015: Mainz University Press), Don Kiraly, Lisa Rüth and Marcus Wiedmann describe how they began to use Moodle in translation-related courses at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germersheim. This chapter is partly available on Google Books, and you will be able to read it on this page from November 2016 onwards.

The case study was based on three translation courses carried out over the course of two semesters. Distance learning has turned out to be a valuable complement to conventional classes because it improves the students’ motivation and encourages teamwork. It also helps ensure that the students take responsibility for their own work.