The Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI) brings together the leading immunologists from Mainz. So a interdisciplinary exchange is possible. Here you find a list of the members of the FZI ordered by their departments and institutes.
Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) and Cluster on Individualized Immune Intervention (CI3)
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Christoph Huber |
Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Krishnaraj Rajalingam | CV |
Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH)
Prof. Dr. Pol Besenius | Working group |
Prof. Dr. med. Özlem Türeci |
Institute for Medical Biometry, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI)
Dr. rer. nat. Federico Marini |
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
Prof. Dr. med. Tim Sparwasser | CV |
Dr. (PhD) Sara Vieira Silva |
Institute for Molecular Medicine
Prof. Dr. Ellen Closs, PhD | |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Kleinert | CV |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andrea Pautz | CV |
PD Dr. rer. nat Luise Florin | CV |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. et med. habil. Rafaela Holtappels | CV |
Prof. Dr. med. Bodo Plachter | CV |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Reddehase | CV |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schäfer | CV |
Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Bittner | CV |
Prof. Dr. med. Frauke Zipp | |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Timo Uphaus | |
Dr. med. Vinzenz Fleischer |
PD Dr. med. Harald Krenzlin | |
Dr. sc. nat. ETH Beat Alessandri |
Clinic and Policlinic for Urology and Paediatric Urology | |
Prof. Dr. Roman Blaheta |
Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kristina Endres |
Centre for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery | |
Prof. Dr. rer. physiol. et mel. habil. Ulrike Ritz |
Centre for Thoracic Diseases - Pneumology | |
PD Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Reuter |