The Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI) is the central component of the immunologic of the innovation field of the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz. Beside the awarding of scholarships the FZI is involved in the "Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine - TRANSMED". Here the education of the young scientists is specialized in clinical translation.
The main aims of the FZI:
- networking between interdisciplinary working immunologists
- improvement of the international visibility and scientific excellence of the immunological research
- coordination and support of interdisciplinary projects
- raising of third-party funds
- promoting of young scientists
The following third-party funds exist in the FZI:
- CI3 - BMBF Cluster „Individualized ImmuneIntervention“
- BMBF-Project "DIASyM - Systemmedizin auf Basis datenunabhängiger Messmethoden: Massenspektrometrie-basierte Hochdurchsatz-Phänotypisierung des Herzinsuffizienz-Syndroms" (Coordinator Prof. Dr. S. Tenzer, Co-Coordinator Prof. Dr. P. Wild)
- CRC 1292: "Targeting convergent mechanisms of inefficient immunity in tumors and chronic infections"
- TR 128 „Initiating/effector versus regulatory mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis – Progress towards unraveling and treating the disease“ (Speaker: Prof. Dr. F. Zipp)
- KFO 183 „Optimierte allogene Lymphozytentherapie“
- Deutsches Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung (DKTK) – Partnerstandort Frankfurt/Mainz
- ERC Advanced Grant “FibroImaging” (FZI-Mitglied Prof. Dr. Dr. Detlef Schuppan)
- NeuroKine (EU FP7 Integrated Training Network – ITN, Koordination A. Waisman)
- CRC 1066 “Nanodimensionale polymere Therapeutika für die Tumortherapie”
- TR 52 - Transregio 52 „Transcriptional Programming of Individual T-Cell Subsets"(until End of 2013)
- GRK 1043 „Immunotherapie“ (until End of 2013)
The FZI is or was involved in the following events :
- 12th International Congress of Neuroimmunology (2014)
- Annual CIMT-Meetingin Mainz (Rheingoldhalle, with FZI-involvement since 2009)
- 43. annual Meeting of the German Society for Immunology 2013 (Campus of the JGU)
- Annual bilateral meeting of the German and the Chinese Society for Immunology (since 2010)