The Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI) is personally, thematically and organisatory in close interaction to CI3, TRON and CIMT. This concerns to the development of immunological therapeutics and diagnostics, parts of public relations and the education of young scientists. Beside the Focus Program Translational Neurosciences (FTN) and the Center for Translational Vascular Biology (CTVB) the FZI acts as the central and binding element inside of the Research Center for Translational Medicine. Members of the FZI are partly integrated in other focus programs and interact in different research communities as TR 128 or CI3. Accounting to the education of young scientists the FZI is associated with FTN and CTVM in the graduate school TRANSMED. In addition the FZI cooperates with other research facilities inside (Faculty 09 and 10) and outside the Johannes Gutenberg University (like PEI, Goethe-University Frankfurt). This collaborations were developed during the establishment of collective third-party fundings. They also cause in the interdisciplinary scientific exchange and the cooperation during the organization of congresses.