Dr. phil. Marie Karner

Marie Karner studied geography, economics and media science before joining the Institute of Geography at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in 2013, where she received her PhD in 2020. Her research focuses on (neo-)diasporic communities, migration, Arab and colonial old cities as well as on cruise and film tourism. On a theoretical level, she deals with diaspora concepts, social networks, ethnic identities, communities of practice, neo-tribes, and processes of commodification, touristification and atmospheric experience. Her regional focus is the United States, Australia, Cuba, Brazil, and Lebanon, where she was funded as a doctoral fellow at the Orient Institute Beirut in 2017.

Current Research Projects

Digital communication, social media, and the changed political, legal, social, economic, and technical conditions in Germany have not only triggered the emergence of a large number of new communities but have also brought about changes in already established migrant associations. There, Syrians can find information on coping with their everyday problems and implementing life plans.

The geographic-ethnographic methodology focuses on different groups, including Syrians, their communication partners and representatives of existing collectives (cultural brokers, singles, couples, families, clans, ethnic groups, associations, refugee organizations and others). Interlocutors with different origins and affiliations and regardless of asylum status in rural and urban areas will be visited.

The theoretical-empirical approach is practice- and digital-oriented. The chosen empirical techniques chosen include ero-epic conversations, narrative interviews, participant observation and analysis of community-building activities on the internet. Interests, knowledge, skills, and strategies in different communities are explored through practices, routines, communication, and narratives of the different groups. Projects for Syrians created by members and helpers, as well as institutions, provide insight into how communities function.

Based on the empirical analysis of the lifeworld of Syrians, the project aims to develop a new community theory that can be used to understand interest-driven forms of organization in the digital age.


SOMMERLAD, E., T. REEH and M. KARNER (Forthcoming): Screentourismus: Schauplätze im Spannungsfeld medialer Fiktion, touristischer Praxis und alltäglicher Lebenswelt. In: EISENSTEIN, B. et al. (Eds.): Handbuch Geographien der Freizeit und des Tourismus. Wiesbaden. Springer.

ESCHER, A and M. KARNER (Forthcoming): Großereignisse: Place Branding. In: T. DEMMELHUBER und N. SCHARFENORT (Eds.): Handbuch Arabische Halbinsel – Geographie und Politik. Wiesbaden. Springer.

BÖNISCH-BREDNICH, B., S. MEYER, A. CHRISTOU, M. J. KARNER and A. ESCHER (Eds.) (2023): Migrant Narratives: Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community. Abingdon: Routledge.

KARNER, M. J. (2023): The “Titanic Legacy” – Collective Narratives as Resources of Diasporic Communities. In: B. BÖNISCH-BREDNICH, S. MEYER, A. CHRISTOU, M. J. KARNER and A. ESCHER (Eds.): Migrant Narratives: Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community. Abingdon: Routledge: 153–170.

KARNER, M. J. (2023): Collective Narratives – Stories as a Way of Doing Community. In: B. BÖNISCH-BREDNICH, S. MEYER, A. CHRISTOU, M. J. KARNER and A. ESCHER (Eds.): Migrant Narratives: Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community. Abingdon: Routledge: 149–152.

KARNER, M. J. (2023): Standing Waves: Remittances as Social Glue in Neo-Diasporic Communities. In: S. MEYER and C. STRÖHLE (Eds.): Remittances as Social Practices und Agents of Change: The Future of Transnational Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan: 121–149.

CUMMINGS, V. and M. KARNER (2023): Die humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen. In: Geographische Rundschau, 9: 38–41.

CUMMINGS, V., M. KARNER, M. and E. SOMMERLAD (2023): Die Idee Europas – zwischen utopischem Konstrukt und gelebter Praxis. In: Geographische Rundschau, 6: 4–8.

ESCHER, A., A. IZZO and M. KARNER (2023): Wer ist wo und wann ein Flüchtling? Bezeichnung und Behandlung von Syrer:innen im Libanon und anderen Nachbarländern Syriens. In: movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies 7 (1): 135–156.

KARNER, M. J. (2022): Collective Narratives of the Kfarsghabi Diasporic Community: An Important Tool to Reinstate Group Solidarity, Ethnic Identity and Societal Acceptance. In: Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 9 (3): 1–26. Online: https://doi.org/10.29333/ejecs/1073 

KARNER, M. and H. RAPP (2021): Kreuzfahrttourismus - Wo Träume wahr und Paradiese zerstört werden. In: Vorstand der Marburger Geographischen Gesellschaft e.V. in Verbindung mit dem Dekan des Fachbereichs Geographie der Philipps-Universität (Ed.): Jahrbuch 2021, Marburg: Selbstverlag: 203-209.

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER and H. RAPP (2021): Cinematic cruising: Reel and real spaces between imagination and experience. In: Research Outreach, 126. Online: https://doi.org/10.32907/RO-126-1870901183

ESCHER, A. and M. KARNER (2021): EXPO 2020 in Dubai - die nachhaltigste Weltausstellung aller Zeiten? In: Geographische Rundschau 73 (9): 46-51.

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER and H. RAPP (2021): Cinematic cruising: Reel imagination and real experience for pleasure on the high seas. In: Tourism and Hospitality Research 21(3): 374-385. Online: https://doi.org/10.1177/14673584211011711

KARNER, M. J. (2021): “One Nation Under God” – Die Bedeutung und Veränderung von Ethnic Churches in der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft. In: V. WILHELMI, E. THEVEßEN and F. PFEIL (Eds.): Geographien der Gewalt: Die USA am Wendepunkt – Geographische Perspektiven. Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie, Band 19. Mainz: Geographisches Institut der JGU: 72-97.

KARNER, M. J. (2021): Neo-diasporische Gemeinschaften. Blouzaniyye in Sydney, Australien. Erdkundliches Wissen 167. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. [link to summary/content, p. 13-16].


BÖNISCH-BREDNICH, B., S. MEYER, A. CHRISTOU, M. J. KARNER and A. ESCHER (Eds.) (2023): Migrant Narratives: Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community. Abingdon: Routledge.

KARNER, M. J. (2021): Neo-diasporische Gemeinschaften. Blouzaniyye in Sydney, Australien. Erdkundliches Wissen 167. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. [link to summary/content; Link zur review von A. Marsheva].

KARNER, M. (2016): Party in der Altstadt – Die Transformation des historischen Zentrums von Byblos/Jbeil im Libanon. Muslimische Welten 8, Würzburg: Ergon-Verlag. [links to the content and book reviews by H. Nissel and C. Kirchen].









Articles in Journals and Books

SOMMERLAD, E., T. REEH and M. KARNER (Forthcoming): Screentourismus: Schauplätze im Spannungsfeld medialer Fiktion, touristischer Praxis und alltäglicher Lebenswelt. In: EISENSTEIN, B. et al. (Eds.): Handbuch Geographien der Freizeit und des Tourismus. Wiesbaden. Springer.

ESCHER, A and M. KARNER (Forthcoming): Großereignisse: Place Branding. In: T. DEMMELHUBER und N. SCHARFENORT (Eds.): Handbuch Arabische Halbinsel – Geographie und Politik. Wiesbaden. Springer.

KARNER, M. J. (2023): The “Titanic Legacy” – Collective Narratives as Resources of Diasporic Communities. In: B. BÖNISCH-BREDNICH, S. MEYER, A. CHRISTOU, M. J. KARNER and A. ESCHER (Eds.): Migrant Narratives: Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community. Abingdon: Routledge: 153–170.

KARNER, M. J. (2023): Collective Narratives – Stories as a Way of Doing Community. In: B. BÖNISCH-BREDNICH, S. MEYER, A. CHRISTOU, M. J. KARNER and A. ESCHER (Eds.): Migrant Narratives: Storytelling as Agency, Belonging and Community. Abingdon: Routledge: 149–152.

KARNER, M. J. (2023): Standing Waves: Remittances as Social Glue in Neo-Diasporic Communities. In: S. MEYER and C. STRÖHLE (Eds.): Remittances as Social Practices und Agents of Change: The Future of Transnational Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan: 121–149.

CUMMINGS, V. and M. KARNER (2023): Die humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen. In: Geographische Rundschau, 9: 38–41.

CUMMINGS, V., M. KARNER, M. and E. SOMMERLAD (2023): Die Idee Europas – zwischen utopischem Konstrukt und gelebter Praxis. In: Geographische Rundschau, 6: 4–8.

ESCHER, A., A. IZZO and M. KARNER (2023): Wer ist wo und wann ein Flüchtling? Bezeichnung und Behandlung von Syrer:innen im Libanon und anderen Nachbarländern Syriens. In: movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies 7 (1): 135–156.

KARNER, M. J. (2022): Collective Narratives of the Kfarsghabi Diasporic Community: An Important Tool to Reinstate Group Solidarity, Ethnic Identity and Societal Acceptance. In: Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 9 (3): 1–26. Online: https://doi.org/10.29333/ejecs/1073 

KARNER, M. and H. RAPP (2021): Kreuzfahrttourismus - Wo Träume wahr und Paradiese zerstört werden. In: Vorstand der Marburger Geographischen Gesellschaft e.V. in Verbindung mit dem Dekan des Fachbereichs Geographie der Philipps-Universität (Ed.): Jahrbuch 2021, Marburg: Selbstverlag: 203-209.

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER and H. RAPP (2021): Cinematic cruising: Reel and real spaces between imagination and experience. In: Research Outreach, 126. Online: https://doi.org/10.32907/RO-126-1870901183

ESCHER, A. and M. KARNER (2021): EXPO 2020 in Dubai - die nachhaltigste Weltausstellung aller Zeiten? In: Geographische Rundschau 73 (9): 46-51.

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER and H. RAPP (2021): Cinematic cruising: Reel imagination and real experience for pleasure on the high seas. In: Tourism and Hospitality Research 21(3): 374-385. Online: https://doi.org/10.1177/14673584211011711

KARNER, M. J. (2021): “One Nation Under God” – Die Bedeutung und Veränderung von Ethnic Churches in der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft. In: V. WILHELMI, E. THEVEßEN and F. PFEIL (Eds.): Geographien der Gewalt: Die USA am Wendepunkt – Geographische Perspektiven. Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie, Band 19. Mainz: Geographisches Institut der JGU: 72-97.

KARNER, M. (2020): Neo-Diasporic Communities. Blouzaniyye in Sydney, Australia. In: DAVO-Nachrichten, Band 48/49. Mainz: 108-109.

KARNER, M. and A. ESCHER (2019): Globale (Diaspora-)Gemeinschaften zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. “Kfarsghabis” in Kfarsghab/Libanon, Sydney/Australien, Easton/USA und Providence/USA. In: W. GAMERITH and N. SCHARFENORT (Eds.): Menschen, Migration und Mobilität. Passauer Kontaktstudium Geographie, Band 15. Passau: 63-83. [link to order form].

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER and H. RAPP (2019): „Cinematic Cruising” – mit dem „Traumschiff“ auf hoher See. In: M. PLIEN (Ed.): Spielfilme geographisch sehen lernen – Filmische Narrationen aus fachwissenschaftlichen und didaktischen Perspektiven. Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie, Band 15. Mainz: Geographisches Institut der JGU: 31-53. [information to purchase].

ARNOLD, G., T. BOOS, A. ESCHER and M. KARNER (2019): Ist die Zukunft diasporisch? Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu Global Communities als neue gesellschaftliche Ordnungsformen. In: C. Y. ROBERTSON-VON TROTHA (Ed.): Diaspora. Netzwerke globaler Gemeinschaften. WIKA-Report, Band 3, ifa-Edition Kultur und Außenpolitik. Stuttgart and Berlin: 23-30.

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER and H. RAPP (2019): Ernest Hemingway in Kuba. Die Kommodifizierung des US-Schriftstellers im sozialistischen Karibikstaat. In: Geographische Rundschau 71 (7-8): 62-63.

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER and H. Rapp (2019): Boom-Branche Kreuzfahrttourismus. Gemachtes Paradies oder erzeugtes Inferno auf hoher See? In: Geographische Rundschau 71 (4): 40-45.

ESCHER, A. and M. KARNER (2018): Obsolete Romanticism and the Postmodern Transformation of Urban Cultures and Traditions in Mediterranean Medinas. In: E. WOERTZ (Ed.): “Wise Cities” in the Mediterranean? Challenges of Urban Sustainability. Colección Monografías, Barcelona: Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB): 35-52.

ESCHER, A. and M. KARNER (2017): Verstehende Interkulturalität statt räumlicher Koexistenz als Entgegnung auf den Terrorismus? In: V. WILHELMI, E. THEVEßEN and F. PFEIL (Eds.): Globaler Terrorismus. Analysen, Perspektiven und didaktische Impulse. Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie, Band 16. Mainz: Geographisches Institut der JGU: 30-47. [link to the content and information to purchase on page 3]

ESCHER, A., E. SOMMERLAD and M. KARNER (2017): „King’s Landing gibt es wirklich!“ – filminduzierte Reisen in imaginierte Welten. In: Vorstand der Marburger Geographischen Gesellschaft e.V. in Verbindung mit dem Dekan des Fachbereichs Geographie der Philipps-Universität (Eds.): Jahrbuch 2016, Marburg: Selbstverlag: 157-163.

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER, C. KERZ, H. RAPP and E. SOMMERLAD (2016): The Atmospheric Grid of Cruising on the High Seas. In: Erdkunde 70 (4): 313-321.

ESCHER, A. and M. KARNER (2016): Syrische und libanesische Gemeinschaften in den Staaten der Karibik. In: Geographische Rundschau 68 (10): 20-29. [link to purchase]

ESCHER, A., M. KARNER, C. KERZ, H. RAPP and E. SOMMERLAD (2016): Movement as the Basic Atmospheric Dimension of Cruising on the High Seas. In: N. RÉMY and N. TIXIER (Eds.): Ambiances, tomorrow. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Ambiances. Volos: University of Thessaly: 213-218. [link to the conference website]

KARNER, M. (2016): Die Transformation der Altstadt von Byblos/Jbeil im Libanon: Von einer "Ghost Town" zu einem "Open-Air-Nightscape". In: Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Stadtgeschichte, Stadtsoziologie, Denkmalpflege und Stadtentwicklung, Forum Stadt Verlag 43 (3): 261-278. [link to purchase]



KARNER, M. (2018): Getting to Know Sheikh Youssef Stephan – Community Leaders as Role Models of Diasporic Village Communities. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies News. Internet: http://ow.ly/HDyB30lUVy2 (21.09.2018).

KARNER, M. (2017): Research Project: Lebanese Diasporic Village Communities and their Practices of Reproduction and Community Development. Mish ma32ool. The OIBlog from Beirut and Cairo. Internet: https://oib.hypotheses.org/987 (09.11.2017).


Book Review

ESCHER, A. and M. KARNER (2019): Wolfgang Meyer-Hentrich. Wahnsinn Kreuzfahrt. Gefahr für Natur und Mensch. Berlin. In: Geographische Rundschau 71 (7-8): 60.


Functions and Memberships

Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient, DAVO (since 2018)

Netzwerk Fluchtforschung e.V. (since 2016)

Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen, VDGH (since 2015)

Arbeitskreise Tourismusforschung und Geographische Migrationsforschung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie, DGfG (since 2015)


29.01.2024 Kreuzfahrttourismus – wieder auf Kurs? Geographische Gesellschaft zu Hannover, in Hannover

24.04.2023 Sutopian Projects in Mauritius: Shades of Sustainability, HEO/GEO Lecture Series 2023 of the Philippine Geographical Society (with Elisabeth Sommerlad)

28.01.2023 „Sutopische Projekte“ in Mauritius und den Arabischen Golfstaaten zwischen kohäsiven Gemeinschaften und fragmentierender Nachhaltigkeit, Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie, Halle (presented by Elisabeth Sommerlad)

01.04.2022 Touristische Kreuzfahrt. Eine cineastische Utopie, Schulgeographentag Mainz (with Anton Escher and Helena Rapp)

02.11.2021 "Kreuzfahrttourismus - Wo Träume wahr und Paradiese zerstört werden", Marburger Geographische Gesellschaft, in Marburg

29.04.2021 "Touristifizierung ehemaliger Kolonialstädte im Hinterland von Brasilien", Universität Trier (via Zoom)

10.06.2020 „Kreuzfahrttourismus - Der Boom vom „Traumurlaub“ auf hoher Seevor der Corona Pandemie!?“, as part of the lecture series of the Department of Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, JGU Mainz (via Zoom, with Helena Rapp).

20.11.2019 “Boom-Branche Kreuzfahrttourismus – Zerstören „Traumschiffe“ unsere Meere?”, Society for Geography and Geology Bochum e.V., in the lecture series on "The Future of our Oceans" in Bochum.

14.08.2019 "“You have to do your duties!” – Lebanese Diasporic Communities in the Beginning of the 21st Century" within the CAPES PrInt Middle East Colloquium der Universidade de Brasília (UnB) in Brasília (Brazil).

27.07.2018 "Collective Narratives about “Village Heroes” – The Reproduction of Sheikh Youssef Stephan as a Role Model of the Diasporic Community of Kfarsghabiyye" within the workshop "Exploring Migrant Narratives" jointly organized by the Center for Intercultural Studies (ZIS), the Institute of Geography (JGU) and the Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) in Mainz.

18.07.2018 "Diaspora Neighbourhoods - The Blouzaniyye from Lebanon in Sydney" within the OIB-Panels "PA-180. Neighbourliness: Neighbourhood relations in Beirut and beyond" at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES) in Seville (Spain). [Link to full program]

18.04.2018 "Syrian Communities in Germany" within the workshop Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Germany and beyond - Research and Analysis jointly organized by the Institute of Geography (JGU) and the Institute for Migration Studies (IMS) of the Lebanese American University (LAU) (Libanon) (together with Anton Escher and Ahmad Izzo). [Link to program]

09.03.2018 "Preservation of Urban Cultures and Traditions: The history of urbanization in the Mediterranean" at the policy seminar and conference "“Wise Cities” in the Mediterranean?" organized by the Kuwait Chair at Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), in collaboration with CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) and funded by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS). [Link to full program and biographies of guest speakers].

14.12.2017 “"What Do You Think the Lesson is From This Story?" - The Reproduction of Lebanese Diasporic Communities Through Collective Narratives” as a Doctoral Fellow at the Internal Colloquium of the Orient Institute Beirut (OIB, Lebanon).

03.10.2017 ““Dancing on a Continuously Bubbling Vulcano” in the Lebanese Historical Center of Byblos” at the German Congress for Geography 2017 (LT4-FS20: Between Crises and Development Potentials - Tourism in the Arab World) organized by the German Society for Geography (DGfG) and the Institute of Geography at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen.

01.10.2017 “Diasporic Communities and Their Transnational Practices of “Writing a History”” at the German Congress for Geography 2017 (LT1-FS12: Transnational Practices of Migrants) organized by the German Society for Geography (DGfG) and the Institute of Geography at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen.

18.07.2017 “The Titanic Legacy of the Kfarsghabis - Historical Narratives as Cohesive Elements of Diasporic Communities” within the workshop "Migrant Narratives – Moving Stories"  jointly organized by the Center for Intercultural Studies (ZIS), the Institute of Geography (JGU) and the Victoria University of Wellington (NZ) in Mainz.

02.03.2017 “Lebanese Diasporic Communities – A Preliminary Model to Explain the Cohesion and Continuity of Diasporic Communities” as a Doctoral Fellow at the Internal Colloquium of the Orient Institute Beirut (OIB, Lebanon).

07.07.2016 “Lebanese Diasporic Village Communities” during the Master-/Doctoral-Colloquium (Wissenschaftlicher Initiativkreis Kultur und Außenpolitik) at the Institut für Auslandbeziehungen (ifa) in Stuttgart.

28.11.2015 “Lebanese Global Communities: Theoretical Conceptualizations” within the workshop Migration Studies: Reflection and Challenges jointly organized by the Institute of Geography (JGU) and the Institute for Migration Studies (IMS) of the Lebanese American University (LAU) at the Orient Institute Beirut (OIB, Lebanon).


In academic teaching, she is primarily responsible for the practical training in empirical methods of Human Geography and leads field trips and research workshops in several countries including South America, the Caribbean, the United Arab Emirates, and New Zealand.

Summer 2023

  • M5/M2ED *2016* Tutorial: Scientific work methods
  • M13/M12ED/M11ED*2016* Project Seminar: Empirical work on current research questions "Sustainability in Mainz

Winter 2022/23

  • M2/M2ED Ü: HG I (Social and Urban Geography) / Tutorial: Human Geography, II, Kurs B
  • M2/M2ED Ü: HG I (Social and Urban Geography) / Tutorial: Human Geography II, Kurs C
  • M1-MA Seminar: Academic Skills (I)

Summer 2022

Winter 2021/22

Summer 2021

  • M6/M4alt/M8ED/M13ED Research Methods in Human Geography (Practical Training) A-E
  • M11/M9-ED Regional Seminar and Excursion "Dubai/UAE", 14 days
  • M3ED Seminar and Excursion on Regional Geography „Romanticism on the Rhine“, 3 days
  • M1-MA Project Seminar: Tack a Map

Winter 2020/21

  • M13 HS & GP Special Human Geography „EXPO 2020/Dubai“ (digital format)
  • M11/M9-ED Regional Seminar and Excursion River Cruise Germany/Austria, 10 days (digital format)
  • M1-MA Project Seminar: Tack a Map

Summer 2020

Winter 2019/20

Summer 2019

Winter 2018/19

Summer 2018

Summer 2016

Winter 2015/16

  • M6-MA: Project Study "Halifax", 14 days

Summer 2015

  • M6a-MA Seminar: Research Concepts "Halifax"
  • M6b-MA Seminar: Research Concepts "Lebanese in Germany"
  • M4/M8 ED Training: Methods of Human Geography

Winter 2014/15

Summer 2014

  • M6b-MA: Seminar: Research Concepts "Dubai"