Lara Cherbal

Lara Cherbal (née Christmann) studied French and Geography (Master of Education) at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Her master thesis was about female jihadism and the motivations of French women to join the jihad. From September 2013 to January 2015, she studied at Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Dijon (France) and she graduated with the "Licence en géographie". Since April 2019, she has been working as a research assistant in the team Human Geography at the Institute of Geography of Johannes Gutenberg University. She is a PhD candidate.


The empirical research project takes a look at specific issues of the (national) identity and belonging of young (urban) Omanis. This generation born after 1970 has completely grown up in the paradigm of modernization. At the same time, the social structure in Oman has rapidly changed and/or heterogenized, too. Especially in an urban context, young people meet each other regardless of family affiliation and geographic origin. On the one hand, young Omanis adopt lifestyles, which, in many ways, have diverged from the value and consumption patterns of the parent generation. On the other hand, when it comes to weddings, they follow the family-centered structures of society, e.g. when they choose a partner or decide on the wedding ceremony.





Les transformations socio-spatiales à Mascate, Sultanat d’Oman. Seminaire doctorale, CAREP Paris. 30.11.2023, online.

"Whatever we are doing here in Oman, it goes back to the family": Spatial practices and situational identity of young urban Omani in Muscat. Annual Meeting, Middle East Studies Association, November 2023, Montréal, Canada. 03.11.2023

Situative Praktiken visuell erfassen. DKG'23 (Deutscher Kongress für Geographie), September 2023, Frankfurt. 19.10.2023



“Changing lifestyles, mobility pattern and its linked identity challenges of young Omani nationals in Muscat”, Annual Meeting, Middle East Studies Association (MESA), 30.11.2021, online.

“Marriages Practices of Young Urban Omani”, Werkstattgespräche, 27. Internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO), 16.09.2021, online.

“The Nation-Building Process in the Sultanate of Oman”, ACRPS Winter School Program. The State in Flux. Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, Qatar. 07.01.2021, online.


Middle East Studies Association (MESA)

Association of Geographers at German Universities (VGDH)

German-Omani Association

German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO)

Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (GSHS)


Wintersemester 2023/24:

  • M11a Seminar: Regionale Geographie "Arabische Golfstaaten (GCC)"
  • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie I - F

Winter 2022/23:

  • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie I - D

Summer 2022: 

  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - C
  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - D

Winter 2021/2022:

  • M11/M9-ED Regionalseminar + Exkursion "Südfrankreich"

Summer 2021:

  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - A
  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - B
  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - C
  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - D

Winter 2020/2021:

  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie I - G

Summer 2020:

  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - B
  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - C

Summer 2019:

  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - E
  • M2/M2ED: Übung: Humangeographie II - F