Awarded: Paul Hummel!
„‘Paul Hummel has been awarded the prize for outstanding theses by JGU’s Faculty 09 in 2024. In his master’s thesis ‘Music Geography: P'urhépechan Music and Politics’, he investigated questions of political and regional identity of the indigenous P'urhépechan people in Mexico. Inspired by political movements and indigenous resistance, local musicians, activists and artists now use diverse forms of self-expression to proudly shape their indigenous identity. His qualitative field research resulted in his 45-minute documentary film ‘Raíces y Brotes’. The film has since been shown and discussed in various local communities, so that everyone involved has been able to share the results.
Bonjour Paris!
Lara Christmann, PhD candidate in our work group, has been awarded a researcher mobility grant for a four-week research stay in France from the French Embassy in Germany. Prior to this, she received an invitation from the Centre Arabe de Recherche et d’Études Politiques (CAREP) in Paris where she will stay from mid-September to mid-October. There she will present her own research project and exchange views on current topics, debates and research projects on the Arab world with the researchers from CAREP.
Hot off the Press:
Sense(s) of Heimat - Plurilocal Self-Location and Emotional Geographies through the Lens of International Migration (2023)
The Master Thesis of Jessica Andel, who supported our team as student assistant, is published in the series BestMasters at Springer.
The German notion of ‘Heimat’ is highly subjective, ambiguous and historically charged. Senses of belonging and identity associated with Heimat render the concept vulnerable to appropriation and instrumentalization by different political forces. Thereby, a static and exclusive understanding of Heimat is often depicted. This book drafts a counternarrative to demystify the contested concept. On the one hand, Heimat is conceptualized as spatial through emotional-geographical approaches to human-place relations. And on the other hand, the concept is placed in a global context through the perspective of international migration. The author contributes to the understanding of Heimat as an emotional map of self-location. This subjective map is neither purely static nor dynamic - it is characterized by simultaneities of opposing processes.
September 2022: Our team is coordinating the Forthem Lab "Migration and Diversity".
More information here
WE NEED TO TALK - Online panel discussion on anti-discrimination strategies at the FORTHEM partner universities
25.01.2023 at 4pm, CET.
For the Flyer and all information click here: We Need To Talk_25.01.2023
Vision for Climate
Uniweite Lehre - sei dabei! Das Zukunftsmodul startet zum WS 2022/23 mit der Ringvorlesung "Visions for Climate".
Die Humangeographie blickt auf urbane Utopien im Zeichen der Nachhaltigkeit smarter Städte.
Online Stream of the Lecture "Urban Utopias", 14 Nov 2022: