Univ. Prof. Dr. phil. Veronika Cummings

Veronika Cummings is a social geographer, specialised in urban and globalisation research. Before her appointment as a full professor at the University of Mainz in 2017, she was a Senior Research Fellow at the Middle East Institute at the National University of Singapore from 2015-2017. Before that, she was working as Assistant Professor at the German University of Technology in Muscat (Oman) from 2013-2014, and as a postdoctoral researcher in the working group of cultural geography at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). She received her PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Passau (Germany) in 2009 for her research on the production of social and spatial inequalities in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil). She graduated in Geography, Sociology and Botany at the University of Würzburg (Germany) in 2003, and holds a bachelor degree of the Université de Caen (Normandie, France).

Her current fields of research are 1) negotiations of power, belonging and place-making in the context of migration (nation-building; international labour migration/migration regimes and associated making of globalised urban spaces), 2) sustainability utopias (speculative and spectacular urban visions and transformations, communication of utopia//dystopia, post-growth and resilience) with a view to social and climate-related transitions and 3) 'geo-ethics’ as the interplay of unbounded responsibility and understandings of values of geographical but also societal resources and their public negotiation. Her research engages with the relationship (and the impact) of open versus authoritarian societies. Her empirical research experience for these fields are grounded in the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab States, Singapore and Germany. Earlier research contexts were Brazil, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

In terms of epistemology, her work is led by social theory, focusing on questions of inequalities and (transnational) justice, inspired by sceptical approaches within the environmental humanities and theretically and methodologically based on praxeological thinking. Empirically, her work is commited to qualitative social research, working with qualitative and ethnographic (multi-sited, narrative and visual) methods.

Current Research

Staff member: Paul Hummel

In collaboration with our EU-Forthem Alliance partner university in Palermo (Sicily) we are analysing the multifaceted mediatised perspectives on the European migration regimes in the Mediterranean Sea, specifically in the city of Palermo in Sicily. The project focuses on place-making processes in the Urban using audiovisual media such as photography, film and sound as primary mediums of exploration.

The impact of (audiovisual) media on narratives surrounding migration is profound, as they have a unique ability to shape public perceptions and thus shape the urban spaces. While public reporting often takes a single-sided view of the topic, the scientific use of audiovisual media has the possibility of penetrating deeper and helps to unveil the hidden narratives and potentials to uncover in/visilbility, absence and (co)/presence. The project is providing a platform to share personal stories and experiences, while the selective use of media can help to express the migrant’s urban identity and thus to reconfigurate the agency of those that are often portrayed as victims. Here, we see great potential to humanize individuals affected by migration regimes. Through compelling characters and narratives, producers and urban “curators” can foster empathy and help audiences to connect and encounter living worlds of migrants. The challenge of stereotypes and promotion of a more accurate understanding of the rich cultural tapestry associated with border regions serves as a powerful tool to sceptically examine the governance of migration and border regimes. Making the “invisible visible” aims to analyse spatial power negotiations that can have a lasting impact on shaping inclusive spaces of and for migrants in the future.

Joint project with: Elisabeth Sommerlad, Roukaya Kasenally, Kumari Issuri, Ramola Ramtohul (University of Mauritius), and Marie Karner

With a particular focus on the post-colonial island state of Mauritius we take a look at the socio-spatial effects of wealth beyond (macro-)economic dimensions. Those "islands of wealth" (luxury residential developments, smart cities and other venues) in Mauritius increasingly characterise the landscape like interconnected enclaves. This is where old and new elites accumulate their wealth and realise spatial configurations of power and capital. Starting from these places, the project analyses which continuing colonialities and (old/new) power asymmetries are associated with them, which representations, aspirations, and lived practices of wealth (e.g. ecotourism) shape them and what effects they have on the island society in order to understand the connections between transformative yet fragile promises and (in)visible conflict zones.

staff member: Lara Cherbal

In the relatively young nation state of Oman, we analyse the challenges of an increasingly internationally oriented society. New opportunities emerge for modernised lifestyles (especially in the capital city Muscat) to aspire alternative avenues for the younger generation in distinction to their parents in terms of living, working and social life. However, these collide with pressing questions of economic diversification, which is being negotiated and practised in a promising way, especially in the tourism sector. Opening up to international tourism brings further challenges for the cultural life of Omani society. This society also continues to have strong family-oriented social structures, which are being challenged by the increasing exposure to internationalisation and digitisation, as well as by the mobility of young Omanis due to work and education. Finally, the political reorganisations and updates should also be mentioned, which are caught between strong narratives for the nation-building process and self-attributions such as cosmopolitanism, and the need for stability (both internally and in the region) and, at the same time, further integration and global economic networking.

The states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) share with Singapore and Malaysia structural and socio-political challenges in dealing with labour migrants that arise from the recruitment of foreign workers and skilled workers in the course of rapid economic modernisation processes: these include the coexistence of multiple religions, social differences, privileges, rights, etc. in conflict with few opportunities for integration into host societies; the increasing integration into globalisation processes and interaction with international partners while traditional structures and rigid migration policies continue to be effective. These include the coexistence of multiple religions, social differences, privileges, rights, etc. in conflict with limited opportunities for integration into the host societies; the increasing integration into globalisation processes and interaction with international partners while traditional structures and rigid migration policies continue to operate in parallel; and, above all, the conflict between the high dependence of the labour markets on foreign workers and the intensified nationalisation strategies to secure jobs in the private sector for the local population.

The research project shed light on the socio-politically highly relevant research fields of international migration and the associated socio-political transformation and development processes. A comparison between Oman and Qatar, as representatives of the GCC, with Singapore and Malaysia as economic driving forces of ASEAN, served to uncover the handling of increasing socio-political tensions and related solutions for socially, politically and economically sustainable and transnational immigration management..

Joint research with Carmella Pfaffenbach (RWTH Aachen)

International labour migration has been an indispensable factor in the development of the Sultanate of Oman for four decades. The concentration point of immigration, particularly of low to highly qualified labour from Europe and Asia, is the capital region of Muscat. As a result of the exceptionally high and rapid growth dynamics, urban society is experiencing an intensive heterogenisation process that is forcing specific fragmentation phenomena in the urban space. With the help of biographical-narrative interviews, the identity constructions of selected migrant communities were examined, as well as their integration (possibilities) and social positions in Omani society and the labour market along national lines of affiliation.In addition, it was possible to uncover the context in which the processes of heterogenisation and fragmentation emerged through everyday practice.

Research Groups

Leibniz Science Campus: „Resiliencies: Comparing and Integrating Methodologies, Methods, Narratives, and Theories (RECOMENT)", University Mainz/ LEIZA & University Trier

RMU Oman Research Network

Research Group Indian Ocean Confluences



Book: Veronika Cummings, Kumari Issur, Marie Karner, Roukaya Kasenally, Elisabeth Sommerlad (eds.), Mapping Contemporary Place Making in the Indian Ocean, Routledge Series on the Indian Ocean and Trans-Asia (forthcoming, 2025).

Special Issue: Veronika Cummings, Jutta Kister, Miriam Wenner (eds.), Morality, ethics and values for Geographical Thinking, Die ERDE (forthcoming, 2025)

Anjali Korala and Veronika Cummings, 'Verticalized Slums, Governmentality and Pandemic Governance: A Critical Hermeneutical Analysis of Governance Practices in a Selected Urban High-Rise in Colombo, Sri Lanka', in: Hamza, M., Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R. et al. (eds.), Rebuilding Communities After Displacement. Sustainable and Resilience Approaches, Springer Nature, 2023, pp. 313-340.

Veronika Cummings, 'Challenges and aspirations of the 'post-oil nation' in the Sultanate of Oman', in: Lenze, N. & C. Schriwer (eds.), Participation Culture in The Gulf. Networks, Politics and Identity, Routledge, London/New York, 2019, pp.109-124.

Book: Veronika Cummings, Aurel von Richthofen and Zahra Babar, (eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Towards New Spatialities, ETH Zurich Research Collection, 2019. doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000339841

Veronika Cummings, Aurel von Richthofen and Zahra Babar, ‘Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Towards New Spatialities’, in: Cummings, V., A. von Richthofen and Z. Babar, (eds.), Arab Gulf Cities in Transition: Towards New Spatialities, ETH Zurich Research Collection, 2019, pp. 6-14. doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000339841

Veronika Cummings and Aurel von Richthofen, 'Urban sustainability as a political instrument in the Gulf region exemplified by projects in Abu Dhabi', DIE ERDE, Berlin, Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, 148(4), 2017, pp. 253-267. DOI:10.12854/erde-148-53

Veronika Cummings, ‘Economic Diversification and Empowerment of Local Human Resources: Could Singapore be a Template for the GCC Countries?’, in: Mishrif, A. & Y. Hamad (eds.), Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region. Comparing Global Challenges, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 241-260.

Sarah Albrecht, Tobias Boos, Veronika Deffner, Matthias Gebauer and Shadia Husseini de Araújo, 'Editorial: Conceptualising “Muslim Diaspora”', Journal of Muslims in Europe, 5, 2016, pp.1-9. DOI: 10.1163/22117954-12341316

Malte Steinbrink, Christoph Haferburg, Daniel Ehebrecht, and Veronika Deffner, ’Megaevents und Favelas ̶  Strategische Interventionen und sozialräumliche Effekte in Rio de Janeiro‘, sub\urban. Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung, 3, 1, 2015, pp. 45-74.https://doi.org/10.36900/suburban.v3i1.172

Special Issue: Sarah Albrecht, Tobias Boos, Veronika Deffner, Matthias Gebauer and Shadia Husseini de Araújo (eds.), Editorial: Conceptualising ‘Muslim Diaspora‘, Journal of Muslims in Europe, 5, 2016. DOI: 10.1163/22117954-12341316

Veronika Deffner, Christoph Haferburg and Patrick Sakdapolrak, 'Relational denken, Ungleichheiten reflektieren  ̶  Bourdieus Theorie der Praxis in der deutschsprachigen Geographischen Entwicklungsforschung. Editorial', Geographica Helvetica, 69(1), 2014, pp. 3-6. doi.org/10.5194/gh-69-3-2014

Veronika Deffner and Christoph Haferburg, ’Bourdieus Theorie der Praxis als alternative Perspektive für die Geographische Entwicklungsforschung‘, Geographica Helvetica, 69(1), 2014, pp. 13-25. doi:10.5194/gh-69-7-2014

Special Issue: Veronika Deffner, Christoph Haferburg and Patrick Sakdapolrak, (eds.), Relational denken, Ungleichheiten reflektieren  ̶  Bourdieus Theorie der Praxis in der deutschsprachigen Geographischen Entwicklungsforschung, Geographica Helvetica, 69(1), 2014. DOI: 10.5194/gh-69-3-2014

Veronika Deffner, ’The Indian Diaspora in Muscat’, in: S. I. Rajan (ed.), India Migration Report 2013: Diaspora and Development, London/New York/New Delhi, Routledge, pp.181-192.

Veronika Deffner and Carmella Pfaffenbach, ’Integration auf Zeit für ein Leben in Transition: Gesellschaftlicher und politischer Umgang mit den Herausforderungen einer segmentierten städtischen Migrationsgesellschaft in Muscat (Oman)‘, Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 71(3), 2013, pp.233-245. doi.org/10.1007/s13147-013-0224-0

Veronika Deffner and Christoph Haferburg, ’Raum, Stadt und Machtverhältnisse. Humangeographische Auseinandersetzungen mit Bourdieu‘, Geographische Zeitschrift, 2012, pp.164-180.

Book: Veronika Deffner and Ulli Meisel (eds.), „StadtQuartiere“  ̶  Sozialwissenschaftliche, ökonomische und städtebaulich-architektonische Perspektiven, Essen, Klartext, 2013.

Book: Veronika Deffner, Habitus der Scham – die soziale Grammatik ungleicher Raumproduktion. Eine sozialgeographische Untersuchung der Alltagswelt Favela in Salvador da Bahia (Brasilien), Passauer Schriften zur Geographie, 26, Passau, Universitätsverlag, 2010.

Book: Veronika Deffner, Städtische Wasserversorgung in Mahajanga, Madagaskar  ̶ Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Theorie und Praxis, Würzburger Geographische Manuskripte 62, Würzburg, 2003.

Lange, Bastian & Veronika Cummings, Raumdifferenzierende Perspektiven auf Postwachstum, in: Postwachstumsprozesse (Moderation: V. Cummings & B. Lange), Geographische Rundschau, 7/8, 2024, pp. 4-8.

Bousquet, D., Cummings, V. & J. M. Poersch, IncluKIT (Inclusive Intercultural Communication -KIT): Ein Trainingsprogramm für die Erstaufnahme von Migrantinnen. In: Wilhelmi, V. et al. (eds.): Geographien der Gewalt: Migrationsgeographien. Aktuelle Konflikte und didaktische Impulse. Mainzer Kontaktstudium Geographie (23), 2024, pp. 62-69.

Veronika Cummings, Pathways into tomorrow// Denken auf Vorrat [Societies of the future]: Megatrend Report M12, Robert Bosch Report, 2023, pp. 189-192.

Veronika Cummings, Marie Karner & Elisabeth Sommerlad, 'Die Idee Europas – zwischen utopischem Konstrukt und gelebter Praxis', Geographische Rundschau (6) 2023, pp.4-8.

Veronika Cummings and Silas Kropf, 'Antiziganismus entgegenwirken – Demokratie stärken, Geographische Rundschau (6) 2023, pp. 40-43.

Veronika Cummings and Carmella Pfaffenbach, 'Sozialer Raum und soziale Ungleichheit', in: Schneider-Sliwa, R., Braun, B., Helbrecht, I. & R. Wehrhahn (eds.), Humangeographie, Geographisches Seminar, Westermann, Braunschweig, 2021, pp.244-253.

Veronika Cummings and Lara Christmann, 'Internationale Arbeitsmigration in die arabischen Golfstaaten', Geographische Rundschau, (4) 2020, pp. 28-32.

Veronika Deffner, ‘Migrants from Asia and the Production of “Globalised Cities” in the Arab Gulf Countries’, in: ASAN Institute for Policy Studies (ed.), Globalisation and the Ties that Bind: Korea and the Gulf, ASAN Report, October 2015, pp. 51-67.

Veronika Deffner and Carmella Pfaffenbach, ’Migration, modernisation, and the urban immigration society in the Sultanate of Oman‘, Middle East Insights, 128, 2015. DOI: 10.23976/INS.2015128

Marike Bontenbal and Veronika Deffner, ’Place attachment and sense of belonging in oasis villages in the capital area of Muscat’, TRIALOG, 114/3, 2015, pp. 16-20.

Veronika Deffner and Carmella Pfaffenbach, ’Urban Spatial Practice of a Heterogeneous Immigration Society in Muscat, Oman’, TRIALOG, 114/3, 2015, pp. 9-15.

Veronika Deffner and Carmella Pfaffenbach, ’Arbeidsmigratie vormt nu bedreiging: Oman investeert in nationaal human capital’, Geografie, 2 (23), 2014, pp.12-14.

Veronika Deffner and Christoph Haferburg, ’Pierre Bourdieu: Habitus und Habitat als Verhältnis von Subjekt, Sozialem und Macht’, in: Oßenbrügge, J. & A. Vogelpohl (eds.), Theorien in der Raum- und Stadtforschung. Einführungen, Münster, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2014, pp. 328-347.

Veronika Deffner, ’Gelebte Translokalität von indischen Studierenden in Aachen’, Geographische Rundschau, 66(11), 2014, pp.18-23.

Veronika Deffner, ’„Favelas are not bad places to live“. Neue Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten für Widerstand’, In: Tschorn, L., T. Schmitt, & S. Husseini de Araújo (eds.), Widerständigkeiten im Land der Zukunft. Ein anderes Brasilienbuch, Münster, Unrast, 2014, pp.231-244.

Veronika Deffner, ’Das „Andere“ erfahren und verstehen‘, in: Pfaffenbach, C., P. Reuber & A. Mattissek, (eds.), Methoden der Humangeographie, Braunschweig, Westermann, 2013, pp.155-157.

Veronika Deffner, ’Quartiere als soziale Räume. Sozialgeographische Reflexionen’, in: Deffner, V. & U. Meisel, (eds.), Sozialwissenschaftliche, ökonomische und städtebaulich-architektonische Perspektiven, Essen, Klartext, 2013, pp.83-98.

Veronika Deffner and Ulli Meisel, ’Quartiere in der Stadt: eine Einordnung theoretischer und praktischer Zugänge’, in: Deffner, V. & U. Meisel, (eds.), Sozialwissenschaftliche, ökonomische und städtebaulich-architektonische Perspektiven, Essen, Klartext. 2013, pp.7-16.

Veronika Deffner, ’Second class citizens’, D+C Development and Cooperation. International Journal, Vol. 38(3), 2011, pp.110-112.

Veronika Deffner, ’Henri Lefebvre’, in: Middell, M. & U. Engel, (eds.), Theoretiker zur Globalisierung, Leipzig, Universitätsverlag, 2010, pp. 307-322.

Veronika Deffner‚ ’Geografia da Desigualdade Social. Uma perspectiva de geografia urbana crítica apresentada a partir do exemplo da produção social da favela em Salvador-BA’, GeoTextos, Vol. 6(2), 2010. pp.115-137. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9771/1984-5537geo.v6i2.4833

Veronika Deffner, ’Stimmen aus der Favela. Naturalisierung sozialer Ungleichheit „von unten“ in Brasiliens Städten’, in: E. Rothfuss (ed.), Entwicklungskontraste in den Americas, Passauer Kontaktstudium Erdkunde, 9, Passau, 2008, pp.27-49.

Veronika Deffner and Eberhard Rothfuß, ’Reservas naturais e desenvolvimento regional sustentável: o exemplo do parque nacional da Floresta da Baviera na Alemanha (“Bayerischer Wald“)’, GeoTextos, Vol. 3(2), 2007, pp.117-137. DOI: 10.9771/1984-5537geo.v.3i0.3048

Veronika Deffner, ’Soziale Verwundbarkeit im „Risikoraum Favela“. Eine Analyse des sozialen Raumes auf der Grundlage von Bourdieus „Theorie der Praxis“‘, in: Wehrhahn, R., (ed.): Risiko und Vulnerabilität in Lateinamerika, Kieler geographische Schriften, 117. Kiel, 2007, pp. 207-232.

Eberhard Rothfuß and Veronika Deffner, ’Informeller urbaner Sektor: Ungesicherte Ökonomie der Mehrheit in Lateinamerika, Afrika und Asien’, in: Rothfuß, E. & D. Böhn, (eds.), Handbuch des Geographieunterrichts, Entwicklungsländer, 8/1. Köln, 2007, pp.210-218.

Veronika Deffner and Ernst Struck, ’Lateinamerikas Städte im Wandel: Geographische Stadtforschung zu Lateinamerika im deutschsprachigen Raum seit 2000. Themen, Trends und kritische Analyse‘, in: Rothfuß, E. & W. Gamerith (eds.), Stadtwelten in den Americas, Passauer Schriften zur Geographie, 23. Passau, 2007, pp.13-36.

Veronika Deffner, ’Lebenswelt eines innerstädtischen Marginalviertels in Salvador da Bahia (Brasilien)  ̶ Umgang mit sozialer und räumlicher Exklusion aus Sicht der armen Bevölkerungsgruppen‘, Geographica Helvetica, 61(1), 2006, pp.21-31. DOI: 10.5194/gh-61-21-2006

Veronika Deffner, ’A theory-directed problem analysis in the sector of urban water management in developing countries. Results of a socio-geographical case study in the town of Mahajanga/Madagascar’, in: M. Schmitz (ed.), Water and Sustainable Development. Schriften zur Internationalen Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung, 13, Gießen, 2005, pp.149-168. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3726/978-3-653-02074-8

Academic Functions

  • Editorial board member "Geographische Rundschau" (Westermann, Braunschweig)
  • Editorial board member "Perspektiven der Humangeographie" (Springer, Heidelberg)
  • Editorial board member "Media Geography Mainz" (University Mainz)
  • Speaker of Ethics Forum, University of Mainz
  • Speaker of the FORTHEM Alliance Lab "Migration and Diversity"
  • Head of Ethics Committee, Fakulty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Geosciences, University Mainz
  • Executive Committee Member of Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (GSHS)
  • Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer at the Fakulty of Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Geosciences, University Mainz

Dr. (phil.) Veronika Cummings

Professor for Human Geography

Director of the Institute of Geography

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
D - 55128 Mainz

Room: 02-184

Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 24093

Email: cummings@geo.uni-mainz.de

Consultation Hours:

Please contact me directly via email for an individual appointment.