Judith Maria Poersch

Judith Maria Poersch studied Geography and French (Master of Education) at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. After she had studied a semester at Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté Dijon in 2014/2015, she worked as a research assistant at “ERASMUS Information Medizin” of the University Medical Center Mainz from 2015 to 2019. In addition, from 2016 to 2019, she was a student member of the Executive Committee of “Gutenberg Research College” at JGU.

In her master’s thesis she analysed medical students of Mainz taking part in the ERASMUS programme and its impact on their biographies and careers (Title: ERASMUS mobilizes – A research on internationalization and mobility using the example of outgoing-students of the Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Centre Mainz; supervisor: Prof. Dr. V. Cummings). Since April 2020 she has been a doctoral candidate and research assistant on the Human Geography-team.

Current Research Projects

As part of maritime geoethics, this research project examines the North Sea Region as a transnational (communication &) identity space considering the question of how environmental responsibility is understood and put into practice beyond borders.

In view of the technological change in the use of the oceans, the focus is on social challenges, such as those of critical infrastructure (e.g. energy, food, etc.) and social infrastructure (ocean literacy).


Poersch, J.M. (2024). The North Sea and the EU’s Interregional Energy Politics – a Legal Geography Analysis. In: Meyer, T., Weber, F. (eds) Energy Geographies: Negotiating the French-German Interface. Regionale Geographien | Regional Geographies. Springer VS, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-69797-5_4

Poersch, J. M. (2023): Die Nordsee - globales Gut und bedeutungsvolle Umwelt. Identität und Diversität in Europa. Geographische Rundschau 2023 (6): 24-29.


Poersch, J.M. (2025): Wie kann eine maritime (Geo-)Ethik aussehen?. Visions for Climate, Januar 2025, Mainz. 20.01.2025.

Poersch, J.M. (2024): Blaue Transformationen. Das Beispiel der Nordsee. AK Geographische Energieforschung, Juni 2024, Marburg. 08.06.2024.

Poersch, J.M. (2024): Mapping the Wadden Sea’s legalities: Contested landscape between world heritage and extraction. Critical Legal Geography Conference 2024, Februar 2024, Torino. 21.02.2024.

Poersch, J.M. (2023): The North Sea as Energy resource for Europe. Dialogue Franco-Allemand en Géographie de l'Énergie, DFH (Deutsch Französische Hochschule), Oktober 2023, Mulhouse. 11.10.2023.

Poersch, J.M. (2023): Die Nordsee: Eine wertvolle Resource. DKG'23 (Deutscher Kongress für Geographie), September 2023, Frankfurt. 21.09.2023.


Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH)

Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (GSHS)

Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (KNAG)


Wintersemester 2024/2025:

    • M11a Seminar: Regionale Geographie "Blaue Transformationen - das Beispiel der Nordsee"
    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie I: Sozial- und Stadtgeographie H

Sommersemester 2024:

    • M13/M12ED PS: Empirisches Arbeiten zu aktuellen Forschungsfragen "Die Nordsee und der Blue Turn"
    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie II: Wirtschaftsgeographie F

Wintersemester 2023/2024:

    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie I: Sozial- und Stadtgeographie E

Sommersemester 2023:

    • M6/M9ED Geländepraktikum: Methodenworkshop A: "Mainz am Rhein"
    • M6/M9ED Geländepraktikum: Methodenworkshop B: "Mainz am Rhein"

Wintersemester 2022/2023:

    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie I: Sozialgeographie D

Summer 2022:

    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie II: Sozialgeographie A
    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie II: Sozialgeographie B

Summer 2021:

    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie II: Sozialgeographie E
    • M2/M2ED Übung: Humangeographie II: Sozialgeographie F

Winter 2020/2021:

    • M2/M2ED Übung: HG I: Wirtschaftsgeographie A
    • M2/M2ED Übung: HG I: Wirtschaftsgeographie B

Summer 2020:

  • M2/M2ED Übung: HG II: Stadt- und Sozialgeographie G
  • M2/M2ED Übung: HG II: Stadt- und Sozialgeographie H