- 0000000
- 00 Temporary - Contents of Start Page
- 4. Mainz Science Week - Science Tram
- 25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems (EFB25) at JGU
- A
- A1 - Electron Scattering
- A2 - Real Photons
- A4 - Parity Violation
- Accelerator Operators
- Accelerator Research
- Accelerators MAMI / MESA
- Administration
- Alexander - translated
- Archive
- Aulenbacher - translated
- B
- B1 - Development and Operation
- B2 - Polarised Electrons
- B2 - Publications
- Bachelor/Master theses
- Bachelor Students
- Bartolome - translated
- Bechthold - translated
- Beiser - translated
- Belle II Experiment
- Bender - translated
- BMBF Collaborative Projects
- Bruker - translated
- Büning - translated
- C
- Code for current news
- Compensation of Earth's magnetic field at a Double Scattering Mott (DSM) polarimeter
- Completed Doctoral Dissertation at the Institute of Kernphysik
- Completed Experiments
- Contact Information
- Controlled automated inlet of minute quantities of oxygen to activate photocathodes
- CRC/SFB 443: Many-Body Structure of Strongly Interacting Systems
- CRC1044
- D
- DAAD prize for Francesca Bonaiti
- Dehn - translated
- DehnMon - translated
- DFG Graduate School AccelencE
- DFG Graduate School Particle Detectors
- DFG Research Group 5327
- Diefenbach - translated
- Diploma Students
- Dissertation at the Institute for Nuclear Physics on the topic of exotic particles
- Dissertation at the Institute of Kernphysik on Higher Order Corrections to Processes in the Standard Model
- Dissertation at the Institute of Nuclear Physics on Exotic Mesons and Dispersive Formalism
- Dissertation at the Intsitute of Nuclear Physics on the top of DarkMESA
- Dissertations
- E
- Elementary Forces and Mathematical Foundations
- EU-Funding for SPHERE-Network
- Euteneuer - translated
- Events
- Events - Temp
- Executive Director
- Experiment BaBar
- Experiment BESIII
- Experiment COMPASS
- Experiment PANDA
- Experiments
- Experiments at MAMI
- Experiments at MESA
- External Experiments
- H
- Heidrich - translated
- Heil - translated
- Hein - translated
- Heine - translated
- Herbertz - translated
- History of MAMI
- Hofmann - translated
- Hug - translated
- Hypernuclei Database
- I
- Index
- Institute History
- Institute profile
- Internal
- International Physics School on Muon Dipole Moments and Hadronic Effects -- in Memoriam Simon Eidelman – with more than 70 participants organized by JGU Mainz
- IT Personnel
- J
- Jennewein - translated
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Harvey Meyer
- Junior Research Group of Dr. Franziska Hagelstein
- M
- Mainz Microtron MAMI
- MAMI beam schedule
- Maps and directions
- Masters Students
- Matejcek - translated
- Members of the accelerator-group
- Members of the accelerator-group
- MENU conference 2023
- Molitor - translated
- Mu3e Experiment
- P
- People
- Photon-photon interactions in the Standard Model and beyond: New research unit at JGU granted DFG funding
- Pixel Vertex Detector Installed in Belle-II Experiment
- Professors
- Professors
- Professors Emeriti
- Public outreach
- Public outreach - in Bearbeitung
- R
- Radiation Protection
- Research
- Research Assistants
- Research funding
- Riehn - translated
- Rosche - translated
- Röthgen - translated
- S
- Scahill - translated
- Schwallbach - translated
- Scientific Staff
- Search
- Seckler - translated
- Simon - translated
- Sitemap
- Spectrally resolved quantum efficiency of Potassium-cesium-antimony
- Staff
- State Examination Candidates
- Stengler - translated
- Stoll - translated
- STRONG-2020: EU-Project for the Investigation of Strong Interactions
- T
- Technical Data
- Technical Staff
- TemporÄr
- THEIA Network
- The Mainz Microtron MAMI
- Theory Group
- Tioukine - translated
- Trainees
- Transnational access to MAMI
- U
- Ungureanu - translated
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Achim Denig
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Maas
- Univ.-Prof.Dr.Michael Ostrick
- W
- Weilbach - translated
- Welcome to the Institute for Nuclear Physics
- Wilson HPC Cluster
- Work function measurements of photocathodes
- Workshop on Machine Aspects and Physics of the MESA Accelerator