Hypernuclear Physics is currently attracting renewed attention. Several experiments are presently taking data or are planned in Europe for both, the near and the more remote future. At the same time, there are several high-profile theory groups working actively in this field. FINUDA at DAFNE is exploring the production of single L-hypernuclei with tagged stopped kaons. The KAOS/A1 Collaboration at MAMI-C will produce hypernuclei by electron scattering. The HYPHI experiment will investigate exotic hypernuclei which are produced by nuclear collision with stable heavy ion beams and rare isotope beams (RI-beams) at GSI and FAIR. Similar experiments are envisaged at Dubna. The FLAIR- Collaboration at FAIR plans to produce strange nuclear systems by stopped antiprotons. Thanks to the use of p-beams and the skilful combination of experimental techniques, copious production of double L-hypernuclei is expected at the PANDA experiment which will enable for the first time high precision g-spectroscopy of these nuclei which represent a gateway to multistrange systems possibly existing in stellar objects. In order to support the exchange of new ideas and technologies, to tighten the relations among the various research groups and thus to broaden and complement the existing research structures in Europe we propose a Joint Research Activity Strange Particles in Hadronic Environment Research in Europe (SPHERE).
Events of the THEIA Network:
Joint THEIA-STRONG2020 and JAEA/Mainz REIMEI Web-Seminar 2021/2022
Joint THEIA-STRONG2020 and JAEA/Mainz REIMEI Web-Seminar 2020/2021