The joint Physikalische Kolloquium of JGU's Department 08 (Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology), the Max Planck Institut of Polymer Research and the Max Planck Institut für Chemistry (Otto Hahn Institute) takes place during the semester on Tuesdays at 4 pm c.t. in the Lecture Hall (Hörsaal) on the ground floor of the Institute for Nuclear Physics. (Coffee and tea are provided starting at 3:45 pm in the foyer.)
The PRISMA Colloquium takes place during the semester on Thursdays at 1 pm in the Lorentz-Raum on the 5th floor of the Institute of Physics. (Coffee and tea are provided starting at 2 pm.)
The MAMI Seminar takes place during the semester on Thursdays at 10:15 am in Seminarraum 1 on the ground floor of the Institute of Nuclear Physics.