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04 July 2022

After three years: start of first particle collisions at unprecedented energies at LHC

The ATLAS detector more powerful than ever – with major contributions from Mainz University

On July 5th, protons are expected once again colliding with each other at speeds close to that of light in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, also giving physicists of the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) something to celebrate. Over the last three years, they have made important contributions to the upgrade of the ATLAS detector, ensuring that it can cope with even greater volumes of data during Run 3 of the largest particle accelerator in the world. As a result the researchers hope to gain new and more extensive insights into the universe of the very smallest particles. ...

21 June 2022

Excellent scores for Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in the 2022 U-Multirank

Top rankings in the dimensions of Teaching & Learning, Research, Knowledge Transfer, and International Orientation

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has achieved excellent marks in several areas in the 2022 U-Multirank assessment. This applies to the university’s ranking as a whole as well as to the individual subjects under review.

This year's ranking positions JGU among the top group of universities in ten key indicators in the dimensions of Teaching & Learning, Research, Knowledge Transfer, and International Orientation. Two of these indicators relate to research publications and four of them to patents. In terms of international orientation, JGU is also positioned among the front-runners with regard to the numbers of international academic staff and international joint publications.  ...

17 June 2022

New technology for generating high-energy gamma radiation

On 1 June 2022, the EU-funded project TECHNO-CLS started with the participation of the X1 collaboration of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. Eleven partners from Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France, Greece and Belgium are researching how to generate high-energy gamma radiation by exposure so-called oriented crystals with ultra-relativistic charged particles. The aim is to achieve photon energies of up to GeV, which is equivalent to radiation wavelengths of up to a few femtometres. So far, it has not been possible to generate such extremely short-wave radiation with existing radiation sources. From an experimental point of view, however, it promises access to unprecedentedly small structures and is thus of particular importance for research and applications in the field of nuclear and solid-state physics as well as the life sciences.

The TECHNO-CLS consortium combines theoretical, computational, experimental and technological contributions. The central task, which is being worked on at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, is the provision of a relativistic high-quality positron beam of low emittance. Such positrons can be guided over longer distances in crystals, whereby the intensity of the radiation produced there can be significantly increased by coherent effects, similar to a magnetic undulator. In addition, a case study will investigate whether positrons can also be accelerated from the source with the existing MAMI accelerator facility. This would open up the possibility of generating positron beams with the intensity and quality of the electron beam used so far in MAMI.

11 April 2022
Photon-photon interactions in the Standard Model and beyond: New research unit at JGU granted DFG funding

https://www.uni-mainz.de/presse/aktuell/bilder/logo_photon-photon_interactions.jpgA pure quantum effect as the key to a better understanding of the subatomic world / New research program in Mainz bundles a wide range of expertise

In classical physics, the superposition of light waves resulting in interference is a well-known phenomenon. An interaction of light rays in the sense of a scattering is, however, classically impossible. Conversely, in the subatomic world, which is described by quantum effects, the quantum particles of light – known as photons – do indeed interact with each other. ...

18 September 2021
International Physics School on Muon Dipole Moments and Hadronic Effects -- in Memoriam Simon Eidelman – with more than 70 participants organized by JGU Mainz

The concept of this school was to bring together young researchers involved in the global effort of investigating the large excess of the measured value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment over the Standard Model prediction. Earlier this year, the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab released their long-awaited result which, to everyone's excitement, showed a strengthening of the discrepancy with the Standard Model (in total 4.2 standard deviations). This result fortified both the possibility of New Physics and the strong interest in this school. ...

18 March 2020
Further security measures at KPH to protect against the coronavirus

Effective immediately the automatic door opener at the Institute will be deactivated after 12 pm. At which time the Institute will only be accessible to people who have an RFID transponder/key. Access for people outside of the Institute (guests, other JGU employees, etc.) should only be limited to essential, work-related needs.
17 March 2020
Rules regarding (COVID-19)

At the Inst. of Nuclear Physics the following rules apply:

Further information and rules for hygiene and safety:

Please practice good hygiene. Medical Information can be found at the Robert Koch Institut and the World Health Organisation websites.

9 October 2019
Particle physics projects for teenagers

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) becomes a hub within the framework of the initiative „Netzwerk Teilchenwelt“

„Netzwerk Teilchenwelt“ gets immediate support in terms of personnel and content: 30 research institutes, which reach out to schools throughout the nation on research into the physics of the smallest elements, can now rely on so-called hubs at the universities of Bonn, Mainz and Münster, which will develop new programmes and activities for youngsters from the area of hadron and nuclear physics as well as coordinate regional programmes.  More (in German) ...

9 May 2019
Exzellenzcluster PRISMA+ setzt Spitzenforschung an eigenem Beschleuniger und in internationalen Großexperimenten mit Bund-Länder-Förderung fort

http://www.uni-mainz.de/presse/aktuell/Illustrationen/standbild_video_2019_PRISMAplus_eroeffnung_190x130.jpgVorreiterrolle in der Teilchen- und Hadronenphysik / 52 Millionen Euro für Mainzer Physikerinnen und Physiker aus dem Exzellenzstrategie-Wettbewerb

An der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) ist am Donnerstag der Exzellenzcluster PRISMA+ feierlich eröffnet worden. ...

3 May 2019
Starke Wechselwirkung im Fokus

Im EU-Projekt STRONG-2020 schließen sich 44 Institute aus ganz Europa zusammen, die rund um die starke Wechselwirkung forschen

Was die starke Wechselwirkung angeht - also die Kraft, die die Atomkerne zusammenhält - sind noch viele Fragen ungeklärt ...

26 March 2019
Erfolgreicher Start in Phase 3 am japanischen Beschleuniger SuperKEKB

Bild in Originalgröße ansehenVon deutschen Physikerinnen und Physikern mitentwickelter und -gebauter Belle II-Detektor ist inzwischen vollständig instrumentiert

Am japanischen Teilchenbeschleuniger SuperKEKB ist am 11. März 2019 die mit Spannung erwartete Phase 3 erfolgreich gestartet. Das ausgeklügelte Detektorsystem des Belle II-Experiments ist nun vollständig instrumentiert und wird die Suche nach neuer Physik in der jetzt begonnenen Messkampagne mit Hochdruck vorantreiben. ...

27 September 2018
JGU hat in der Exzellenzstrategie erfolgreich abgeschnitten: Exzellenzcluster PRISMA+ bewilligt


Positives Votum des international besetzten Expertengremiums für PRISMA+ / Voraussichtlich 64 Millionen Euro für Mainzer Spitzenforschung

Erfolg der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) in der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder: Die Exzellenzkommission, bestehend aus einem international besetzten Expertengremium mit 39 von der Gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) berufenen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern sowie den für Wissenschaft zuständigen Ministerinnen und Ministern des Bundes und der Länder, hat den Exzellenzcluster PRISMA+ bewilligt. Der Gesamtumfang der beantragten Fördermittel beträgt 64 Millionen Euro für die nächsten sieben Jahre. ...

5 July 2018
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz ranked number 1 in the natural sciences in Germany in the 2018 DFG Funding Atlas

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JGU leads the list of higher education institutions with the highest DFG awards for 2014 to 2016 / Well ahead in funding per capita and in the discipline of physics

In the 2018 DFG Funding Atlas published today by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) tops the rankings in the natural sciences, ahead of the universities of Hamburg and Bonn. JGU received the highest volume of DFG funding in the natural sciences – some EUR 70 million in total – in the period 2014 to 2016, which is more than any other German university. ...

29 August 2017 - 1 September 2017
SFB School 2017

The SFB 1044 "The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model" held its annual Summer School at the Hotel Ebertor in Boppard from 29 August to 01 September 2017. Invited lecturer Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana U) spoke about Partial Wave Analysis and all that. Dr. Sören Lange from Gießen talked about experimental aspects. The program also included contributions from members of the SFB (graduate students, post docs).


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