Chair of Systematic Theology and Social Ethics
Dietz, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Walter
Systematic Theology and Social Ethics I
Retired Professor
Phone: +49 6131 39 22686
- Born 08/03/1955 in Ansbach (Middle Franconia/ Bavaria)
Father: Karl Dietz (1918-2001; graduate engineer. Ministerialrat a.D.)
Mother: Ilse Dietz (1924-1983; Teacher and Housewife)
Siblings: Wolfgang Dietz (* 1952), Dr. rer.nat.(PhD in natural sciences), physicist (diploma) - 20.3.1955 baptism (St. Johannis, Ansbach)
- 1961-1975 School (61-64 elementary school; afterwards grammar school with emphasis on mathematics and science)
- 1975 Abitur at Max-Planck-grammar school (Munich-Pasing)
- 1975-81 University studies (Theology and Philosophy) in Neuendettelsau, Munich, Tübingen and Jerusalem (Dormitio Abbey / DAAD)
- 1981 I. Kirchliches Examen (Ansbach, Lutheran Church of Bavaria [ELKB])
- 1981-82 employment in industries (Munich)
- 1982-87 church minister (Lutheran Church of Bavaria) curacy (Munich-Pasing; mentor: Rev. H. Breit);
Pfarrer z.A (curate). Planegg / Krailling near Munich (1984-87; in charge of a parish 1985-87) - 1984 II. Kirchliches Examen (ELKB)
1984 ordination (Planegg; OKR Dr. Kalb)
1987 appointment as minister (at the same time leave of absence for academic studies) - 1987-94 research assistant at the institute of Fundamental Theology and Ecumenism (Prof. Pannenberg)
- 1991 graduation to Dr. theol. (PhD in theology) (dissertation about the concept of freedom of S. Kierkegaard)
- 1994 Habilitation (postdoctoral thesis 1993 about theological examination of the philosophical scepticism i.a. in works of Augustine, Descartes, Luther and K. Heim)
- 1995 promotion as private lecturer (PD); permission to teach (emphasis: newer history of theology)
- 1995-97 private lecturer (PD), visiting professor (Augsburg; Mainz; Frankfurt/M.)
- 1997 appointment as professor of Systematic Theology and Social Ethics at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
- 1997ff indirect employment status (ELKB)
- 1997 relocation (with wife Elke Dietz, née Liebscher; meanwhile 3 children: Franziska *1996; Kilian *2000; Achim *2002) from Munich to Oppenheim / Rhine.
- 1998 inaugural lecture (about the concept of infinity, e.g. in Cusanus, Hegel and Kierkegaard)
Fields of Research
- 1987-90 Theology and Anthropology in the 19th century, especially. Schelling, Hegel, Kierkegaard
- 1991-93 research about the theological examination of/engagement in philosophical scepsis (Augustine, Descartes, Wittgenstein; Luther, Ihmels, K. Heim)
- 1993-95 debate of justification (with courses)
- 1994-96 the problem of theodicy (also newer concepts)
- 1997/98 criticism of religion/ philosophy of religion
- 1998/99 fundamental-theological determination of the relation between theology and philosophy /history of philosophy (Emphasis: Neoplatonism)
- 2000/01 Ecumenical Theology, Ethics on the basis of the Christian concept of an immanent indeducible dignity of man
- 2002/06 Ecumenical Theology, office, ordination and general priesthood
a) Munich
- 1991-95 advisor at the Protestant-Theological Department
b) Mainz
- 1998ff member of the examination board (chairman since 2003)
- 1998ff member of the doctoral candidate admission board and the admission board for postdoctoral lecture qualification
- 1998-1999 member of the board for study reglementation and plan of subjects
- 1998-2006 member of the board for library and budget
- 2001-2007 member of the board for diploma examinations
- 2003-2005 member of the board of publicity
- 2001ff commissioner for the Bafög (federal students support)
- 1999-2005.2008ff member of the faculty council
- 2003-2005 dean
- 2001-2005 member of the academic senate
- 2001-2005 member of the senate panel for research promotion
- 2001-2005 member of the senate's committee for the allocation of honorary offices
Beyond university:
- 1991-94 member oft the Ökumene-Fachausschuss (ÖFA, committee of experts for ecumenism) of the ELKB
- 1994-2004 member of the examination board for the first theological exam (theological entrance examination) of the ELKB.
- 1998ff member of examination boards of several regional churches (Protestant church of Hesse and Nassau (EKHN), Church of Rheinpfalz, Rhenish Church (EKiR), ELKB; examination subjects: Dogmatics, Ethics, Philosophy)
- 2001ff member of the Ökumenische Arbeitskreis evangelischer und katholischer Theologen (ecumenical research group of protestant and catholic Theologians, former Jäger-Stählin-Kreis; as keeper of the minutes 1990-1996)
Publications (selection)
Dissertation and Habilitation (postdoctoral thesis) :
- [Diss.] Søren Kierkegaard. Existenz und Freiheit, Frankfurt am Main: Hain 1993 (Athenäums Monografien Philosophie Bd.267), 479 S. [überarbeitete Fassung der Dissertation, München 1990]
- [Habil.] Wahrheit - Gewißheit - Zweifel. Zur theologischen Auseinandersetzung mit der philosophischen Skepsis, Frankfurt/Bern: Lang ca. 2011²[Habilitationsschrift München 1993, 559 S.]
Further publications:
- Gottes Allmacht und das Leiden der Kreatur. Zur neueren Diskussion über die Theodizeefrage, in: Zeitschrift für Medizin. Ethik (ZME) 41 (1995), S.93-103 [Habilitationsvortrag]
- Servum arbitrium. Zur Konzeption der Willensunfreiheit bei Luther, Schopenhauer und Kierkegaard [Gastvortrag Mainz / Marburg, Mai 1996], in: NZSTh 42 (2000), S.181-194.
- Der Einfluß des Christentums auf unsere Vorstellung von Wert und Würde des Menschen, in: Resch, Ingo (Hg.): Mehr als man glaubt. Christliche Fundamente in Recht, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Gräfelfing 2000, S.63-94
- Zur psychoanalytischen Religionskritik aus theologischer Sicht, in: Bassler, Markus (Hg.): Psychoanalyse und Religion. Versuch einer Vermittlung, Stgt. u.a. 2000, S.33-51
- Die Stellung von Vigilius Haufniensis' Begrebet Angest im Kontext der Sündenlehre des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, in: Cappelørn, N.J. / Deuser, H. / Stewart, J. (eds.): Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook (KSYB) 2001, S.96-127
- Biblische und systematisch-theologische Aspekte zur Rede von Gottes Zorn und Erbarmen, in: Günter Kruck / Claudia Sticher (Hg.): „Deine Bilder stehn vor mir wie Namen“. Zur Rede von Zorn und Erbarmen Gottes in der Hl. Schrift, Mainz 2006, S.31-54
- Systematisch-theologische Aspekte von Ordination und Ordinationsvollmacht im Licht evangelischer Theologie, in: D. Sattler / G. Wenz (HG.): Das kirchliche Amt in
apostologischer Nachfolge Bd.II Ursprünge und Wandlungen (= DdK 13), Freiburg/Göttingen 2006. S.97-144 - Verzweiflung en masse. Kierkegaards Einzelner und die Kritik der Masse, in: K. Broese, A. Hütig, O. Immel u. R. Reschke (Hg.): Vernunft der Aufklärung – Aufklärung der Vernunft (FS H.-M. Gerlach), Berlin 2006, S.185-205
- „Ächt lutherisch“? Echt protestantisch! Zu den Spätfolgen von J.W.F. Höflings Kirchen- und Amtsverständnis für die neuerliche innerprotestantische Kontroverse über Amt, Ordination, Beauftragung und Allgemeines Priestertum, in: KuD 54 (2008), S.98-113
- Synodalität nach evangelischem Verständnis, in: Autorität und Synodalität. Eine interdisziplinäre und interkonfessionelle Umschau nach ökumenischen Chancen und ekklesiologischen Desideraten, hg. v. Chr. Böttigheimer u. Joh. Hofmann, Frankfurt/M. 2008, S. 191-219