Lectureship Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology
- Born 1962 in Marburg/Lahn, Germany
- 1982-1991: Philipps Universität Marburg: studies in protestant Theology/Biblical Archaeology, classical Archaeology, Pre- and Proto- History.
- 1983: Participation in the excavations of the Iraon Age layers of Tel Akko (Israel) by the Phillips Universität Marburg directed by Prof. D. Conrad.
- 1984, 1985: Staff-member (area supervision) at the excavations conducted by the Gutenberg Universität Mainz at Tell el-Oreime (Tel Kinnrot, Israel) directed by the late Prof. V. Fritz, then Johannes Guttenberg Universität, Mainz.
- 1987-1993: Senior staff-member at the excavations of the Early and Middle Bronze Age settlement of Tel Kabri (Israel) directed by the late Prof. A. Kempinski (Tel Aviv University).
- 1993: Senior staff-member at the excavations of the Early Bronze Age settlement of Khirbet ez-Zeraqon (Jordan) directed by Prof. S. Mittmann (Tübingen).
- 1994, 1995: Archaeological survey in the Akko-hinterland (Israel) in cooperation with G. Lehmann on behalf of the “Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts vom Heiligen Land in Jerusalem”.
- 1999: Guest-lecturer at the University of Rochester, New York (USA) as part of the project “Galilean Studies”.
- 1992-1994: Co-director of the excavations of the roman water-supply system of Sepphoris (Israel) as part of the development of an archaeological National-park by the Israel National Parks Authority.
- 1992-2005: Tel Aviv University: Research and graduation studies in archaeology completed with the submission of a PhD thesis to the topic “The Plain of Akko from the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age to the End of the Middle Bronze Age – A Historical Geography of the Plain of Akko from 3500-1550 BCE: a Spatial Analysis”.
- 27.06.2006: Tel Aviv University: Award of the degree of “Doctor of Philosophy”.
- Since 1994: Employee of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) in various functions amongst others as field archaeologist conducting excavations and as academical supervisor (see also http://www.antiquities.org.il/personal_cv_eng.asp?id=9 ).
- Since 2007: Co-director of the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project together with Aaron A. Burke (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA)
- Since 2009: Archaeological advisor of the bible museum Bibelhaus-Frankfurt.
Fields of Research
- Palestine/Israel in the Early and Middle Bronze Ages.
- Landscape Archaeology.
- Urbane Archaeology.
- History of research in Biblical Archaeology.
- Heritage Managment and Presentation in Israel.
Current Research Projects
- Shuni Excavations Publication Program
Scientific treatment and find evaluation of the excavations of the Bronze Age cemetery of Shuni (Israel) on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority. - Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project
The JCHP is an interdisciplinary research project of the history and archaeology of Jaffa (Israel), co-sponsored by the IAA, the Cotsen Institut of Archäologie at UCLA (Los Angeles, USA) and the Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz.
Currently the JCHP is active in four programs:
1. Research and Publication
It is one of the main goals of the project to publish older excavations that so far have been published only in a preliminary manner or not at all, in the projects own series of publications. Budgeted by White-Levy grants the previous excavations of Y. Kaplan will be published and with assistance of a Rennert stipend the archaeological work of the IAA in the eastern lower town of Jaffa will be published.
2. Excavations
The project acomanies the salvage excavations of the IAA and conducts its own research excavations. These excavations serve also as a field-school for students from UCLA and the Johannes Gutenberg Universität.
3. Conservation and Presentation
In a conservation project, monuments and artifacts will be preserved and prepared for a presentation to the public.
4. Public Outreach
In addition to the presentation of the results of the projects programs on conferences, the project is present in the internet (see also: http://www.antiquities.org.il/jaffa/ ). Moreover, volunteers and interested non-professionals participate in the excavations and an annual open house presents the efforts of the JCHP to the inhabitants of the city and the interested public.
- Member of the Deutsche Palestina-Verein
- Member of ASOR (American School of Oriental Research)
Publications (Selection)
- Area B: The Stratigraphy and the Pottery (with N. Sheftelowitz). Excavations at Kabri 4: Preliminary Report of the 1989 Season, A. Kempinski and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), Tel Aviv. pp. 21-27 (Hebrew with English summary)
- Area B: The Stratigraphy and the Pottery (with N. Sheftelowitz). Excavations at Kabri 5: Preliminary Report of the 1990 Season. A. Kempinski and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.). Tel Aviv pp. 1-4 (Hebrew with English summary)
- Area F: The Architecture, Stratigraphy and Pottery (with S. Garfinkle). Excavations at Kabri 6: Preliminary Report of the 1991 Season. A. Kempinski and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.). Tel Aviv
- The Architecture and Stratigraphy of Area D (With A. Rosenberger). Excavations at Kabri 7/8: Preliminary Report of the 1992 and 1993 Seasons. A. Kempinski and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.). Tel Aviv. pp. 13-15 (Hebrew with English summary).
- Area F: Stratigraphy and Architecture (with S. Garfinkle). Excavations at Kabri 7/8: Preliminary Report of the 1992 and 1993 Seasons. A. Kempinski and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.). Tel Aviv. pp. 16-19 (Hebrew with English summary).
- Vorbericht über eine Oberflächenuntersuchung im Hinterland von Akko (mit G. Lehmann). Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts. Jerusalem. 31-40
- The Water Supply System of Shepphoris (with T. Tsuk and A. Rosenberger). Tel Aviv (Hebrew)
- Tel Afar. Excavations and Surveys in Israel 16. Jerusalem. Pp. 77-79
- Tel Abu Hawam. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108(hebr.). Jerusalem. P. 30
- Yafo. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108 (hebr.). Jerusalem. Pp. 69-70
- Yafo: R. MeRaguza St.. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 108 (hebr.) Jerusalem. p 70
- Bet Dagan. ESI 20: 59*-60*
- Excavations at Zikhron Ya`aqov, Neve Remez. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 110 Jerusalem. p 30*
- Excavations at Or `Aqiva (North). Hadashot Arkheologiyot 110. Jerusalem p.35*
- Excavations at Yafo, R. Hanina and R. Y. MeRaguza Sts. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 110. Jerusalem. p.46*-47*.
- Excavations at Rishon Le-Ziyyon Sand Dunes. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 100. Jerusalem p.94*
- Excavations at Zikhron Ya`akov, Neve Remez. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 111. Jerusalem. p.30*
- Excavations at Yafo: Marzuq and `Azar Street. Hadashot Arkheologiyot ´ 111. Jerusalem. p. 39*-40*
- Excavations at Yafo: Bet Ha-Eshel Street. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 111. Jerusalem p. 41*
- Excavations at Yafo: Razif Ha-`Aliya Ha-Shenia (with M. Priel). Hadashot Arkheologiyot 111. Jerusalem. p.40*-41*
- Excavations at Khirbet Sha`ira. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 111. Jerusalem. p. 99*
- Excavations at Mazor (East). Hadashot Arkheologiyot 111. Jerusalem. p.100*
- Excavations at Rishon Le-Ziyyon Sand Dunes. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 111. Jerusalem. p.102*
- Excavations at Horbat Ivtan. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 112. Jerusalem 27*-28*
- Tel Yafo (Jaffa) A Key Site of the Central Coastal Plain Re-Discovered. Preliminary Results from New Excavations in the 1990's. in: Matthiae P., Enea A., Peyronel L. and Pinnock F. (eds) Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Rome. Pp. 1345-1352.
- What Happened to the Early Bronze Age III in the Hinterland of Akko? Some Considerations about Terminology, Chronology and Urbanism in Northern Palestine. In Matthiae, P., Enea, A., Peyronel, L. and Pinnock, F. (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Rome. Pp. 1328-1344.
- A Hebrew Seal from Jaffa and the Hebrew Script in the Post- First Temple Period. (with B. Sass). Atiqot 42:199-210.
- A Group of Vessels from the Syrian Coast Found in the Coastal Plain of Israel. (E. Yannai, A. Gorzalczany and M. Peilstöcker). Levant 35. London. Pp. 101-116.
- Excavations at the Ben Shemen Junction. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 115. Jerusalem. Pp. 42*-43*.
- Excavations at Haifa, Wadi Salib. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 115. Jerusalem. P. 21*
- Die Urbanisierung der Ebene von Akko in der Frühen und Mittleren Bronzezeit. In Witte, M., Diehl, J.F. and Heitzenroeder, R. (eds.) “Einen Altar von Erde mache mir…” Festschrift für Diethelm Conrad zum 70. Geburtstag. Waltrop. Pp. 215-232.
- An Iron Age Fortress in the Sand Dunes of Rishon Letzion. (Y. Levy, M. Peilstocker, A. Ginzburg). Qadmoniot 37, No 128:92-94.
- Khirbet Sha`ira: Excavations of a Rural Settlement from the Middle Bronze Age II in the Vicinity of Tel Afeq (Aphek). Atiqot 48:63-82.
- 'Enot Shuni. (with Deborah Sklar-Parnes). HA-ESI 119 (electronic journal, www.hadashot-esi.org.il 19.12.2005).
- Remains of an Early Chalcolithic Settlement on the Fringes of Horbat Usha. Atiqot 51:15-22
- Burials from the Intermediate Bronze Age and the Roman Period at Bet Dagan. Atiqot 51:23-30
- La ville franque de Jaffa a la lumieres descfouilles recentres. Bulletin Monumental 164/1:99-104.
- Yafo, Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street. HA-ESI 118 (electronic journal, www.hadashot-esi.org.il 8.1.2006).
- Yaffo, Flea Market Complex.(with A. Re'em, E. Hadad, P. Gendelman). HA-ESI 118 (electronic journal, www.hadashot-esi.org.il 1.11.2006).
- Urban Archaeology in Yafo (Jaffa): Preliminary Planning for Excavations and Research of a Mediterranean Port City. PEQ 139/3:149-165.
- Shuni Cemetery (‘Enot Shuni). NEAEHL, Jerusalem. Pp 2039-2041
- Rishon LeZiyyon, The Iron Age Fortress. (with Yosi Levi). NEAHL, Jerusalem. Pp 2020-2022.
- Yafo, Clock-Tower Square HA-ESI 121 (electronic journal, http://www.hadashot-esi.org.il/report_detail_eng.asp?id=1024&mag_id=115 27.1.2009)
- Yafo, Ganor Compound (with Aaron A. Burke). HA-ESI 121 (electronic journal, http://www.hadashot-esi.org.il/report_detail_eng.asp?id=1049&mag_id=115 17.2.2009)
- Yafo, Kikar Qedumim (with Aaron A. Burke). HA-ESI 121 (electronic journal, http://www.hadashot-esi.org.il/report_detail_eng.asp?id=1062&mag_id=115 12.3.2009).
- Tel ‘Afar: a Byzantine Site South of Caesarea. Atiqot 61:95-118.
- The Lower City of Jaffa. (with Yoav Arbel). Qadminiot 137:31-42 (Hebrew).
- The JaffaVisitor’s Centre, 2008 (with Aaron A. Burke). Israel Exploration Journal 59 (notes & news):220-227