Professor of Comparative Religion and Missiology
- since Oct. 2012 Professor of Comparative Religion and Missiology, JGU Mainz
- 2002-2012 Professor of Cross-cultural Theology at the Protestant Theological University (PThU), Kampen, The Netherlands
- 2001-2002 Researcher in Intercultural Theology at the Interuniversity Institute for Missiological and Ecumenical Research (IIMO) / Utrecht
- 1999-2001 Research Fellow at Kampen Theological University, The Netherlands
- 1999 Ordination as minister of the Protestant Church of the Palatinate (Protestantische Landeskirche)
- 1998 Habilitation and Privatdozent at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Heidelberg; Topic: Intercultural Christology
- 1997-1999 Assistant pastor (Vikar)
- 1994 Dissertation at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Heidelberg (magna cum laude) Topic: Minjung Theology and Theory of Contextual Theology
- 1990-1997 Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent) at the University of Heidelberg (Missiology, Ecumenics and Comparative Religion)
- 1987/88 One Year of Special Studies at the Third World Church Leadership Center of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary Seoul/Korea
- 1982-1990 Theological Studies at the University of Heidelberg
- 2021 Honorary Doctorate of the Theological Faculty, University of Lund, Sweden
- Regular invited lectures, contributions to conferences and visiting professorships on an international level.
Editorial boards, awards and grants
- Exchange. Journal of Missiological and Ecumenical Research (since 2001);
- Wereld en Zending. Tijdschrift voor interculturele theologie (2002-2007);
- Madang. International Journal of Contextual Theology in East Asia (since 2005);
- Reformed World (since 2009);
- Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift (since 2009);
- editor of Contactzone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology (since 2007;
- till date 12 vol.). Replacement subsidy of The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for the book project “Introduction to Intercultural Theology” (2009-2010);
- Award of the Academy for Intercultural Studies 2000 (donated by DaimlerChrysler) Award of the minister of culture (Rheinland-Pfalz) for social Engagement (1982)
Fields of Research
- Intercultural Theology and Hermeneutics;
- Contextual Theology and Art in the Third World;
- Ecumenical Theology; Theology of Mission;
- Theology of Religions;
- Interreligious Dialogue and Comparative Religion.
Key publications
- The Many Faces of Jesus Christ. Intercultural Christology, London: SCM Press and Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis books 2001 [Ger. 1999; Nl. 2012].
- Wie, met wie, over wat? Een zoektocht in het landschap van de interreligieuze dialoog, Kamper Oraties 26, Kampen 2003 [Engl. 2004; Ger. 2005].
- Christian Art in Asia: Yesterday and Today, in: The Christian Story: Five Asian Artists Today, Museum of Biblical Art, New York and London 2007, 28-43.
- Gott/Terror. Ein Diptychon, Frankfurt a.M. 2009 [Nl. 2008].
- A Protestant Theology of Passion. Minjung Theology revisited (Studies in Systematic Theology 4), Leiden 2010.
- Einführung in die Interkulturelle Theologie, Göttingen 2011.