Gender, Diversity and Biblical Literature

Gender, Diversity and Biblical Literature“  highlights the social, cultural, religious  and historical construction of gender roles and norms. A focus lies on biblical texts and their impact on the practices, perceptions and interpretation of gender through the ages.


  1. News
  2. Publications:


January, 20th  2022 10:15-12:00 Valérie Nicolet from the Institut protestant de théologie, Faculté de Paris  „The Contributions of Feminism to Biblical Hermeneutics“.  Information: apl. Prof. Dr. Dorothea Erbele-Küster

Mensch Frau* forscht - gemeinsam! WS 21/22   „Ut omnes unum sint- dass alle eins sind" (Joh 17,21) An interdiciplinary researchgroup. for further information:


See the report on  Mensch Frau forscht!  auch in Krisenzeiten during the summer term 2020 in:




Erbele-Küster, Dorothea. “#SayHerName (Judges 11:40) and Relate Yourself.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 37, no. 2 (2021): 175–78.

Cultivating Womanist, Feminist and Queer Relationships in this Neoliberal-Authoritarian Age. A Panel Discussion at the SBL Annual Meeting 2019 in San Diego ist publiziert  lectio difficilior - 1 / 2020 (