Dr. Sebastian Hoffmann
Evolutionary Ecology
Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution
Hanns-Dieter-Hüsch-Weg 15
55128 Mainz, Germany
practical exercises
• scientific support in "Ecology" as well as "Population genetics" (Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education, Master of Science, Master of Education)
• exkursions for Master and Bachelor students in „Fischbestandsaufnahmen mittels Elektrofischerei“
supported theses
Würth D. (2014): Populationsgenetische Untersuchungen an Bachforellen (Salmo trutta forma fario). - (Diplom)
Nagel R. (2013): A population genetics study of Red Deer Cervus elaphus. - (M. Sc.)
Siebel S. (2014) Satelitentelemetrische Untersuchungen an Rothirschen (Cervus elaphus). - (Bachelor)
Scheurich S. (2012) Test zweier Multiplex-Systeme für Cervus elaphus und Cross-Amplifikations-Test bei anderen Hirscharten (Cervidae). - (Bachelor)