Prof. Dr. Eva M. Griebeler
Evolutionary Ecology
Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution
Hanns-Dieter-Hüsch-Weg 15
55128 Mainz, Germany
Tel.: +49 - (0) 6131 - 39 26621
Fax: +49 - (0) 6131 - 39 23731
Sander, PM, Griebeler EM et al. (2021). Early giant reveals faster evolution of large body size in ichthyosaurs than in cetacean. Science 374, 1578.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abf5787
Griebeler, E.M. (2021) Dinosaurian survivorship schedules revisited: new insights from an age-structured population model. Palaeontology, DOI: 10.1111/pala.12576.
Griebeler, E.M. (2021) Data from: Dinosaurian survivorship schedules revisited: new insights from an age-structured population model. Dryad Digital Repository, DOI/10.5061/dryad.5mkkwh765
Müller, D., Griebeler, E.M. (2021) Der Apollofalter Parnassius apollo (LINNAEUS, 1758) in Rheinland-Pfalz – Verbreitung, Bestandstrends und Phänologie (Lep., Papilionidae), Melanargia, 33: 56-96.
Griebeler, E.M. (2021) RE: Absolute abundance and preservation rate of Tyrannosaurus rex. Science, eletter
Fabritzek, A.G., Griebeler, E.M., Kadereit, J.W. (2021). Hybridization, ecogeographical displacement and the emergence of new lineages - a genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) and ecological niche and species distribution modelling study of Sempervivum tectorum L. (Houseleek), Journal of Evolutionary Biology, DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13784
Griebeler E.M. (2020) Praktischer und wissenschaftlicher Naturschutz: nur gemeinsam sind wir stark. Mitt. POLLICHIA 100: 33-35
Hallmann, K. & Griebeler, E. M. (2020): An identification of invariants in life history traits of amphibians and reptiles. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5978
Sillo, N. & Griebeler, E.M. (2020) Die Bienenfauna (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) des Botanischen Gartens der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Mainzer naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 57: 261-294
Tietze, D. T., Kästner, H.-D., Ludwigs, J.-D. & Griebeler, E. M. (2020) Anderthalb Jahrzehnte Integriertes Singvogelmonitoring in und um Rheinland-Pfalz, dem bisherigen IMS-Schwerpunktgebiet in Westdeutschland. Vogelwarte 58: 289-311
Hallmann, K. & Griebeler, E. M. (2019): Data from: An identification of invariants in life history traits of amphibians and reptiles. Dryad Digital Repository.
Griebeler E. M., Klein N. (2019) Life-history strategies indicate live-bearing in Nothosaurus (Sauropterygia). Palaentology,
Griebeler, E. M., Klein, N. (2019). Data from: Life‐history strategies indicate live‐bearing in Nothosaurus (Sauropterygia). Dryad Digital Repository.
Klein, N. & Griebeler E. M. (in press) Growth patterns, sexual dimorphism, and maturation modelled in Pachypleurosauria from Middle Triassic of central Europe (Diapsida: Sauropterygia). Fossil Record. 21: 137-157.
Werner, J., Sfakianakis, N., Rendall, A. D. & Griebeler, E. M. (in press): Energy intake functions and energy budgets of ectotherms and endotherms derived from their ontogenetic growth in body mass and timing of sexual maturation. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 444: 83-92.
Griebeler, E. M. & Werner, J. (2018) Formal comment on: Myhrvold (2016) Dinosaur metabolism and the allometry of maximum growth rate. PLoS ONE; 11(11): e0163205. PLoS ONE 13(2):e0184756.
Hallmann, K. & Griebeler, E. M. (2018) An exploration of differences in the scaling of life history traits with body mass within reptiles and between amniotes. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4069.
Werner, J. & Griebeler, E.M. (2017) Was endothermy in amniotes induced by an early stop in growth during ontogeny? The Science of Nature 104:90
Werner, J, Sfakianakis, Rendall, A. & Griebeler, E.M. (2016) Energy intake functions of ectotherms and endotherms derived from their body mass growth. arXiv:1611.09052v1
Griebeler, E. M. & Werner, J. (2016) Mass, phylogeny and temperature are sufficient to explain differences in metabolic scaling across mammalian orders? Ecology and Evolution DOI 10.1002/ece3.2555.
Hoffmann, G. S., Johannesen, J., Griebeler, E. M. (2016) Population dynamics of a natural red deer population over 200 years detected via substantial changes of genetic Variation. Ecology and Evolution 6 (10): 3146-3153.
Linn C. A. & Griebeler E. M. (2016) Habitat preference of German Mantis religiosa populations (Mantodea: Mantidae) and implications for conservation. Environmental Entomology, doi: 10.1093/ee/nvm056.
Klein, N. & Griebeler, E.M. (2016) Bone histology, microanatomy, and growth of the nothosauroid Simosaurus gaillardorti (Sauropterygia) from the Upper Muschelkalk of southern Germany/Baden-Württemberg. Comptes rendus Palevol.15: 147-167.
Rummel, C.D., Löder, M.G.J., Fricke, N.F., Lanf, T., Griebeler, E.M., Janke, M. & Gerdts, G.(2016) Plastic ingestion by pelagic and demersal fish from the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 102: 134-141.
Buse J, Boch S, Hilgers J & Griebeler E.M. (2015) Conservation of threatened habitat types under future climate change - lessons from plant-distribution models and current extinction trends in southern Germany. J. of Nature Conservation 27:18-25.
Hallmann K & Griebeler E.M. (2015) Eggshell types and their evolutionary correlation with life-history strategies in Squamates. PLOSone DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138785.
Klein, N., Neenan, J., Scheyer, T. & Griebeler E.M. (2015) Growth patterns and life history strategies in Placodontia (Diapsida: Sauropterygia). Royal Society Open Science, DOI: 10.1098/rsos.140440.
Linn C.A., Griebeler E.M. (2015) Reconstruction of two colonisation pathways of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea) in Germany using four mitochondrial markers. Genetica 143(1): 11-20.
Schwarz L, Jäckel K, Trautmann S, Griebeler E.M. & Tietze DT (2015) Zehn Jahre Integriertes Singvogelmonitoring am Eich-Gimbsheimer Altrhein. Fauna Flora Rheinland-Pfalz 13: Heft 1, 173-200.
Hoffmann G.S., Johannesen J., Griebeler E.M. (2014) Species cross-amplification, identification and genetic variation of 17 species of deer (Cervidae) with microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA from antlers. Molecular Biology Reports, DOI: 10.1007/s11033-014-3845-7
Griebeler E.M., Werner J. (2014). Online Comment on Grady et al. (2014), Science.
Berens D.G., Braun C., González-Martínez S.C., Griebeler E.M., Nathan R., Böhning-Gaese K. (2014). Fine-scale spatial genetic dynamics over the life-cycle of a tropical tree Prunus africana. Heredity, DOI:10.1038/hdy.2014.40
Emilia G. Thomas, Maja Šrut, Anamaria Štambuk, Göran I. V. Klobucar and E.M. Griebeler (2014). Effects of Freshwater Pollution on the Genetics of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) at the Molecular and Population Level. Biomarkers of Environmental Pollutants, DOI: 10.1155/2014/795481
Werner J., Griebeler E.M. (2014) Allometries of maximum growth rate versus body mass at maximum growth indicate that non-avian dinosaurs had growth rates typical of fast growing ectothermic sauropsids. PLOS ONE, 9(2):e88834. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088834.
Griebeler E.M. (2013). Body temperatures in dinosaurs: What can growth curves tell us?. PLOS ONE, 8(10):e74317, DOI/10.1371/journal.pone.0074317.
Werner J., Griebeler, E.M. (2013). New insights into non-avian dinosaur reproduction and their evolutionary and ecological implications. PLOS ONE, 8(8):e72862, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0072862.
Griebeler E.M., Klein N., Sander P. M. (2013). Aging, maturation and growth of sauropodomorph dinosaurs as deduced from growth curves using long bone histological data: an assessment of methodological constraints and solutions. PLOS ONE, 8(6): e67012, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0067012.
Hoffmann G.S., Griebeler E.M. (2013). An improved high yield method to obtain microsatellite genotypes from red deer antlers up to 200 years old. Molecular Ecology Resources, DOI: 10.111/1755-0998.12068.
Buse J., Griebeler E.M., Niehus N. (2013). Rising temperatures explain past immigration of the thermophilic oak-inhabiting beetle Coraebus florentinus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in south-west Germany. Biodiversity and Conservation, 22(5): 1115-1131.
Berens D., Griebeler E.M., Braun C., Bwibo Chituyi B., Nathan R., Böhning-Gaese K. (2013). Changes of effective gene dispersal distances by pollen and seeds across successive life stages in a tropical tree. Oikos, DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2013.00515.x.
Buse J., Griebeler E.M. (2012). Determinants and congruence of species richness patterns across multiple taxonomic groups on a regional scale. International Journal of Zoology, Article ID 297657, DOI 10.1155/2012/297657.
Buse J., Griebeler E.M. (2012). Auswirkungen auf geschützte und schutzwürdige Arten: Fang- und Heuschrecken. Seiten 260-289 in Trautmann S., Lötters S., Ott J., Buse J., Filz K., Rödder D., Wagner N., Jaeschke A., Schulte U., Veith M., Griebeler E.M. & K. Böhning-Gaese: "Statusreport „Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland.“ BfN (Hrsg.).
Koch K., Ziegler D.A., Griebeler E.M. (2012). Nischenmodell für Sympetrum striolatum (Odonata: Libellulidae). Libellula Supplement, 12: 151-160.
Müller D.W.H., Codron D., Werner J., Fritz J., Hummel J., Griebeler E.M., Clauss M. (2012): Dichotomy of eutherian reproduction and metabolism. Oikos, 121:102-115.
Werner J., Griebeler E.M. (2012). Reproductive investment in moa: a K-selected life-history strategy? Evolutionary Ecology, 26(6) 1391-1419.
Buse J., Griebeler E.M. (2011). Incorporating classified dispersal assumptions in predictive distribution models – a case study with grasshoppers and bush-crickets. Ecological Modelling, 222: 2130-2141.
Griebeler E.M. (2011). Are individual based models a suitable approach to estimate population vulnerability: a case study. Computational Ecology and Software 1:14-24.
Griebeler E.M., Werner J. (2011). The life-cycle of sauropod dinosaurs. Seiten 263-275 in: Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs: Understanding the life of giants (Hrsg. N. Klein, K. Remes, C. Gee, M. Sander). Life of the Past (Hrsg. J. Farlow) Indiana University Press.
Hillen J., Kaster T., Pahle J., Kiefer A., Elle O., Griebeler E.M., Veith M. (2011). Sex-specific habitat selection in an edge habitat specialist, the western barbastelle bat. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 48:180-190.
Thomas G., Klobučar G. I. V., Seitz A., Griebeler E.M. (2011). A new approach in biomonitoring freshwater ecosystems based on the genetic status of the bioindicator Dreissena polymorpha. Seiten 495-505 in: Mussels: Anatomy, Habitat and Environmental Impact (Hrsg. F. Columbus), Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Werner J., Griebeler E.M. (2011). Reproductive Biology and Its Impact on Body Size: Comparative Analysis of Mammalian, Avian and Dinosaurian Reproduction. PLOS ONE, 6(12): e28442. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028442.
Sander M., Christian A., Clauss M., Fechner R., Gee C.T., Griebeler E.M., Gunga H.-C., Hummel J., Mallison H., Perry S.F., Preuschoft H., Rauhut O.W.M., Remes K., Tütken T., Wings O., Witzel U. (2011). Biology of the Sauropod Dinosaurs. The Evolution of Gigantism. Biological Reviews, 86(1): 117-155.
Hammouti N., Griebeler E.M., Barr N., Mazih A., Seitz A. (2011). Extension of the Pathway Analysis for the Medfly (Ceratitis capitata): mtDNA variation among Morocco Populations. Bulletin IOBC/WPRS 62: 163-176.
Griebeler E.M., Gottschalk E. (2010). Conservation of the grey bush cricket, Platycleis albopunctata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) under differing habitat conditions: implications from an individual-based model. Seiten 385-400 in: Survival on changing climate – Phylogeography and conservation of relict species (Hrsg. J. Habel, T. Aßmann), Springer.
Hilgerloh G., Caprano T., Griebeler E.M. (2010). Calibrating the operational beam width and the maximum range of a ship radar used for bird observations. The Journal of Navigation, 63: 363-371.
Ritz J., Griebeler E.M., Huber R., Clauss M. (2010). Body size development of captive and free-ranging African spurred tortoises (Geochelone sulcata): High
Allner, B., von der Gönna S., Griebeler E.M., Nikutowski N., Schaat A., Stahlschmidt-Allner P. (2010). Reproductive functions of wild fish as bioindicators of reproductive toxicants in the aquatic environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 17: 505-518.
Griebeler E.M., Caprano T., Böhning-Gaese K. (2010). Evolution of avian clutch size along latitudinal gradients: influence of seasonality of resources, nest predation and the length of the breeding season. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23: 888-901.
Buse J., Griebeler E.M., Seitz A. (2009). Der Einfluss des Klima- und Landschaftswandels auf Arten und ihre Lebensräume in Rheinland-Pfalz. BfN-Skripten 252: 90-93.
Matthes U., Vasconcelos A.C., Konold W., Grigoryan G., Casper M., Sauer T., Spies E.-D., Tintrup G., Trapp M., Buse J., Griebeler E.M., Seitz A., Kraus C., Bücking M. (2009). Klima- und Landschaftswandel in Rheinland-Pfalz. Projekt zur Vulnerabilitätsanalyse und zur Entwicklung landesspezifischer Strategien zur Anpassung. Archiv für Forstwesen und Landschaftsökologie, 43: 57-69.
Voigt F.A., Arafeh R., Farwig N., Griebeler E.M., Böhning-Gaese K. (2009). Linking seed dispersal and genetic structure of trees: A biogeographical approach. Journal of Biogeography, 36: 242-254.
Griebeler E.M., Maas H., Veith M. (2008). Survival of the endangered red-winged grasshopper Oedipoda germanica (Caelifera: Acrididae) under current and degrading habitat conditions of a dynamic landscape coined by viticulture. Seiten 115-134 in: Insect ecology and conservation (Hrsg. S. Frattorini), Research Signpost.
Griebeler E.M., Seitz A. (2007). Effects of increasing temperatures on population dynamics of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha: implications from an individual based model. Oecologia, 151: 530-543.
Griebeler E.M., Müller J.C., Seitz A. (2006). Spatial genetic patterns generated by two admixing genetic lineages: a simulation study. Conservation Genetics, 7: 753-766.
Griebeler E.M., Seitz A. (2006). The use of Markovian metapopulation models: Reducing the dimensionality of transition matrices by self-organizing Kohonen networks. Ecological Modelling, 192: 271-285.
Johannesen J., Johannesen B., Griebeler E.M., Baran I., Tunc M., Kiefer A., Veith M. (2006). Distortion of symmetrical introgression in a hybrid zone: evidence for locus-specific selection and uni-directional range expansion. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19: 705-716.
Schaefer H.-C., Eshiamwata G.W., Munyekenye F.B., Griebeler E.M., Böhning-Gaese K. (2006). Monthly survival of breeding African Sylvia warblers in a seasonal tropical environment. Ibis, 148: 411-424.
Schaefer H.-C., Eshiamwata G.W., Munyekenye F.B., Griebeler E.M., Böhning-Gaese K. (2005). Nest predation is little affected by parental behaviour and nest site in two African Sylvia warblers. Journal of Ornithology, 146: 167-175.
Griebeler E. M., Böhning-Gaese K. (2004). Evolution of clutch size along latitudinal gradients: revisiting Ashmole’s hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6: 679-694.
Kadereit J.W., Griebeler E.M., Comes H.-P. (2004). Quaternary diversification of European alpine plants: pattern and process. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions, 359: 265-274.
Gottschalk E., Griebeler E.M., Waltert M., Mühlenberg M. (2003). Population dynamics in the Grey Bush Cricket Platycleis albopunctata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) – What causes interpopulation differences? Journal of Insect Conservation, 7: 45-58.
Griebeler E.M., Seitz A. (2002). An individual based model for the conservation of the endangered Large Blue Butterfly, Maculinea arion (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Ecological Modelling, 156: 43-60.
Müller J. C., Griebeler E.M. (2002). Genetics of invasive species. Seiten 173-182 in: Invasive aquatic species of Europe - distribution, impact and management (Hrsg. E. Leppäkoski, S. Gollasch, S. Olenin), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Griebeler E.M., Seitz A. (2001). The use of Markovian metapopulation models: A comparison of three methods reducing the dimensionality of transition matrices. Theoretical Population Biology, 60: 303-313.
Griebeler E.M., Gottschalk E. (2000). An individual based model of the impact of suboptimal habitats on survival of the grey bush cricket, Platycleis albopunctata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 4: 225-237.
Griebeler E.M., E. Gottschalk (2000). The influence of temperature model assumptions on prognosis accuracy of extinction risk. Ecological Modelling 134: 343-356.
Gottschalk E., Griebeler E.M., Heidenreich A., Poethke H.J., Schmeller D. (1999). Von der Biologie einer Art zur Ermittlung des Flächenbedarfs einer überlebensfähigen Population - das Beispiel der Westlichen Beißschrecke (Platycleis albopunctata). NNA-Berichte 2/99: 41-45.
Poethke H.J., Griebeler E.M., Heidenreich A. (1998). Die Rolle populations-ökologischer Modelle in der Langzeitforschung und als Prognoseinstrument im Naturschutz. Schriftenreihe für Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz 58: 47-62.
Poethke H.J., Griebeler E.M., Appelt M., Gottschalk E., Settele J. (1999). Modelle als Instrumente der Gefährdungsabschätzung von Tierpopulationen. Seiten 126-147 in: Populationsbiologie in der Naturschutzpraxis: Isolation, Flächenbedarf und Biotopansprüche von Pflanzen und Tieren (Hrsg. K. Amler, A. Bahl, K. Henle, G. Kaule, P. Poschlod, J. Settele), Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart.
Griebeler E.M. (1997). Modellierung des Extinktionsrisikos von Metapopulationen. Mainzer Informatik Berichte, 5/97: 121-127.
Griebeler E.M., Pauler R., Poethke H.J. (1995). Maculinea arion (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): Ein Beispiel für die Deduktion von Naturschutzmaßnahmen aus einem Modell. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 24: 201-206.
Poethke H.J., Griebeler E.M., Pauler R. (1994). Individuenbasierte Modelle als Entscheidungshilfen im Artenschutz. Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz 3: 197-206.