Chantal S. Ingham
Evolutionary Ecology
Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution
Hanns-Dieter-Hüsch-Weg 15
55128 Mainz
phone: +49 - (0) 6131 - 39 26108
fax: +49 - (0) 6131 - 39 23731
since 2017:
PhD student, Evolutionary Ecology, iOME
Working title: “Effect of host defenses on symbiont adaptations and genome erosion in a protective mutualism”
Master of Science Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Thesis: Identification of individual and synergistic contributions of symbionts in firebugs through symbiont isolation, characterization, and re-infection experiments
Bachelor of Science Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Teaching experience
Teaching assistant: Genetic exercises (basic course developmental biology)
Funding in the framework of equal opportunities, granted by the equal opportunities commissioner of the Faculty of Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Chantal S. Ingham, Tobias Engl, Martin Kaltenpoth (2018): Phylogenetic distribution of NO resistance as a driver of host-symbiont specificity in a protective mutualism. 9th International Symbiosis Society Congress, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Chantal S. Ingham , Tobias Engl & Martin Kaltenpoth (2018): Rooting NO-driven host-symbiont coevolution in beewolves. 7th International conference on Microbial Communication for young scientists, Jena, Germany.
Chantal S. Ingham (2018): Transmissionsrouten der extrazellulären Darmsymbionten Klebsiella und Bartonella in der Feuerwanze Probergrothius angolensis. - Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Biology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Chantal Ebert, Adam Martinez, Martin Kaltenpoth (2017): Transmission routes of Klebsiella and Bartonella, the extracellular gut symbionts of Probergrothius angolensis (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae). CRC1182 Young Investigator Research Day.