Closing Conference Mainz

International Conference, June 29-30, 2017 at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

"International Degree Programmes in Humanities and Cultural Studies: Chances, Perspectives, Challenges"

Table of contents

The conference deals with prominent aspects of internationalisation of teaching in humanities and cultural studies and focuses on the following key aspects:

  • Language Diversity – most international degree programmes use English as the language of instruction. But is this the only way or are there other concepts to support language diversity, which is considered to be one central aspect of humanities and cultural studies?
  • International Classroom – students of international degree programmes form a highly inhomogeneous group. How can we build bridges between the different academic, cultural and social backgrounds of students and create links to the contents of the curriculum?
  • Employability – the transition from university to working life is a challenge, especially for students of humanities and cultural studies. Can we find suitable approaches and activities to support workplace competences and employability, which can be integrated into national and international study programmes?

The conference is planned as a workshop with a focus on networking and exchanging ideas between colleagues and institutions. Introductory keynotes will be complemented by presentations of best practice examples and roundtable discussions, in which all participants are invited to contribute to forward-looking ideas and solutions


Thursday, 29.06.2017 - Topic I: Employability

Moderation: Katharina Greuel (Institut Français Mainz), Eva-Maria Magel (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)


Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Dr. Georg Krausch, president of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Klaus Haupt, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Brussel
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hildebrandt, Gutenberg Teaching Council of JGU Mainz
Beate Körner, National Agency for EU-Higher Educaton Cooperation, DAAD, Bonn

Project TALC_me: Focus on Skills and Employability
Prof. Dr. Stephan Jolie, Project "TALC_me", Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Traineeprogramm der Allianz
Vanessa Stroh M.A., Trainee at the Allianz-Trainee-Programme, Mainz

Employability – Eine lohnende Herausforderung für Universitäten
Dr. Jan Knauer, Project "Employability", Career Service, University of Minster

Discussion: Schnittstellen zwischen Arbeitswelt und Universität im Hinblick auf Employability

coffee break

Geisteswissenschaftler werden keine CEOs – oder doch? Das Bertelsmann Creative Management Program
Dr. Nico Rose, Trainee-programme for humanists, Bertelsmann, Gütersloh

Blog Geisteswirtschaft - GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen in der Wirtschaft
Gianna Reich, Blogger „Geisteswirtschaft“, Duisburg

Working groups and discussion: Employability „weiter denken“

Evening reception and dinner

Friday, 30.06.2017 - Topic II: International Classroom

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre (Stockholms universitet), Prof. Dr. Victor Millet (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)


The danger of the single story – embedding interculturalism in the curriculum
Dr. Catriona Cunningham, Academic Development, University of Stirling

Der Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Lexicography
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schierholz, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Der Erasmus Mundus Master GLITEMA
Prof. Dr. John Greenfield, University of Porto


Coffee break

Eine Nomaden-Hochschule bewegt Menschen und Ideen quer durch Europa
Erfahrungen aus der interdisziplinären und internationalen Lehre am Beispiel der Projekte des Cross-Border-Network of History and Arts
Prof. Dr. Anna Bulanda-Pantalacci, Winner of the Academy of Sciences Award of Rhineland-Palatinate, Trier University of  Applied Sciences

Deutsch-Französische Studiengänge in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften Mainz-Dijon
Lisa Weglinski and Romy van Stigt, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz

TALC_me Intensive Study Programme
Participants of the TALC_me-Intensive Study Programmes

Working groups and discussion


Topic III: Language Diversity

Moderation: Dr. Kristýna Solomon (Univerzitá Palackého v Olomouci), Prof. Dr. Manfred Kern (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg)

Die Sprachenfrage in internationalen Studienangeboten
Prof. Dr. Uwe Koreik, TDU-Project, Universitry of Bielefeld

Die bilaterale Kooperation Dresden – Trento
Marie-Christin Piotrowski, TU Dresden

Der Internationale Joint Degree Master Sociolinguistics and Multilingualism,
Stephanie Cebulla, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz



Aufgeklärte Mehrsprachigkeit – Perspektiven und Herausforderungen für polyglotte Lerngruppen
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Thiele, Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz

RUBsala - Interkulturelle Sprachdidaktik des Deutschen
Lisa Porps, Ruhr-University of Bochum

Working groups und Discussion

Closure and gratitude


The conference is jointly organised by the EU-Project “Textual and Literary Cultures in Medieval Europe” and the Gutenberg Teaching Council of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Picture Gallery