22.02.-04.03.2016 in Palermo
"Wahrnehmung des Fremden - Konstruktion des Anderen. Chanson de Roland, Rolandslied und Willehalm"
In the course of our Intensive Study Programme 2016, students and lectures from nine European countries will come together in Palermo for two weeks in order to discuss questions of alterity and the experience of foreignness, of heroic chivalry and crusage ideology as well as cultural, religious and social conflict situations in the High Middle Ages, on the basis of three influental, paradigmatic literary texts of the 12th and early 13th century.
Mon, 22.02.
Interkulturelle Reflexion
Prof. Dr. Laura Auteri
Ein Tag im Sprachbad: Mittelhochdeutsch
Prof. Dr. Victor Millet | Prof. Dr. Heinz Sieburg
Tue, 23.02.
Schrift, Kultur, Literatur
Dott.ssa. Alessandra Molinari | Prof. Dr. Heinz Sieburg
Wed, 24.02.
Genius loci: Palermo und Friedrich II.
Prof. Dr. Victor Millet | Dott.ssa. Alessandra Molinari
Thu, 25.02.
Stoffgeschichte: Vom König und vom Krieg erzählen
Prof. Dr. John Greenfield
Fri, 26.02.
Fremdwahrnehmung: Das Fremde und das Eigene
Dr. Elke Huwiler
Sat, 27.02.
Workshop: Wie kommt die Wissenschaft in die Welt?
Eva-Maria Magel
Mon, 29.02.
Religion und Gewalt
Prof. Dr. Manfred Kern
Tue, 01.03.
Familie - Sippe - Verwandtschaft
Prof. Dr. Stephan Jolie | Prof. Dr. Manfred Kern
Wed, 02.03.
Lachen in Zeiten des Krieges
Prof. Dr. Kristýna Solomon
Thu, 03.03.
Raumwahrnehmung und Kartographie
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre
Fri, 04.03.
AG Scrapbook: Wie kommt die Wissenschaft in Eure Welt?
Katharina Greuel | Prof. Dr. Stephan Jolie | Eva-Maria Magel
Conditions for participation
You can apply to participate in our Intensive Study Programme if you
- are enrolled at one of our partner universities,
- are doing a Master’s degree in German studies or are doing a doctorate in German literary studies (in exceptional cases, particularly talented Bachelor students can also take part in the ISP),
- have an adequate command of German (at least B2),
- have outstanding grades,
- have a basic understanding of Middle High German and premodern literature and culture,
- have a high level of social and intercultural expertise,
- are highly involved in your subject of study
Please submit your application to your university’s project partner by the 27th November 2015. By the 4th December, the project partner and an additional representative of the subject will select the participants from the applications submitted.
Project Scrapbook
In this ISP, there is a practical task that will be carried out throughout the entire programme as an additional topic.
Our idea is to use a scrapbook to simulate how scientific content enters and is used in everyday life. Each participant will have their own page. They can make use of science-journalistic texts, advertising slogans, theatre plays, photomontages and documentaries. Is Roland a photo model? Is Willehalm a main character in an interreligious campaign? The main thing is that students use medieval study methods to present their daring reinventions. We will provide students with the contents of the daily seminars to use as a starting point.
The scrapbook is supposed to provide students with the chance to experiment. They can either do this by applying a well-practiced talent (writing, painting, taking pictures, drawing etc.) or by trying their hand at a new field: Journalism, editing, curation, press and media work, documenting. Or they can do both!
At the end, the result will be a scrapbook that consists of everyone’s contributions. It is not supposed to be a cheesy photo album but rather a patchwork project that portrays the students’ individual approaches and standpoints on the topics of the ISP.
Picture gallery