06.03.-17.03.2017 in Olomouc
"Liebe und Tod. Vom Wandel menschlicher Grunderfahrungen"
Life and death are the main focus of the Intensive Study Programme 2017 in Olomouc in the Czech Republic. Over the course of two weeks, students and teachers from nine European countries will explore and discuss Gottfried’s “Tristan” – considered to be the romantic novel of the High Middle Ages –, the Old Czech version of “Tristan” and Johannes von Tepl’s “The Ploughman and Death” on which one of the most significant works of Czech literature (the “Tkadleçek”) was based. The programme will be conducted as a typical seminar and will be accompanied by a practically oriented project format. At the end of the ISP, the students will organize a Lecture Performance and will present the results in front of an audience. We will reinforce the connection between theory and practice by organizing an excursion and providing a workshop on professional competencies.
Mon, 06.03.
Ein Tag im Sprachbad: Mittelhochdeutsch
Prof. Dr. Manfred Kern | Prof. Dr. Victor Millet | Dr. Tina Terrahe
Tue, 07.03.
Codex, Schrift und Hermeneutik
Prof. Dr. Manfred Kern | Prof. Dr. Victor Millet
Wed, 08.03.
Liebe, Tod und Liebestod
Prof. Dr. Manfred Kern | Prof. Dr. Victor Millet
Thu, 09.03.
Literatur in Böhmen / Einführung in den Tristan-Stoff
Dr. Kristýna Solomon
Exkursion nach Heiligenberg und Sternberg
Fri, 10.03.
Genderspezifische Aspekte von minnen. Genderkonstruktion im Tristan
Dr. Elke Huwiler
Sat, 11.03.
Workshop: Berufsfeldorientierung
Eva-Maria Magel
Sun, 12.03.
AG Lecture Performance
Katharina Greuel | Prof. Dr. Stephan Jolie | Eva-Maria Magel
Stadführung durch Olomouc
Mon, 13.03.
Prof. Dr. John Greenfield
Tue, 14.03.
Liebe/Minne als kulturelle Praxis im Mittelalter
Prof. Dr. Heinz Sieburg
Wed, 15.03.
Liebe und Tod im Ackermann I
Dott.ssa Alessandra Molinari | Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre
Thu, 16.03.
Liebe und Tod im Ackermann II
Dott.ssa Alessandra Molinari | Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre
Fri, 17.03.
Lecture Performance
Katharina Greuel | Prof. Dr. Stephan Jolie | Eva-Maria Magel
Conditions for participation
You can apply to participate in our Intensive Study Programme if you
- are enrolled at one of our partner universities,
- are doing a Master’s degree in German studies or are doing a doctorate in German literary studies (in exceptional cases, particularly talented Bachelor students can also take part in the ISP),
- have an adequate command of German (at least B2),
- have outstanding grades,
- have a basic understanding of Middle High German and premodern literature and culture,
- have a high level of social and intercultural expertise,
- are highly involved in your subject of study
Please submit your application to your university’s project partner by the 25th November 2016. By the 2nd December, the project partner and an additional representative of the subject will select the participants from the applications submitted.
Project Lecture Performance
In this ISP, it is the second time that a practical task will be accompanying the entire course of the programme on a daily basis.
This time we want to make use of a presentation format that has been very popular in science and the performing arts for quite some time: The lecture performance. It is not a long-winded presentation or a science slam, but rather a format of creative and artistic presentations that aim to pass on knowledge and can address questions and personal doubts. Artists from decades ago like Joseph Beuys and artists from the recent past such as Xavier LeRoy made use of this format, as do a number of (humanities) scholars. At the end of our ISP, we intend to present our lecture performance together with our students on, in front of and behind the stage of the university theatre in Olomouc to our fellow Czech students and hosts.

This format is supposed to provide students with the opportunity to experiment. They can either do this by applying a well-practiced talent such as writing, designing, taking pictures, filming or acting, or they can try out a new field: Journalism, editing, curation, press and media work, presenting and documenting. In this ISP, everything ranging from the content conception, the documentation to advertising is to be designed by the students.

Script (german)
Picture Gallery