How has Europe been shaped the way it is? How will it develop in the future? What processes and transfers took place long before today’s nations were formed? The cultures and languages of Europe provide the basis on which our future depends. A new generation of medievalists should learn how cultures and languages developed, what discussions took place – and then draw their own conclusions. This is important not only for our common future in Europe, but also for young Europeans to be able to develop professionally. By looking back at – and understanding – the Middle Ages, we can learn about mastering the challenges of tomorrow. The study of the cultural and literary history of pre-modern Europe can be made into a resource which can allow us to mould the future of our open, pluralistic society - by being aware of our history, well-prepared for a variety of jobs and having the ability to move between different cultures.
Project Coordination
Prof. Dr. Stephan Jolie
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Strategic Partnership