
6th Transnational Meeting

01.07.2017 in Mainz

We spent our final Transnational Meeting reflecting on the past three years and contemplating what we had achieved during this time. We also came up with a plan for our final project month and listed all the tasks and challenges that we would still have to face during the rest of our time.

Closing Conference

29.-30.06.2017 in Mainz

"International Degree Programmes in Humanities and Cultural Studies: Chances, Perspectives, Challenges"

Our big final meeting took place in June at the University of Mainz. University professors, representatives with professional experience and students spent two days discussing the opportunities and challenges of international degrees. We mainly focused on the three major topics of Employability, International Classroom and linguistic diversity.

5th Transnational Meeting

18.-19.11.2016 in Salzburg

At the University of Salzburg, our consortium got together once again to discuss how we intend to proceed with our project. This time we mainly focused on preparing our final ISP in Olomouc in March 2017 for which we have developed a new practice project as a way of demonstrating to our students how closely studying is connected to working in the real world.


14.-15.06.2016 in Palermo

The partners of the universities that intend to accredit our JMD spent two days discussing how to organize and implement our degree program. After an extremely productive meeting, we were able to come up with a plan for our JMD which means we can now concentrate on the aspect of accreditation in the months to come.

4th Transnational Meeting

27.-28.05.2015 in Amsterdam

In our fourth Transnational Meeting which was held in Amsterdam, we started planning our Multiplier Events which will take place at each partner university next year. We used evaluations from our past ISP which took place in Palermo to come up with new ideas. With the help of our entire consortium, we got to know inspiring, new best-practice models which will assist us in organizing our degree program.

3rd Transnational Meeting

27.-28.11.2015 in Porto

During our third Transnational Meeting, we all got together in Porto. After an extremely productive meeting, we now have four partner universities that will accredit our JMD. For the next ISP in February/March 2016, we have developed new lesson structures as a way of putting our principles to the test.

2nd Transnational Meeting

19.-20.06.2015 in Luxemburg

On our second Transnational Meeting our consortium came together in Luxembourg for two days. The progress of the individual working groups were reported and discussed, further tasks were shared and milestones defined. One of the central themes of the meeting were the previous ISP and its evaluation from which we were able to gain new ideas for our next ISP and for designing our individual module.

WG 1: Workshop

20.03.2015 in Mainz

"Mediävistische Kompetenzen und Employability"

What does a well-trained mediaevist bring to the table and what distinguishes an employable candidate? In order to prepare our SWOT-analysis, we invited representatives from diverse relevant fields old German, media and culture to Mainz for a one day workshop. This group explored the strengths and weaknesses mediaevistics has when it comes to employability. From this input we are now developing our employers and alumni survey to find out the skills we need to promote further or stronger in our field of studies.

1st Transnational Meeting

29.11.2014 in Mainz

This kick-off-Meeting in Mainz dealt with important decisions concerning future steps and methods for our project. Apart from agreeing on the communication structure and project management, the tasks of the different AGs were defined and first input for our SWOT-analysis was collected. Of special importance was the planning of the first ISP in Porto, for which we developed lesson structures in order to help students bridge the gap between theory and practice.