Multiplier Event Santiago de Compostela

30.-31. March 2017 at the University of Santiago de Compostela

TALC_me intends to make use of another humanistic European project in order to gain attention in related circles. During the Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (EMLex) meeting, TALC_me will have the chance to give a talk on Employability. Victor Millet from the University of Santiago will present the project as a whole and Eva-Maria Magel from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung will specifically discuss the work carried out in the field of Employability.

Programme (extract)

Section I. Lecture session
Teaching and learning lexicography

Chair: Eva Buchi.

Lexicography in Higher Education Institutions. European Master in Lexicography with an Erasmus Mundus Joint Degree.
Stefan Schierholz – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen (Germany).

Section II. Employability measures.

Chair: Paulo Gamalho.

Eva Maria Magel – Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany).

Section III. Talk with us!


Section IV. Building bridges between lexicography and industry.

Chair: Stefan Schierholz.

Round table.

  • María Teresa Gondar Oubiña – Pons. Editorial Director Dictionaries.
  • Thierry Fontenelle – Head of the Translation Department, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union.
  • Joserra Mosteiro – Netex- Innovative Learning Technologies.
  • Langenscheidt representative.

Closing session.

See full programme

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