TALC_me: Textual and Literary Cultures in Medieval Europe
TALC_me addresses the employability of students from a number of disciplines in the humanities which are currently in high demand: the field of medieval studies, which links approaches from cultural studies and literary analysis. Because the subjects studied in this field – texts, images and written records from the European Middle Ages – seem to have no immediate implications for a future career at first sight, students of these subjects often feel ill-prepared for the requirements of the working world. Against this background, the applicants are convinced that with the suitable methodological training, students are already being prepared for the job market through the subjects and materials they study, especially with regard to the intercultural competences conveyed in these studies.
The aim of TALC_me is to provide students with methodological tools, to complement these tools with job-related and competence-oriented elements, and to translate all these skills into an academic program. The output of such a program is
- on the basis of a SWOT-analysis, to give students guidelines and recommendations aimed at providing them with intercultural and career-related competences for teaching in the humanities, using literary medieval studies as a case in point,
- to develop a course curriculum for a European Joint Master Degree of 120 CP, which as best practice model can be adapted to related disciplines,
- to create a module on „intercultural competence and career orientation“, which, as a best practice model which can be employed in multiple ways and which can be implemented in Bachelor, Master’s and PhD programs in the humanities, as well as
- to provide an open-access platform supplying study and teaching materials and offering competence and career orientation to students of European humanities and cultural studies
In order to put the teaching and study materials into practice, to evaluate them and to optimize their efficiency in a sustainable manner, there are, among other measures, three intensive study programmes bringing together students and faculty from ten different countries with partners from the working world.
The group is convinced that this can only be accomplished within a European framework, since the development of students’ competences can be furthered in the exchange of European partners and, on the other hand, since particular synergy effects for qualifying students for the working world can be achieved by taking into account the specific experiences and practices models in the job markets of different European countries. All in all, the TALC_me project unites thirteen different partners, ten universities from nine countries of the European Union as well as three non-academic partners (the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, a major German newspaper; the Gutenberg Museum Mainz, the Institut Français Mainz), which will channel their competences from the working world into the teaching modules which to be developed in the program. The project can benefit from experiences which have already been gained through the Erasmus-Mundus-Programms GLITEMA (which has been funded by the EU since 2010) and the European Master’s program GLEMA.
Because of the high demand for suitable measures for preparing graduates from the humanities for the job market and providing them with adequate competences, TALC_me is confident in the high efficiency of the measures and formats it develops. Their efficiency will be enhanced through a communication strategy which has specifically been developed for the program. Because the implementation of the newly developed teaching formats and curricula will already be implemented during the funding period, and because the best practice models, complemented from annotated accounts of key points and guidelines, will be published in a widely available brochure and through open-access, all these measures are geared towards sustainability.
Lasting three years (01/09/2014-31/08/2017) and with a funding amount of EUR 381,847.00 from the EU, the project is being realized in the context of Erasmus+ strategic partnerships. Once the project has come to an end, you will be able to view the project results online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.