Gruppe 1
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Stenzel
Department of Film, Theater and Empirical Cultural Studies
Professor Dr. Winfried Eckel
Department of General and Comparative Literature
Professor Dr. Jochen Geilfuß-Wolfgang
Department of German Studies
Professor Dr. Alfred Gall
Department of Slavic Studies
Professor Dr. Britta Mondorf
Department of English and Linguistics
Gruppe 2
Annemarie Deser
Franziska Koch
Gustav Kumm
Gregor Lilienfein
Linda Muster
Gruppe 3
Dr. Matthias Eitelmann
Department of English and Linguistics
Michael Gerhard
Department of Philosophy
Dr. Kerstin Riedel
Department of German Studies
Dr. habil. Julian Rentzsch
Department of Oriental Studies
Professor Dr. Ute Schneider
Department of Book Science